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Everything posted by stanley

  1. stanley

    My 2012 Archery Javelina...

    Awesome! Congrats on the archery success! Also, cool pose in the pic! Nice use of that old Yucca! S.
  2. stanley

    "Spirit Towers" You and I...

    Dude.... That's some serious anger there! Sometimes when I'm glassing with the kids they will pile some rocks up for the fun of it when they get a little antsy or bored. I never saw it as a lack of respect for public lands. I've seen a few piles or rocks around, and it never really negatively impacted my outdoor enjoyment either. S.
  3. stanley


    Ripsey, A-Diamond, Jim Thomas, etc....... You are making me homesick! Big +1 on the across the river from A-Diamond comment. Tough country to get there, but can be worth it. Maybe access this from the Battle Ax road too, if you're into hiking a bit. S. PS: Back in the old days all of the areas mentioned were also THICK with quail!
  4. stanley


    +1 , 120carp! Find a set of tracks in a wash and start following (VERY slowly)! Seriously though BRKNARW, there are a few big deer there. They are few and far between though. If you can find a little hill in the flats and have good binoculars/tripod, you might be able to catch one. The flats are very tough though....... For some reason they often dissapear before you even see them! Sincere good luck in 37B! S. PS: I think the WM from 37B cruises this site from time to time. Maybe do a search and pick his brain?
  5. stanley

    Weiers memo

    I not sure I agree that anti-hunters gained a victory and/or are dancing with glee? Seems to me that the majority of the average hunters in the state showed solidarity, and that is a good thing. Anti's didn't win anything here. The average hunter in AZ won. If the point is that Weiers might be voted out of office based on this goat rodeo, then maybe I understand your point. Seems to me like he better try to win back the support of the 'average' hunter out there if he wants to keep his position. IMO, if he really wants to keep his position and continue to represent the hunters of this state then he should come on to boards like this one and 'make nice' with his constituents. It is apparent what power the internet boards/blogs have. He should proboably get on these boards and explain his position, listen, and then try to represent the average joe. S.
  6. stanley


    Where have you been focusing? 37B is sooooo big! Flats towards Florence? Gila river? Tecalote? 96 hills? I haven't hunted deer there in years (grew up in Kearny), but still chase quail on occasion. Saw a couple of decent bucks up high (Tecalote), but not big ones. It's just not like the good ol' days! S.
  7. stanley

    Weiers memo

    What a train wreck...... Near disaster as far as the VAST majority of hunters in this state, as far as the majority is concerned. BPJ, I'm hoping the ADA can recover from this. I was a part of the organization, served on the board and led the Youth Camp program for several years. I ended-up leaving because my career and obligations to my kids would not allow me the time to devote. I know there are good folks that are involved with the ADA, but my observation was that the general membership was distant. There was hardly any participation from the general membership at the meetings, and it seemed like most of the members only joined to go to the banquet once a year and to get the quarterly magazine. The 'average joe' out there just wants to go hunting with his buddies, IMO. Even this sight is stacked with 'trophy' hunters, but the vast majority of average hacks out there will never even cruise this message board. They just want to hunt, camp, drink beer, cook marshmallows, and watch their kids try to shoot a little buck. IMO, the average joe doesn't really care about land access down in southern AZ. I don't discount how important it may be to a relative few, but the majority will take advantage of the vast public land we have in this great state. Good luck pushing this kind of thing in the future, but I think ADA, SFW, etc. will get much more support if they started to cater more to the average dude, as opposed to 'boutique' types of interest. I hope the organization can turn around and get more involvement from the general membership. The club really needs it! All of the above is ONLY my opinion, and we all know what that is worth. I absolutely aplaud you, Amanda, Chris, Mark, Kevin, Pete, etc.. (too many to mention) for being the few to volunteer, but it seems like the club has evolved to just that; A club. Not a voice for the members, but a voice for the board. Tough stuff. S. PS: Be careful calling Lance out. He has done MUCH for wildlife, and Amanda and I have been there by his side on occasion!
  8. stanley

    AZ Safari Club

    Really an awesome opportunity! My three have already killed their first big game animal, else I would be all over this! Great opportunity provided by SCI! Forward this link to any friend that have youngsters who might quailify and want to participate! S.
  9. stanley

    2012 archery mule deer

    That's a great looking buck! Love the character of his rack. Congratulations, and thanks for sharing with the site!!! S.
  10. stanley

    My Dad Connected!!!

    Saw your facebook post, Christian! AWESOME for your dad!!!!!! Also, maybe one of the shortest lion chases ever! I went on my first (hopefully not my last) lion chase last Spring/Winter. We chased the dogs for close to 9 miles ONE WAY through some of the nastiest desert/rocks/canyons/mountains I've seen, and we never caught the cat! Was one of the most intense and best days of hunting that I have ever had though. I hope to do it again someday, and I plan on trying to be in better shape! S.
  11. stanley

    Bike Seat Buck

    That is VERY awesome!!!! Good for Garrett!! S.
  12. AWESOME!!!!! Thanks for the nice write-up and thanks for sharing with the site!! S.
  13. stanley

    Good Hunt in Sonora

    Awesome Keven! Glad you had a good hunt down there! I'll look forward to some more stories from Hector when he returns! S.
  14. Not sure if this has been posted here yet, but I saw this story today. Sucks for him! Need to be respectful and safe, and pick-up all casings, bullets, shells, etc.... Not only is it litter, but apparently it's dangerous too! Be safe all! S. http://www.azfamily.com/news/Bullet-buried-in-desert-blinds-Arizona-man-137021548.html
  15. stanley

    Good Habitat?

    +1 on the Gila and San Pedro river valleys. The washes draining into either of these rivers from the 37B mountains/hills that border the rivers are a great place to look for tracks/sign. S.
  16. stanley

    mexican drug war deaths

    Mexico is clearly dangerous if you're in the drug trade or associate with anyone in the drug trade, or are an official or report on the drug trade. Maybe even if you're an innocent citizen. Haven't heard too many stories of truly innocent touristas being harmed/killed though... Does truly suck that so many of the Mexican people are losing their lives! S.
  17. stanley

    Cleaning out office (mrs125coues)

    Used electronics are tough to sell...... If you haven't already, maybe try ebay and/or craigslist. Lots more visibility on those sites. Sincere good luck selling! S.
  18. stanley

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    Thanks for posting the links Oak. Very interesting information. elkaholic, there are actually two returns for two different entities. Both for 2009. I'm no expert, but I can read..... Looks like Suzanne got more like $94,000. Again, thanks for posting the public info, Oak. Craziest thread on cw.com in a LONG time! S.
  19. stanley

    ADA Banquet

    Ugh..... Mi vida loca! Unfortunately, I have a father/daughter weekend event with my little sweetie at Camp Tontozona on Feb 25th. (Though, I'm greatly looking forward to the weekend with my daughter.....) Seems like I've been tied-up for the past several ADA banquets now! I truly wish the ADA good luck on this year's banquet. I think it's a great idea to do it in partnership with the ISE! Maybe will result in great attendance!! Good luck all and spend lots of money!!! S.
  20. stanley

    Is that my deer?

    I think a lot of guys are shy about posting location, even the unit in a public forum. Unfortunately, in today's world it seems like the concerns are often warranted....... I would suggest that the next time you see a post of a deer that looks familiar, maybe send the hunter a private message. He or she might be a bit more willing to share that information privately. S.
  21. stanley

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    +1 We are not too far removed to remember the Fiesta Bowl and their "administrative" costs. Different arena same corruption The AZSFW board is strictly volunteers initially, each of the beginning few who started the organization back several years ago were required to pony up some significant cash to be a board member. The only person who does get paid is Capitol Consulting, who acts as our lobbyist at the state legislature. I know of absolutely no lobbyist who would ever do the political infighting that has been necessary to carry the water for us who would do it as low as Suzanne and company have done. Thanks for the reply, John. I have a question regarding the wording in your statement though. You mention; "..... strickly volunteers initially". Is that referring to the fact that 'initially' the beginning few ponied-up money? Or is it indicating that it is 'initially' volunteers, but there could or might be paid positions in the future? Or will it always remain strickly volunteer? Again, I only ask because this seems to be a big bone of contention with SFW in other states, at least in Utah. Lark, your point regarding no outfitter response is very insighful. No doubt that local outfitters would LOVE to have more big money tag holders to guide.... S. Wow! So much traffic on this topic!!!! John; I might have missed it, but I don't think I saw a response to my question above. Will all SFW members/associates (Board members, or otherwise....) remain volunteers in the future? Or will there be administrative or executive positions created that are paid/salaried? Again, I only ask this because it seems that the Utah guys have a big problem with this in their state. Also, you mention a meeting being scheduled next week. Will that meeting be open to the public? Or members of ALL organizations that are apparently behind SFW? Or just board members of those organizations or SFW board members only? Thanks for your continued replies to this VERY hot topic! S.
  22. stanley

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    +1 We are not too far removed to remember the Fiesta Bowl and their "administrative" costs. Different arena same corruption The AZSFW board is strictly volunteers initially, each of the beginning few who started the organization back several years ago were required to pony up some significant cash to be a board member. The only person who does get paid is Capitol Consulting, who acts as our lobbyist at the state legislature. I know of absolutely no lobbyist who would ever do the political infighting that has been necessary to carry the water for us who would do it as low as Suzanne and company have done. Thanks for the reply, John. I have a question regarding the wording in your statement though. You mention; "..... strickly volunteers initially". Is that referring to the fact that 'initially' the beginning few ponied-up money? Or is it indicating that it is 'initially' volunteers, but there could or might be paid positions in the future? Or will it always remain strickly volunteer? Again, I only ask because this seems to be a big bone of contention with SFW in other states, at least in Utah. Lark, your point regarding no outfitter response is very insighful. No doubt that local outfitters would LOVE to have more big money tag holders to guide.... S. Stanly and Lark, i am an outfitter and guide and i want nothing to do with this. Besides guys we get hunters every year no matter what so to say we have a lot to do with it is probably wrong--or at least with me and my crew it is. We literally turn people away each year. Just saw this reply..... Point taken, Terry! I guess that I just figured that if there are more 'big spenders' that get tags, that it would be good in general for the outfitting business. You know; supply/demand. Might mean more guys getting into the outfitting business, and the 'top notch' outfitters raising their prices. Just a thought. S. PS: I'm a complete Capitalist, and have NO problem with supply vs. demand! Just making a point.....
  23. stanley

    Last hours of 2011

    VERY cool!!!!!! Thanks for sharing with the site! S.
  24. stanley

    An Awesome Day!

    Awesome, Jim!!! I was stuck here in my office working, so it sounds like a great day of hunting to me either way..... Glad you get to get out there and chase some for yourself every now and then! S.
  25. stanley

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    +1 We are not too far removed to remember the Fiesta Bowl and their "administrative" costs. Different arena same corruption The AZSFW board is strictly volunteers initially, each of the beginning few who started the organization back several years ago were required to pony up some significant cash to be a board member. The only person who does get paid is Capitol Consulting, who acts as our lobbyist at the state legislature. I know of absolutely no lobbyist who would ever do the political infighting that has been necessary to carry the water for us who would do it as low as Suzanne and company have done. Thanks for the reply, John. I have a question regarding the wording in your statement though. You mention; "..... strickly volunteers initially". Is that referring to the fact that 'initially' the beginning few ponied-up money? Or is it indicating that it is 'initially' volunteers, but there could or might be paid positions in the future? Or will it always remain strickly volunteer? Again, I only ask because this seems to be a big bone of contention with SFW in other states, at least in Utah. Lark, your point regarding no outfitter response is very insighful. No doubt that local outfitters would LOVE to have more big money tag holders to guide.... S.