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Everything posted by elpepe25

  1. elpepe25

    Winchester Model 70 is Coming Back!

    the price they will be asking for those rifles is little much, re-intoducing a rifle at 150% of the should be price...........clever. needless to say to i am excited
  2. my favorite shirt so far, i love it
  3. elpepe25

    Ridiculous Bighorn footage

    thats awesome
  4. elpepe25


    great great elk round, i like a 250 grn nosler partition
  5. elpepe25

    Game Processor near Tucson

    that would be great, i live in sierra vista and am lookin for a processor
  6. thats crazy, they musta bin gettin after it
  7. elpepe25

    Caliber preference

    so one person prefers another caliber that happens to be different from your choice, why make it a personal attack
  8. elpepe25

    Tripod search

    i have the sprint mini, and i love it
  9. elpepe25

    Ground Blinds

    thanks to all who added here, i really apprieciate all the help thx Rob
  10. elpepe25

    Ground Blinds

    I was wondering if any of you guys ever hunt from ground blinds. What do I need to consider when purchasing one, and whats the best way to utilize a ground blind effectivley.
  11. elpepe25


    awsome, congrats
  12. congrats, still a great bull, awsome character, if i could land a tag id shoot a bull like that
  13. elpepe25

    Family Strengths

    I work for "THE MAN", the BLM
  14. any of ya'll ever home brew something like it? rob
  15. elpepe25

    Caliber preference

    3oo win., flat shooting, less wind drift, knockem down in their place power, matched with a good load and a good scope is hard to beat IMO
  16. elpepe25

    Caliber preference

    those things rock, i highly recommend them
  17. elpepe25

    15x60 zeiss

    pm sent thanks
  18. elpepe25

    Caliber preference

    i like the .300 win with a 130grn. SST
  19. elpepe25


    I like a 12ga. Rem 870 with a H.S. undertaker turkey choke with 3" #6's or Winchester #5's
  20. elpepe25

    Happy Birthday Amanda

    Happy b-day, have a safe trip, load up on sea food
  21. elpepe25

    Ground Blinds

    turns out that im a nerd that likes to read up on all i can get my hands on before trying anything, so....If theres any more tips out there, keep'em comin I really apprieciate all the help from all of you thanks a million
  22. elpepe25

    Ground Blinds

    How do you keep the rodents from munching and/or making a home outta your blind?
  23. elpepe25

    Ground Blinds

    I really apprieciate the help folks, this is good stuff i will use. Another coupla ?s 1. how do you keep the rodents from munchin on your blind 2 would it be smart to dig a hole a foot or so deep where the blind covers to get a better shot out the window? thank you for all the help
  24. elpepe25


    i am a member of the Blazer fan club