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About stanley

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    Premier Member

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  • Location
    Scottsdale, AZ

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  1. stanley

    Tanners Junior Elk Hunt

    AWESOME!!!!! Best of times!
  2. stanley

    Monday Check in

    Did another AZT section over the weekend. 27 miles from Freeman Road to the Kelvin bridge on the Gila. Set-up a car camp at the top of Ripsey, so was able to spread the hike over two days. Work has been sucky lately, so other than that, I haven't made time for mid-week workouts. Gotta change that. Food intake wise; Trying to go with minimal carbs/sugars, but not being as discipline as I need to be. Still haven't broken-out the calorie counter app.
  3. stanley

    Commission looking into closing State Trust Land

    Pretty big stretch to assume they are going to close down 9.2MM acres of land. As has been said, it is likely to ensure they have the legal authority to take action as/if deemed appropriate.
  4. stanley

    Monday Check in

    Boom! Calorie deficit is the ONLY way to lose weight. Period.
  5. stanley

    Monday Check in

    Solid results! 👊 I'm thinking I should re-warm the old calorie counter app to help get me on track for losing the cookie-weight I picked-up over the holidays.
  6. stanley

    Monday Check in

    Some crazy dude set an unofficial AZ Trail record a couple of months ago. Averaged 70 miles per day for 12 days to complete the entire thing (North to South). Obviously more of a 'trail runner' than hiker. Insane! At 59 years old, high-20s per day is my absolute max. lol
  7. stanley

    Monday Check in

    Ya, 27 is more than I like to do. Prefer to keep it under 22ish, if possible..... Given we are hiking and not glassing, our deer sightings are generally fairly limited. That being said, we did see quite a few deer this time. Bumped 3 different groups of Muley's in the early morning. Likely 20-25 deer total, with 3-4 bucks among them. Nothing bigger than a decent 3x3. Was a nice surprise to see so many deer.... Grimaldi's for the pizza. Extra sausage and peperoni on the pizza, plus a big mediterranean salad. (If all I had to eat for the rest of my life was pizza and Sonoran Mexican food, I'd be happy.)
  8. stanley

    Monday Check in

    Hiked 27 miles of AZ Trail on Saturday (Black Hills - San Manuel area to Freeman Road - Spectacular 37B country....), so I rewarded myself with two Quarter Pounders on the ride home. Then last night, GF talked me into pizza. Ugh.... S. EDIT: Quick answer is NO, I didn't stick strictly to my fitness goals for the week.
  9. stanley

    Monday Check in

    Have you tried 'calorie counting'??? I never paid much attention to it, but last year I wanted to cut about 15 pounds prior to a fairly tough backpacking trip I had planned. I downloaded one of those calorie counter apps and used it. Set a goal of 1500 calories per day, and the app helped quite a lot in tracking (and really SEEING) how many calories I was taking-in each day. Was sort of a pain at first, but once I got used to entering the info it really helped. I met my weight goal with the help of sticking to <1500 calories per day + exercise. No matter what your age, running a calorie deficit will result in weight loss. Maybe check it out? Talk to your trainer about it to get her input? Good luck!
  10. stanley

    Monday Check in

    For sure, it has made a difference. Wasn't a miraculous change, but over time I have experienced WAY less lower back pain. Still flare-ups sometimes (usually the result of lifting something at an awkward angle), but in general it has improved.
  11. stanley

    Monday Check in

    Ya, I tried hot yoga several years ago at the recommendation of my doc, who was clearly tired of hearing me bitch about my lower back pain.... LOL Anyway, it can be quite a workout. Obviously less about 'bulking-up' and more about flexibility/strength. The 'sweat level' sort of reminds me of a high school wrestling workout, which I like. Plus, yep, I live in the Old Town area and the classes are about 90% women, so there's that.... lol
  12. stanley

    Monday Check in

    Gained 10lbs since mid October. Basically the result of going off the rails on my eating habits..... Been hiking the AZ Trail and have knocked off some tough sections but, "hiking shape" is NOT equal to being in "good shape". Gotta get my carbs/sweets in check. BTW, to answer your question, I did not workout in the gym, but did go to a hot yoga class. lol
  13. stanley

    Great way to start 2025

    Looks and sounds like an AWESOME day!!!
  14. stanley

    Max’s 2024 Colorado Deer Hunt

    Freaking great video! Outstanding!! Nothing beats hunting with your kids!
  15. stanley

    2024 Recap

    Seriously! Pronghorn, muzzy bull and bighorn. Plenty of dudes will never participate on ANY of those hunts. Livin the life!