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Everything posted by coues7

  1. Those were posted by me...coues7. Marty (monstercoues) was at my house last night and didn't sign out and I didn't notice. Good call 25-06. Sorry guys
  2. Many of you know, work with and are friends with an AZGFD game ranger. I know a few, who I call good friends. I would like to brainstorm some ideas as to how we can help these guys get some increases in pay. The govenor thinks it's ok to rob the Heritage fund to do who know what and yet year after year these guys can't afford a house to even live in or the things their families need. All game wardens have bachelors degrees AND fully certified law enforcement training just like DPS and sherriff office agencies. Many of the game wardens I know can't even afford a home to live in and it's not because they miss use their salary....heck they don't even have one that's worth speaking of. Most make less than teachers. There has got to be something we can do. There has to be some tax somewhere getting pissed into the wind that can be diverted to make these fine men and women's lives better. Please post your ideas up or let us know people we can contact to get some changes made.
  3. coues7

    waterhole vs spot stalk

    I think more than anything is what you will find is that your cams will tell you what is in the area. Whether your deer caught on cam are moving to water, salt, scrapes etc...during the day or at night, you will know they are in the area. If they move and come in during the day your camera will tell you when and you can plan accordingly. If they come in during the night well your back to plan #1...that is they are in the area--spot and stalk. The nice thing about digital game cams is that you can take hundreds to thousands of pictures each time you leave the camera out and know exactly what, when and how consistently the game you are after comes in. Often time is you can pattern a trail around a spring you wont' have to sit the water (literally on top of it). I have to somewhat disagree with bcoover (no offense) but most of the water holes I know about or have found arean't on maps at all. Getting to know and supporting ranchers in your area will open a lot of doors. Mike your experience probably came because the hawk or falcon had a nest near where you were at. They are just like humming birds they do that. Scott Coues Cams
  4. coues7

    trail camera setup

    a lot of times when you go out and get the memory stick out of the digital you'll see a completely black night time pic.....something made the camera go off. Often if you upload the picture and then enhance it with photo software on your computer......guess what.....there is something in the picture. This can only be done with the digital cams though. I agree with TAM's comments. If you are getting lots of daytime pics that don't have anything in them...go to a bigger tree, cut away some more branches or change the direction your cam is setting. Scott
  5. coues7

    trail camera setup

    Like TREESTANDMAN said, if you use the 35 mm they are slower and the flash is not as good as the digitals so you'll need to be fairly close to a tank or salt setup. If you are going to put it on a trail and catch them as the are moving you will need to move it back so that the sensor can pick the animal's movement up and then snap a picture before they leave the view of the camera. ALWAYS set your camera facing North or South (as much as possible). If you have to go buy a compass so you know which way N/S is.....you should know how to use one anyway it will save your butt when you gps doesn't work. If you set the cam east/west the sun will trip the camera all my cams have sensitivity settings on the PIR (passive infrared) which is what detects the heat and movement of the animal and triggers the camera. You can adjust this depending on your setup. Clear all brush and anything that will move away from the camera....you learned this the hard way....sorry. Your sensor pics up motion in a conic (funnel) type pattern so set your camera up so that it will pick up movement where ever you want.......if you put food in from of your camera your going to move the camera closer to the ground. Set your camera up on sturdy trees and what not. If the wind blows and sways whatever your attached to your gonna get false triggers and no pics....except for the beautiful landscape
  6. coues7

    Great bull

    heres another pic
  7. coues7

    Great bull

    here another view. Great bull Mike and TAM
  8. coues7

    Great bull

    Mike here you go
  9. coues7

    treestand setup???

    I can't imagine glassing for water. Good idea though. I can tell you from first hand experience that a lot and I mean a lot of water holes, tanks etc... are not listed on topo's. As a matter of fact from software to software there is stuff not listed. My topo software showed a few spring in an are and treestandman's showed 5 times as many....2 different softwares.
  10. Mike, I'm really glad you like the camera. That's a great bear. You and TAM get great pics! Hopefully people don't think that doesn't equal hardwork! Scott
  11. coues7

    How did i do

    I doubt you got a digital for that price and if you didn't that's what I would have gotten. Most of the guys/gals will tell you that if you have 35mm your gonna spend a ton of money. Either way at least have a trail camera Scott
  12. If your gonna build trail camera's get your stuff from www.hagshouse.com the stuff is half the cost of pixcontroller and more user friendly. Buying kits is ok but you will come out further ahead buying individual parts. (ie box, camera, board, glass etc. Scott
  13. Nice pics. what did you have your cam mounted to? I hang mine out in N. AZ and I put them on pines. How do you mount them down south?
  14. I have a digital trail cam for sale. It uses a Sony p32 (3.2 mega pixel) cam and is in a pelican 1120 case (same size as the cams a wal-fart). It is 3d camo'ed and all you need to buy is the lock. I will throw it in for $17.00 extra. The cam is $360.00 + exact shipping. A camera like this from Cabela's or Pro Bass is $700.00 With this cam you can go a month of pics no problem and only keep what you want. Comes with software and cable to connect to your computer. Once 9v battery last 8 months for the controll board. Pics of cam can be seen at: http://community.webshots.com/album/217161333bILjDO email me for questions skshellenberger@hotmail.com
  15. coues7

    Unit 33 Monster

    Honestly, how was the camera mounted? I hang my cams alot up norht in the pines and am just wondering how the camera was mounted. Was it on the ground, was it facing perpendicular to the trail what.... I don't care where it was it was in Unit 33 ok
  16. coues7

    Unit 33 Monster

    Man alive those are great pics and great bucks. Is that cam on a trail where the bucks would come right at it or go perpendicular to it? Is the cam on the ground?
  17. coues7

    Treestand Hunting For Coues

    Mark, had you seen you buck prior to killing it? (ie scouting?) what unit were you in? If you cant say that's ok
  18. coues7

    Treestand Hunting For Coues

    Has anyone made a bucket feeder and left that out vs just salt? I know a lot of guys back east use them to help with nutrients.
  19. What have you guys learned from your trail cams about bears hibernating in AZ? Is there regions where they do and don't? I know one of the units I like still hasn't closed (there's actually a few) and I will be able to hunt during december so I'm hoping there still out. Scott
  20. I agree, a clear definition would be nice, but maybe they like it that way. Rough country is definetly the way to go. Thats where the bears will always be. This has been a great thread. Scott
  21. I agree with rough in the way of bear country. That's what I have always hunted bear in with good luck. With living up here in Flagstaff, but not hunting bears around flagstaff without dropping down near strawberry I was just hoping to get one up here. I had a spot where I would love to put one of my camera because that is just what it was thick, canyon, oaks, manzanitas, junipers ----everything you would want but it took me 1.5 hours just to drive 4 miles once I got off the "main road". I like to be able to check mine about every 8-9 days. TAM, how long do you guys leave your cams out? I lock all mine to trees so I dont' necessarily like to leave it out long. All it would take is someone to have time to come back with bolt cutters Scott
  22. If you are using 35mm cams bears love FILM!! It is something in it that they like. I have never experienced it myself but have been told by a number of people that bears love film. bowsniper I just asked general questions about camera placement and areas for bears. Hopefully someone will answer our questions and this turns into a good thread. Scott
  23. Brian, I just sent a private email about bears and cams. I build my own and as of yet have not anything eat it. What unit do you have them in? I would love to know where and how to place a cam to get a bear. I live up in Flagstaff while I go to school and put mine on a watering tank and have gotten tons of elk, some deer, racoon and foxes but NO bear. In the area I put it in I have seen some rolled rocks and downed trees some tracks but have yet to get a bear. What can I do to get bear pics. I mostly put my cams out in 6b scott
  24. Dan, first off trail cameras are awesome!!!! I usually set mine a couple of feet (say 6') off of trail. All my trail cameras are homemade. Year round is fine but, I assume you want to see what's out there "shooter" wise right? So set up before you hunts. Also all mine are camoed and setup so they are locked to the tree. You would have to completely destroy my cam or cut down the tree in order to get it. I don't worry about flash and hikers finding them. Most of my camera are not near human trail and are far from roads. Flash's will scare deer and elk but each is different as to whether or not they will return. They have personalities. Hope this helps. You can see some of my pics and my cameras at the following link http://community.webshots.com/user/coues7 Scott
  25. Does anybody have any advice on where to hunt bear in 23S? Any and I mean Any info would be greatly appreciated.