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Everything posted by coues7

  1. coues7

    2006 Hunt Guidelines

    Doug, UNFORTUNATELY, I think you are correct. They take our results and kind of twist them to meet what they had in mind in the 1st place. Its SAD. I can tell anyone from first hand experience that these early hunts with HUGE numbers of hunters (in southern units) SUCKS. You can't find a place to be where everyone else isn't. It's dangerous and frustrating. The best anyone can do is to keep making a presence at ALL meetings and voicing our opinions as HUNTERS and OUTDOORSMEN!!! Coues7
  2. coues7

    hunter harassment law

    Andy....you my friend are FUNNY HAS heck!
  3. email sent. Thanks Amanda for the news!
  4. I don't know how many of you know this but Mountain Lion Hunting season will be closing soon. The AZGFD is closing lion hunting for 3 months starting in April. what the heck are these idiots thinking???
  5. coues7

    A question about food and movement

    Thanks Amanda. Do animals crave different minerals at different times of the year? I would assume so based on the different types of foriage they can get to fill their diet.
  6. I've had my trail cams on a spot for quite some time. Some of you have seen pics. I was getting a lot of traffic in the fall from both does with fawns and bucks. Now I'm not getting much of anything. The area is pine trees surrounded by thick Manzanita. Do deer eat manzanita? There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of vegetation in the pines other than a few little patches of edible green. What would cause this major change in movement?
  7. coues7

    A question about food and movement

    The spot where I am at just had some pretty good snow. It's all gone now. I am using salt to just help them get the nutrients that are not available otherwise...or at least not as abundent. My setup has always been on salt in a little saddle. The water is in a creek about 150 yards away....the only water source in the area. The creek is only wet in a few spots. The snow could have done it but I'm not sure. The only other source of food (in my opinion) that they would have is the manzanita. Thanks RED
  8. coues7

    stupid AZGFD

    It is going into affect this year for sure! Thats strait from an AZGFD employees mouth! I can't believe these dumb a$$es. I can tell you from personal experience UNIT 31 in OCT/NOV ABSOLUTELY THE WORST WT HUNT EVER. INCREASED QUANTITIY = DECREASED QUALITY = BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD......ETC. CLOSING LION SEASON FOR 3 MONTHS = BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD......ETC. It seems that everything in life worth having and standing up for is going to heck in a hand bag.
  9. coues7

    Who wants to swap?

    How do hunt swaps work in Az anyway? If I get drawn I can actually swap hunts with an out of stater....NO WAY!
  10. Does anyone know of a good experienced long range rifle setup gunsmith in the Tucson area? I have a 300 win that I need a muzzle brake put on. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  11. coues7

    Is it me or did something

    Is it me or did something with the boards change? All the sudden when I click on a topic I see the first posters stuff and all other replies are listed in bullets instead the way it used to be where I saw everything. Did I accidentally change something? On my computer at work it is just like it's always been. All replies shown in full length versions? I can't even get around on here anymore....its irritating. Thanks if you can help Coues7
  12. coues7

    Big 122" NT buck from 22

    When you say the "auction hunter" are you talking like the govenors tag? That guide should be a hot item next year.....serves all you guides right....you work so dang hard! I'd love to see some shed pics as well. Thanks for posting Josh, Coues n' Sheep thanks for the scoop!
  13. coues7

    Big 122" NT buck from 22

    Congrats on the hunter! Any info on the hunt? Who is the hunter? Did he use a trail cam pre-season?
  14. coues7

    Is it me or did something

    Amanda, Your a genius! That's exactly what it was.....now back to reading. Thanks
  16. Here is another thing that we better dang well get involved in! What in the heck is the AZGFD thinking? A 3 month non-lion hunting season so more kittens can survive? WE HAVE A BUNCH OF IDIOTS RUNNING THE SHOW READ UP AND GET INVOLVED!!!!!! http://www.predatormastersforums.com/ubbth...page=0#52243929
  17. Cramer, Great pics! What are you cams over? Did you start a salt plot or is that water and you just can't tell.
  18. coues7

    my dec 24a hunt

    Fatfootdoc, thank you for a well said statement. You said exactly what I was trying too. I think we should just end this whole thing.....enough said. Amanda CONGRATS ON A NICE BUCK!
  19. coues7

    my dec 24a hunt

    tbev or new2coues, Whoever you are...quit changing user names. They had permission to HUNT AND CROSS private ground. For all they knew your were just some A$$HOLE (which we all later found out was true) trying to lie to them because you wanted to be able to hunt competition free. Amanda spent countless hours in there scouting (not to mention she never saw you to during months of pre-scouting). Neither of these people are ANYBODY who causes locked gates. People that cause gates to locked are people who destroy property and equipment. NO ONE HERE IS DEFENDING "errant behavior" JUST BECAUSE AMANDA OWNS THE SITE. Get over it!!!! Like I asked before: "since when do you or the land owner own the GAME on any piece of property...PUBLIC OR PRIVATE???" Did the land owner take any of the proper and "legal" steps to mark the property as not open for hunting? NO.
  20. coues7

    my dec 24a hunt

    tbev, look at your sign up date and how many posts you've made: 5-January 06 Posts: 2 You sign up just to cause problems!!!! What's the deal with that??? I know both people you met, one of them very very well. Niether of these people would intentionally trespass. As you've shown in your post most likely you and the land owner are A$$HOLES .....and by the way since when do you or the land owner own the GAME on any piece of property...PUBLIC OR PRIVATE??? As you stated "there have been several attempts made by you trying to get a hold of the primary landowner. And there is a reason he does not return your calls". If the land owner was so dang concerned about people being on his property maybe he should have picked up the phone when Amanda called on her dime or made a phone call on his dime stating that he did in fact own the property and that no one was welcome on it. As far as anyone knows the land is public or Amanda did recieve permission from the correct land owner. An unanswered phone call is as good as a "no I don't own the property" Sincerly Yours, Scott S.
  21. coues7

    Purple Prickly Pear?

    They are scattered throughout AZ....not sure what causes it. I've typically seen them in the higher elevations as well.
  22. coues7

    More hunt changes proposed

    A lot of you will be pissed but I personally hope they remove any archery hunting during the late whitetail hunts. It is a shame that someone waits a lifetime to get a rifle tag and then they have a bunch of archers to compete with. The August and January hunts should stay but the archery hunt in December should be done away with IMHO. I don't understand why the AZGFD doesn't come to sites like this to see what avid hunters think and get our opinions.....I guess politics don't really care what we think sometimes!
  23. coues7

    Best coues rifle ?

    I am completely sold on Nosler Ballistic tips. Those bullets expand hard and fast....for coues deer I don't think mass retention is all that important. Like chickenman said kill with either energy or shock. Ballistic tips are wicked looking once they've expanded and will rip a heart, lungs, whatever they hit to pieces when power by a good gun....257 and UP!
  24. coues7

    Best coues rifle ?

    257 Roberts
  25. coues7

    24A sheds

    Went scouting this weekend for the Dec hunt and my bro-in-law found this nice lion kill. I think the buck would score right around 93"