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Everything posted by coues7

  1. coues7

    Scouting pics

    Amanda, Thanks for sharing the pics. On a windy day like that I saw one of the larger of the whitetails that I've seen. He was burried in some scrub oak. Good luck on your hunt come Dec!
  2. coues7


    Have you guys scored that buck yet? The first buck looks like at least a 95+ buck. Congrats to both of you! What unit are you guys in?
  3. coues7

    November 33 Buck

    Extremely nice buck! Congrats. That buck has great mass and length.
  4. coues7

    Unit 32 Nov. Buck

    Congrats....that's a great buck. Were you hunting down by the Mercer/Mammoth Area? We were in there and it was a zoo. Never again. It was an absolute joke. Even if you walked quite a ways off the road....there was someone right there. I have never seen so many people converge on an area in my life. We saw tons of does fortunately away from people but no bucks. Again Congrats.
  5. coues7

    A NM Bear

    The pics arean't working....just red x's.
  6. I went camping up in 23 this weekend and put my cam out for a few days. Anyone wanna guess the score on this guy....after he looses velvet? Thanks in advance! Enjoy
  7. coues7

    Hunt of a Lifetime

    That would be AWESOME if more people were willing to do just that....I say go for it and a great big pat on your back too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. coues7

    successful archery elk hunt

    If there not to big just go down to the bottom and attach them. Hit browse, find your pic, attach. Boom your done. Not hard at all.
  9. coues7

    salt licks

    Here you go: Go to basha's or any other grocery store that sells salt. Buy some. Go to any area where you know that there is deer. Find a good spot....that you think is a good spot (ie a place with escape and traveling routes) put your salt on the ground...hope it rains. If it doesn't rain put water on it and mix it into the dirt. Boom you got a salt lick. How's that for a fast and furious answer? Seriously that's it!
  10. Well boys I don't know if that's the buck for December, but regardless he is beautiful. I have to say that anyone should be happy with him regardless if it was your 1st or last buck. He may not put you in the records books but he's a nice 90"+ buck. thanks for all the input. Bullwidgeon I have some bear pics for you. 5 bears....4 weeks. 1 sow+2 cubs, (1 black, 1 cinimmon and momma was a cinimmon), 1 black boar, 1 cinimmon boar. How do I know? Well you could see there nuts!
  11. I wish I could post the actual size photo's that I have. It was set on the second to highest setting and I had to downsize from there to post them here. Those little pics don't give that buck justice I don't think. I believe if you right click and save you can get to see them larger. Thanks for the input.
  12. coues7

    Salt licks

    I don't know that your doing anything wrong....maybe it's to close to the house. Typically it will take a few weeks for the deer/elk to find the salt. Rain helps. I think they can smell it. Like it was mentioned white works better in wet years. Up near Greer/Alpine your gonna have elk up the you know what. The deer in your area will find it after a while....if it's away from the house. Elk are kinda dingy. Deer aren't so much. Good Luck
  13. did the deer dig that hole there in the foreground? If so WOW!!! I know they love salt but dang! Great buck.
  14. Your best bet is to get it from the horses mouth...the AZGFD. There is an office in Flagstaff so it will be a local call. When you find out let us all know. You'd hate to get screwed just hearing some hear say from someone else....that or get eaten when you could have been packin'. Sorry I wasn't more help but that's what I'd do. Scott
  15. coues7

    50 minute buck

    what unit are you all in? Great buck!
  16. Well did anyone go out bear hunting this weekend? It was a hot son of a gun. I have a late whitetail tag so I figured I'd just go bear hunting. Did see some sign but no bears.
  17. coues7

    U of A Racks!!!

    Andy great pics. You hit a gold mine. As always don't ever share your hot spots with anyone!!! Isn't that unit 57? You know the one in Nevada??
  18. coues7

    Trail Cam Photos

    Great buck. He's a keeper.
  19. So what is everyone using this year to get in their tree stands? I bought a pair of climbing gaffs (like the guys use to climb poles or arborist's use). I wonder if using spikes might not be easier. They work great though. USE A BODY HARNESS. YOU DON'T WANT TO GET HURT AND BE ALONE!!! Is anyone making their own screw in spikes and if so how? What works best?
  20. As long as your "mac" has a usb port your good to go. The camera comes with everything you need to upload to the computer. Plug it in, turn it on, watch the pics upload, enjoy the pics, etc....
  21. I am building a new batch of trail cameras. They will be 4.1 mega pixel cams. They will last up to 4 weeks in the field and can hold 500 pics before the batteries die depending on how many night pics get taken. They are housed in a case the size of a $10 bill and are only about 1.5" thick. They are $390+exact shipping. Here is a link to some pics taken with my cams Trail Cam pics Email me if you are interested. The camera's have a custom 3D text and paint scheme. skshellenberger@hotmail.com You will not be disappointed. I offer a 6 month warranty on the trail camera.
  22. I have heard mixed reviews on the stuff. I've heard guys say that the deer could careless and just prefer the water softener salt and others say "oh yeah it works great". Sorry I don't have any experience to share. Hopefully you'll get treestandman or TAM to chime in. Those guys will have personal experience. When I was up in Flagstaff I just hay or just put the cams on the trails leading to water and had lots of luck. I am currently using water softner salt only.
  23. Crazy question but I'll ask it anyway....what unit? That looks like some great oak and scrub
  24. I often wonder why everyone out here in AZ thinks digitals are so expensive....yes the initial cost is high but in the long run they pay themselves off in no time. Everytime you put out a 35mm you have to put new batteries in and a new roll of film...then you have to go and get it developed. Now what is the the total on that? Around $10-14 right. You do that about 30 times which can be done in no time and you bought it. Run 3 or 4 and in a few months you could have bought a digital. You go to put a digital out and you put in 2 rechargeable AA's and your done. The control board runs off of 1 9V battery that will last 6 months. Now all you have invested is your time and well about $0.25 worth of energy to recharge your batteries. You can take literally thousands...yes thousands of pictures on one set of batteries and not have to develope a single pic. 4 mega pixel high quality pictures. So what if a few are blank at least your not paying $5.00 to develope a blank picture. Just a thought I put a little input in for those of you that think digitals are a waste. Yes $400 is a lot to hang on a tree but if you hike and place them strategically you won't loose them. This will probably open a whole can of worms but let it come.
  25. Bass, those are great pics. I hate to say this but if you had a digital you would have gotten to see all the animals that set your pir sensor off. None the less those are great pics and a very decent bear!