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About robinhood

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  1. robinhood

    What to do with scrape line?

    Thanks Troy, that sounds like great advice from such a new hunter. Thanks. Treestandman I sent you a pm. I have too many ? to ask for my typing skills. Dean.
  2. First let me say "what a cool site" Im new to bowhunting so please bare with me guys. I think I found something that, relating to hunting Whitetails back in the midwest, I think I should exploit but dont have a clue on what to do. Last week while hiking to a familier Coues hunting spot (rifle) I notice alot of trails coming out of this thick steep hillside. So I followed them through oaks, brush, manazanita, etc. only to have it open up to pines. Still following upwards, I came to a long bench, about 100yards by about 1/4 mile long. Over 15 scrapes & uncountable amount of rubs, old & new were scatered along the bench. At the end I bumped this buck out of a bed & he ran down the hills out of sight. Unfortunately this was my only day to hunt until next week. My question to all you experience bow hunters; Do I hang out on the trails or should I hang a treestand near by & hope he will come by. Thanks, Dean