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Everything posted by coues7

  1. coues7

    FS: Swarovski DCA

    Up for sale is one Swarovski digital camera adapter. My wife got this for me for my birthday and I just don't use it as much as I would have thought. This comes with all the adapters and original packaging.....just like it comes from Swarovski. First $175+shipping takes it. I can also meet you face to face (FTF) in Tucson and sell it for just $175. I'm not coming down on the price so don't even ask. This is a smoking deal as is. Swarovski DCA If your not interested please don't comment.....it does nothing but get the thread off track. Thanks
  2. coues7


    AWESOME pics Amanda.....thanks for sharing.
  3. coues7

    FS: Swarovski DCA

    Terry, I talked to swarovski and it will fit.....you just have to have an "adapter sleeve". Scott
  4. coues7

    Range Finder

    I have the Swarovski Laser Range Finder (LRF) and I wouldn't recommend anything else. I've ranged all the way out to 1500 yards and it would probably do more. It is super duper clear. I guess it all depends on how much you want to spend. scott
  5. coues7

    Remington Model 700 ADL

    Can you PM me the serial no? Thanks
  6. coues7

    Roosevelt Javelina hunt

    AWESOME. Can we get some specs on the AR
  7. coues7

    40 Cal Sidearm.

    if something happens to fall through on the Walther I'll take it. scott
  8. coues7

    Decent weekend

    cgmartin, know any specs on the AR being used?
  9. coues7

    Long range rifles?

    Not to derail this thread but if I might add something here in the way of "practical" sense. Don't think just because one goes and buys an expensive "long range" gun that all the sudden you can shoot out to 1K. Nothing and I repeat NOTHING is better than range time on a good rifle. You'd be better of to get a decent rifle/optics and then spend the money on the range practicing practicing practicing. As sportsman we owe it to these majestic animals we hunt to not be taking "hail" Mary shots just because we have a "long range" rifle. Scott
  10. coues7

    Swarovski Spotter For Sale

    That sucks.....no one should have to sell their hunting stuff to pay Uncle Sam...... You better quit making so much so you don't have to next year!
  11. coues7

    Swarovski Spotter For Sale

    Why you selling it? That's a SMOKING SMOKING DEAL!!!
  12. coues7

    Reminder to cherish every day.....

    My families thought and prayers are with him. What a tradgedy. The Shellenbergers
  13. coues7

    236" Non-Typical Muley

    You think that muley's nice.....you should see some of Dagens coues deer.
  14. coues7

    236" Non-Typical Muley

    I got them in an email.....I deleted them though and they arean't in my trashcan.....sorry. Great buck though. Scott
  15. coues7


    I personally think it would be a great idea to close some roads.....not as many as they are proposing though. It sucks when you are hunting elk up north and you hike into some area that you think will be remote and you find a road.....that's not on the map.....and every Tom, Dick and Harry is using thing!!
  16. coues7

    Who are you?

    On half of those you didn't even list the "proper" "ethical" thing to do.....I actually don't see any of the options listed that I would do. Question 1: when I run into an unknown hunter on the trail. I'd be friendly and talk to the guy/gal. If I got the feeling that they were out busting there hump I'd tell them what I'd seen. I did that this year in 35A and I let the guy use my equipment.....I had just met him in the field for the very first time and i let him borrow my tripod/bino adapter....gave him my business card and told him to call me when he was done using it. Turned out to be a great guy that I'd call a friend. Now if it was some beer drinking retard driving around in his truck "looking for deer" I wouldn't tell him a dang thing! Again that happened this year in 35A too. About 15 minutes after I had just got done telling the other guy where to go and what I'd seen and I didn't tell him a dang thing! Question 2: when someone asks where I found that nice set of sheds. If I'm in the field it's obvious.....somewhere in the area I don't just carry around sheds for kicks and grins. If it were at my house most likely their a friend....in that case I'd tell them. If they were an aquaintance I'd just tell them I don't want to disclose.....they can think what they want. Question 3: upon discovering a dead buck/bull with an amazing rack right after archery season I wouldn't look around to see if anyones watching....who cares. I'd take some pics to document it and then I'd bust out the leatherman and take er' home. Question 4: 9pm, go to the store to pick up milk, and on the way home see a dead buck on the side of the road. On this one I'd definitely call the AZGFD or the sheriff or DPS and simply ask to have an officer come out. They'll let you have it. Well there's my answers.....don't know where they go in the poll but that's them.
  17. coues7

    Hide buyers?

    I believe it will be out at the fairgrounds. scott
  18. coues7

    FS: Leupold Mark IV 4.5-14x50 LR/T M1

    Price dropped to $850
  19. "Sometimes these "heartwarming" stories are a bit too sappy for me but this one is truly amazing... In 1986, Mikele Mebembe was on holiday in Kenya after graduating from Northwestern University. On a hike through the bush, he came across a young bull elephant standing with one leg raised in the air. The elephant seemed distressed, so Mikele approached it very carefully. He got down on one knee and inspected the elephant's foot and found a large piece of wood deeply embedded in it. As carefully and as gently as he could, Mikele worked the wood out with his hunting knife, after which the elephant gingerly put down its foot. The elephant turned to face the man, and with a rather curious look on its face, stared at him for several tense moments. Mikele stood frozen, thinking of nothing else but being trampled. Eventually the elephant trumpeted loudly, turned, and walked away. Mikele never forgot that elephant or the events of that day. Twenty years later, Mikele was walking through the Chicago Zoo with his teenaged son. As they approached the elephant enclosure, one of the creatures turned and walked over to near where Mikele and his son Tapu were standing. The large bull elephant stared at Mikele, lifted its front foot off the ground, then put it down. The elephant did that several times then trumpeted loudly, all the while staring at the man. Remembering the encounter in 1986, Mikele couldn't help wondering if this was the same elephant. Mikele summoned up his courage, climbed over the railing and made his way into the enclosure. He walked right up to the elephant and stared back in wonder. The elephant trumpeted again, wrapped its trunk around one of Mikele's legs and slammed him against the railing, killing him instantly. Probably wasn't the same elephant."
  20. coues7

    36C Scare!

    Scott, sadly if you initiated a gunfight while they are walking away you would be going to jail for murder. I'm not saying I would have....I understand that in AZ without your life being in direct threat (either in your home, in a vehicle or otherwise) you would be charged with murder.....but if for some reason any situation would have occured where life or the life of someone else was in jeapardy you would be fully justified. Scott
  21. coues7

    36C Scare!

    Matt, Unfortunately the polititians to don't want to fix the problem! AnthonyR.....I'm not sure what I would have done.....you did the right thing and your safe and could go back to your family. I think I may have arranged a gun fight after they walked......nobody should bully a US citizen on their own soil!!!
  22. No one should steal anyone stuff regardless of any abandonment law.....end of story. I would have to agree with AZ402's comment: "Or you could just leave crap alone and let the G&F and USFS, worry about what needs to be taken down). When it comes to camera's if you find one.....leave it alone.....it's not yours and who cares if someone got your picture.....if your into mooning the camera knock yourself out I'm sure you and the camera's owner will both get a kick out of it. On another note, I believe that if you find a treestand and plan on returning to hunt....leave a note with your contact # and if the person who owns the take the time to call you and you can work something out (mind you just cause he has his stand up doesn't mean he own the area or that spot) then great. If they don't take the time to call you or don't find your note......well then it's a first come first serve deal. NO ONE AND I REPEAT NO ONE OWNS A SPOT JUST BECAUSE THEY TOOK THE TIME TO DEVELOPE A SALT PLOT, PUT OUT CAMERA'S OR PUT UP A STAND. And as courteous sportsmen if you run into a situation (no matter how much time, money or effort has been expended) you should walk away if you weren't the first guy in the field. This all becomes super touchy and I'm sure it's not as cut and dry as I just said.....TREESTANDMAN's situation was a perfect example. Now I'm not trying to be a jerk when I say this but "This is just my $0.02 whether you asked for it or not!"
  23. heck yes I have an opinion.......that has got to be the stupidist thing I've ever heard proposed! If a peson is on welfare they don't have time to be hunting or fishing......go get your lazy a$$ a job!!! Before all you don't be a jerk people start in on me......yes I realize there are people that are down on their luck and yes I understand.....but like singleshot said Hunting and fishing is a privelage, NOT a right!!!
  24. For sale: Completely accurized Stainless Remington Model 700 Action Chambered in 300 Win Mag Trued action, bolt, and lugs factory barrel recut with Vais Brake pillar bedded on aluminum then skim bedded McMillan HTG stock Leupold rings/bases...ring have been hand lapped and squared Williams bottom metal Total round count--87 bipod and scope not included Shoots sub MOA groups (.75").....with me behind the wheel.....I bet it could do much much better. All work done by Randy at R&D Precision $1350+shipping Price in NON negotiable....I'm loosing money on it as it. If you think you can get a better deal someplace else then go buy it someplace else.
  25. coues7

    SOLD: Accurized Remington 700

    I prefer not to sell just the scope because I think it takes away from the whole "complete long range rifle" package. If I did sell just the scope I'd like $950......I payed $1100 for it brand new.