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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    Border Hunting

    Good morning Biker, and welcome to the site! You will get exactly what you asked for on this topic; OPINIONS! And we all know what those are like.... Here is mine: I have hunted in the 36 units for many years now. I'm not a '36 local', so I'm not down there every weekend, but I have spent a bit of time there over the years with friends and my kids. There is no doubt that the illegal border crossers (whether it is 'working immigrants' or smugglers/coyotes have had an impact there. That being said, I have camped with large groups of people, and I have camped/hunted with just myself & my kids, and I have camped/hunted by myself on occasion. I have NEVER had a problem. Have I seen trash left by illegals? Yes! Have I seen illegals? Yes! Have I seen LOT'S of Border Patrol agents? Yes! Have I ever had a 'problem' down there? NO! What happened to Robert Krentz was truly a tragedy! There have also been many accounts of Border Patrol and other agencies having run-ins with illegal’s, smugglers, and coyotes. Their job is to look for and confront these people. The fact is that the cases of recreational hunters having problems/run-ins with trouble are VERY rare. Sure, there are incidents, but given the number of hunting tags given out down there and the number of illegal’s, the % rate of actual 'incidents' is extremely low. IMO, the illegal crossers (whether farmers/workers or smugglers) want NOTHING to do with an American hunter packing a gun! In general they run, hide, and basically do anything they can to not have a confrontation. Bottom line is, I have never felt un-safe hunting down there. I would NEVER take my kids there if I felt it was un-safe. Again, many on this site may disagree with me, but you asked for an opinion and that's mine. Good luck to you! S.
  2. stanley

    Shaun's 2011 javelina

    Way to go!!!! Thanks for sharing the pics/story! Man, your family are some serious javelina hunters! S.
  3. stanley

    My daughter does it again!!

    That is so cool Ernesto!!!!! Way to go Ana! Great pics too! S.
  4. Great pics Amanda!!!!! The weekend was a blast! Yes Ilene, it was really cool to watch Laura & the guys stalk in on those pigs from 3/4 mile away! Fun to be a part of the stalk, without really being a part of the stalk! Bill, TJ, Ilene, Peg, John, Laura, Laurie, Crystie, Amanda, Tracy, Kathy, Sundevil & wife(forgot first names.... ), Tyler, Mark, Gabe, Steve, Craig, etc..... List goes on & on.... too many to recall, I'm afraid! So nice spending time with old friends and making new ones! Enjoyed helping the hunters and I ALWAYS enjoy sleeping under the stars by the fire! The food also rocked!!!!! No pictures from me, because unfortunately I lost my camera on the last morning of the hunt! I'm sure it's somewhere in the deep/brushy ravine that Laurie and I were stalking pigs in! Was time for a new one anyway, I suppose. Until next time friends! S. PS Amanda: Yes you did get a picture of Girls Shoot Better!!! That's her and her mom, Chrystie, sitting at the table enjoying lunch!! Right below the pic of the chefs!
  5. stanley

    Ward's Outfitters A season to Rember

    Wow! That is very cool!! Thanks for sharing! S.
  6. stanley

    T.V. show

    Thanks for the info guys! Just set the DVR! S.
  7. stanley

    Chef does Mexico

    Congrats Hector!!!! Awesome write-up, awesome pics, and obviously an awesome time for all involved!!!! Mexico is on my list!! Thanks for sharing! S.
  8. stanley

    My sons got a double

    AWESOME!!!! Thanks for sharing! S.
  9. stanley

    I had to do it again!!!

    Man, that looks YUMMY!!!! We had home made venison pot-pie from my little Greta's Kiabab doe last night. Didn't take a picture, but it sure was good! S.
  10. stanley

    Ryan's Piggy Down!!

    Outstanding John! Sounds like you all had a great time! Congrats to Ryan! S.
  11. stanley

    AZ Archery Desert Double

    Awesome!!! Great pics of you & that buck, too!! S.
  12. stanley

    2 Junior Javelina!

    Nice!!!!! Big congrats to the two young hunters!!! Great memories there! Thanks for sharing. S.
  13. stanley

    Bri gets her 1st javelina

    VERY AWESOME!!!! Congrats to Bri!! BTW, I like the 'auto loaders' for the kids. Though for safety reasons, many folks shy away from them, but with proper supervision it should not matter! The reason I like them for the little ones is the 'kick' factor seems to be less, as the action absorbs a fairly good portion of the shock. Good for her! S.
  14. stanley

    Lasik Surgery

    I had both my eyes done there a few years ago. I was 20/10 for a while and settled in at 20/20. My vision wasn't terrible, but I had a pretty bad astigmatism. Best money I ever spent. It's not cheap, but do you really want to bargain hunt when it comes to your vision? My only other suggestion would be to see the doctors that work on all our local sports team's athletes. I can't remember the name off the top of my head, but I know they are cheaper that BDP. You will not regret having it done. It's the best money I ever spent on myself. Jay Swartz is the name that I think you're looking for. I had him do my eyes 4 years ago, this month, and I was very satisfied. Lasik is awesome! NO regrets! S.
  15. stanley

    suggestion to azgfd

    It's definitely the former....... The absolutely take into account 'average' success rates for each hunt (Amongst other things like harvest objectives, etc...) to help them determine how may tags to issued. The do not plan for 100% success. S.
  16. stanley

    boiled peanuts?

    Boiled peanuts are awesome!!!!! The only time I had them, I was at an outdoor music festival/concert in Moab. Amoungst the food vendors, there was a guy with a HUGE pot of boiled peanuts! He was boiling them and selling them hot & fresh! He served them in a cup, that was almost like soup/broth. They were VERY good!!! Never had the canned variety...... S.
  17. stanley

    Jan. 17, 2011 / Canyon Lake fishing report

    Yum & fun!!!! S.
  18. stanley

    Adventures in Alabama!

    Cool Amanda!!! Looks like an awesome experience, and it sounds like the folks treated you great out there! S.
  19. stanley

    Another great time in Mexico

    Great buck, Kevin!!! Nice pics! And, yes...... Hector's not too bad to have around.... S.
  20. stanley

    Muley Down!

    Ugh!!!! Whoa!!!! Outstanding muley!!!!!! Congrats!!! S.
  21. stanley

    Women's Javelina Hunting Camp

    I'm hoping to join as well Sorry TJ, I don't know the answer to your question..... S.
  22. stanley

    brothers first deer

    Good for your brother!!!! Congrats to him! Thanks for sharing the post/pics on this site! S.
  23. stanley


    Seems like the laws roughly follow that of some other places I'm a bit familiar with. Went to school in SLC, and it was that way there. They allowed limited fireworks during limited days of the year (focused around a couple of key holidays....). Generally, they allowed the same ones that are now being sold here in Phx. Sparklers, cones, fountains, etc.... The boys would rather have bottle-rockets or M-80's, but I think my little girl will look forward to the sparklers! S.
  24. stanley

    # 3 for Enrique

    Wow!!! He's an elk killing machine!!!!! Very cool Thanks for sharing! S.
  25. stanley

    140 Inches of Coues Bone!!!

    Great bucks & great video Christian!!!! S.