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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    Green saab

    Take it from someone who knows..... Dads will do ANYTHING for their little girls!!!! Apparently including turning their sports-cars into rolling bill boards!!!! Love the Saab sticker Amanda! S.
  2. stanley

    The Blurr

    Skull on a stick? Tasmanian Devil & Road-runner!!! I don't have much of an opinion on what either one is, but I owe you guys thanks for putting a smile on my face during a BUSY/CRAPPY day at work!!! S.
  3. stanley

    Hows your archery hunt going ?

    OK, we get it now Harley (though in your initial post it mentioned nothing about them being off-road....) ..... Well, the bottom line is that it is a bummer your hunt was screwed-up. Maybe next time a call to the Forest Service (or appropriate officials for an 'M' area, depending on the land status) to report it would be a good idea! Sincerely though, good luck in your future hunting. S.
  4. stanley

    Not a Coues buck

    Not as good of a close-up here, but my son caught this little critter on our annual camping trip to Utah this year..... Always fun to find a couple of them! When I was a kid growing-up, if/when we would come across one, one of our favorite things to do was to take it to an ant-hole, set it down, and watch it gobble the ants down! Cheap thrills for a young kid, I suppose.... Thanks for sharing! S.
  5. stanley

    big problem

  6. stanley

    Hows your archery hunt going ?

    Uh, no you weren't clear..... You mentioned nothing about them driving across no road.... "later that day came back to this area and there was some jack butt driving around on a quad.. Sadly i know the people too, and they are suppose to be "top hunters" .. lost all respect in my minds eye.. " Always makes me smile when folks complain about others out doing their thing on public land. If you hunt a blind/tank, then expect to get messed-up by somebody else out there enjoying the great outdoors on occasion. If you hunt a metro unit (or ANY piece of public land....), then expect the same thing.... Then you won't be dissapointed! Sincere good luck in finding some solitude next time!!! S.
  7. stanley

    Elk Bugle

    Awesome!!!!!! I'll be up in the north country scouting again this weekend. Can't wait for the 10th! S.
  8. stanley

    Hunting Water after a big rain

    David Brown did a study of the western most population of coues deer in the organ pipe n.m. and found that they could go days and even weeks without water because they got most of it through metabolic water from the food they ate. So they can go a long time if range conditions are favorable. Another thing that was said was that one day it rains and the next day hot and dry without any puddles left except the road. washes scoured to bedrock with overhanging banks or vegetation keeping evaporation low will hold water pockets for weeks after the rain. These deer are survivors and I personally think they will go to great lengths not to drink at an established water tank. Basically they only do it cause they have to, if there is any other option they will take it. JMO no expert here. Maybe Jim can chime in on this one? +1........ I learned a long time ago (while archery hunting the Kiabab.....) that deer don't need water every day. Nice green grass with a little dew on it is just fine for them!!! S.
  9. Awesome Wildlife Callers!!!!! Thanks for sharing! S. PS: Doug, you're the best!!!!
  10. stanley


    Hmmm...... No offense, but I suspect you are not REALLY considerding walking away from hunting. If you feel like I do about hunting, there is NO WAY you could ever do that!! For me personally, I also see the stories here. I have never personally experienced completely rude behavior on a mass scale. I'm surprized that you have experienced this on your 'last few hunts....'. If you have really experienced rudeness in your last few hunts, then I would suggest that you change your hunting location. Then all will be good for you, and the rude guys can continue on their own personal miserable journey through life. S.
  11. stanley

    Ain't No Jib Jab Here!!!

    Way to go Christian!!!! I'll be drinking a couple and maybe even doing a little jig (that's a dance, for you youngsters.....) if/when my friends and I experience any success on my elk hunt in 3 weeks!!! S.
  12. stanley


    I don't know about sizing Prong Horns, but I would say the second one looks good to me!!! Can't belive you have a great Prong Horn tag, AND a great muley tag in one year!!!! Looking forward to the pics/story Allen!! Good luck! S.
  13. stanley

    A Worthless Waste of Hunting Gear

    Good Lord Lark! I just spit water out over my desk!!! S.
  14. stanley


    Between myself and my three kids, it seems like I do this kind of thing 1-3 times per year!! Seems I'm perpetually buying duplicate tags/licences!!! S.
  15. stanley

    "The Hunt For Deuce"

    Thanks much for sharing the story and pics Jim!!!! Great write-up! Congrats on a great bull Mike, and congrats to the entire Mullin's crew!! S.
  16. stanley

    Climbing Rabbitt

    I thought this post was going to be about Doug's last hunt down in the Baboquivaris!!!!! S.
  17. stanley


    Good luck azhuntin! I hope your son gets one of the left-overs!! Both of my two boys already have that tag in pocket, and we're hoping for a great hunt as always! Being able to chase muleys AND coues at the same time is a blast!! Hey Lee, maybe keep an eye out here for folks like azhuntin and/or if you are available during the late Junior Hunt. I've been down to the Junior Camp that SCI hosts there over the years, and they absolutely LOVE to have folks around the Junior Camp to help steer kids in the right direction. Any experience you have in the unit would be appreciated then for sure!! Watch for info on the Junior Hunter's Camp here!! Good luck all!!! S.
  18. stanley

    This man is awesome!

    Yea, pretty freaking funny!!!! Colbert has been high-lighting him on his show as well...... Funny stuff! S.
  19. stanley

    Remington 700 BDL custom .308 Wino Sold

    Wow!!!! Sounds like nice package! I've got three kids that are now hunting age, and we can't seem to have too many good big game rifles in the safe! If I wasn't trying to finish outfitting/updating for my upcoming archery elk hunt this fall, I would sincerely be all over this! Someone should jump! Good luck! S.
  20. stanley

    6A Early October Rifle Bull

    Umm... That wasn't 'it'..... He gave you plenty of other info in his post. So much for 'Any help would be appreciated'.... LOT'S of good country all the way from Munds Park to Morman Lake! S.
  21. stanley

    Colorado San Juan Mountains

    Nice Doug!! Thanks for sharing! S.
  22. Once again this year, the kids and I had a great time on our annual camping trip to Southern Utah. Each summer I meet an old college friend or two and their kids for the camp-out. The crowd varies a bit from year to year, but we always have a good time! My oldest could not make it this year, but there were still plenty of folks! This year we had 4 dads and 11 kids along. LOTS of fun!! I hope you enjoy the pics! S. Greta catching some cool wind just outside of Kanab!! Ruby keeping watch while the girls explore the shore.... Always a few critters around..... Some of the crew out exploring the lake! As always, we caught plenty of fish!! Lots of BB gun shooting!! Check-out that log that the girls got for the fire!!!!! Lots of marshmallow roasting happened shortly after this!!! Greta carving her marshmallow stick!! Watch your fingers G!!!! Kids had fun exploring Mamoth Cave! Greta got to drive the boat! While I fished..... Kids & dogs sleeping-in on the last morning....
  23. stanley

    12AW tag..

    You two are LOVING it!!!!! Congrats on the tag, and good job booking with Duwane!! It's going to be a BIG BUCK party!!!!! S.
  24. stanley

    Amanda's legal defense fund!

    Better slow it down a bit Amanda!!! So were you able to sweet talk your way out of any tickets, or did you actually get two of them?? Glad you made it home safe & sound.... S.
  25. stanley

    12AW tag..

    Outstanding Allen & Chef!!!!!!!!!!!!!! S.