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About stanley

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    Premier Member

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  • Location
    Scottsdale, AZ

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  1. stanley

    6A bull elk 2025

    Pine Grove and Rattlesnake. With a just a bit of research, you'll find them. GMU-6A-2024.pdf From AZGFD website: "mountain mahogany, and juniper berries. Water is always important, and stock tanks are abundant in the GMU. The Rattlesnake Quiet Area is a good area to start looking. The Pine Grove Quiet Area and surrounding areas are also good places to look."
  2. stanley

    6A bull elk 2025

    Maybe check-out the 'quiet areas'.... Good luck and have fun! S.
  3. stanley

    Kodiak canvas 12x12

    @Peytb10 , there's your Kodiak.
  4. stanley

    Kodiak canvas 12x12

    Looking to buy Kodiak Canvas - Classified Ads - CouesWhitetail.com Discussion forum
  5. stanley

    Vintage mini bike for sale

    SWEET mini bike!!!! Brings back memories! As a boy, I got hold of an old mini bike frame (I think I found it at the junk yard or something...). Grabbed a 3.5hp Briggs and Stratton off an old mower, and with a little mechanical coaching & help from my old man, we turned that thing into a lot of riding fun!! Eventually upgraded to a 5hp engine. I grew-up in Kearny and spent hours and hours exploring the Gila and washes around town on that thing. Great project to teach a young kid the basics of mechanics. Good luck with the sale!
  6. stanley

    Superbowl What a gamw

    I'm on board with a good super bowl get-together. A good reason to chill at home & cook and have my kids and other family/friends come over for some fun. I'm not that into it, but I do enjoy a good game (which this one wasn't much of.... LOL). As for the half time shows, I just straight-up don't really care who performs and for what reason. If I'm not interested, then I'll just ignore it and chat with my people or do whatever. Sort of like I ignore a bunch of other stuff in everyday life that really doesn't concern or impact me.
  7. stanley

    Max’s Texas Bison Hunt

    NOTHING beats hunting with your kids! LOVE IT!!!!
  8. stanley

    Landowner Tags

    I'm a fan of landowner tags only in New Mexico, where my sons and I hunt pronghorn every year. LOL
  9. stanley

    2025 HAM hunt

    Great times with the kids! AWESOME!
  10. stanley

    2025 HAM, double down

    Year after year! Good stuff!
  11. stanley

    Monday Check in

    The Tonto Cliff Dwellings? If so, then yes, the trail traverses past within about a mile or so. Didn’t get a view of them though. (Was already dark when we past that part of the trail. Not even sure if they would have been visible during day, given terrain…) Side note: Was pleasantly surprised by water all along the way. From Reavis Ranch all the way to Roosevelt, the springs and creeks had decent water.
  12. stanley

    Monday Check in

    Hiked Superstition Wilderness section of AZT on Saturday. Roger’s Trough to Roosevelt - 31 miles / 79K steps / >15 hrs on trail. (Freaking spectacular country in there!!) Only a couple of mid-week workouts. Need to get my exercise up to 5-6 days per week. Went overboard on food last week, topped off with Superbowl party snacks all afternoon yesterday.
  13. stanley

    Lever actions

    No worries. Stick around and enjoy the site. Good bunch of folks, here. 👍
  14. stanley

    Lever actions

    Didn't say 500 makes you reliable. I said that having greater than 500 points makes it unlikely that he is a scammer. Relatively small community here on cw.com, so I stand by what I said regarding him not being a scammer. If someone got info from the post and took it over for the purpose of scamming, that doesn't make the poster a scammer. Sort of makes him an ancillary victim, in a way.
  15. stanley

    Sheep Army, Who Wants In ?

    Just so freaking awesome, all around!!!