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Everything posted by coues7

  1. coues7

    They are up!!

    Nada for me....that's ok though.
  2. coues7

    mormons and big love

    I'm a proud mormon as well AND no one is trying to push anything.....just trying the clear the water for anyone that doesn't know. One of the biggest problems with anything in our society (not just religion) is IGNORANCE. I think all "iwannakillsomething" is trying to point out is "the facts". Don't believe everything you see and read. TAM-Good point and very level headed as always.
  3. Please read this link about how the government is getting ready to require all military once fired brass to be demilled. In other words NO MORE ONCE FIRED GOVERNMENT SURPLUS CASINGS......this is REALLY BAD for ammo manufacturers and us as reloader's. NOW GO TO THIS LINK and contact your reps. PLEASE FOLLOW THROUGH ON THIS ONE!!!!!
  4. This appear to be REAL!!!!! Please send a note to your reps. Here is a pre-typed statement. “Dear (Senator/Congressman), It has come to my attention that an agency of the Department of Defense has just directed that all military fired brass must be destroyed. As a taxpayer, I oppose this action as the sale of spent military brass is a source of income that, to a degree, offsets other government expenditures. In addition, as avid outdoorsman, hunter and reloader, it makes it economically impossible to reloaded ammunition at a reasonable cost. We must remember, ownership of government property whether new, excess or surplus, is ultimately by the people. As my (senator/congressman), I request you to represent me and take the necessary actions to reverse this directive by the Department of Defense. This is nothing more than the governments attempt to disarm law abiding citizens and a complete and total waste of our (the taxpayer's) money. Please taken any and all actions necessary to reverse this action. Thank you, (Signed) (City, State)”
  5. coues7

    60mph Barn Owl

    My dad had that happen to him with a hawk.....I'm glad you "man screamed" Scott
  6. coues7

    Fox meets The Claw

    A 308 on a fox WOW
  7. coues7

    Alaska Guide Creations Binocular Pack

    I had one of the originals that Jaret had and gave it to Amanda.....it WOULD NOT FIT the 10x50's. Will the new small set the 10x50 or should I order a 15x56 SLC pack?
  8. coues7

    Alaska Guide Creations Binocular Pack

    What size binos are in the case? would 10x50 bounce around to much inside the case?
  9. Every single person on this site, AND EVERY OTHER INTERNET FORUM that has anything to do with guns better contact your state reps and congress people. PLEASE FOLLOW THE LINK and contact your reps. WE HAVE TO OPPOSE THIS WITH EVERYTHING WE HAVE!!!!! Everyone's view on guns would be just a little bit better if you read about the Holocaust.....people without guns have NO chance to defend themselves against of government of Tyrants! When you get done reading some of those books read "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross.....for those of you that don't take the time to contact your reps and congress people.....shame on you. We cannot sit idly by on this matter WE CANNOT!!!!!!!
  10. Please take the time to go to the Gun Owners of America link HERE Read the article and then click the TAKE ACTION tab at the top. This will allow you to send a message to our two senators from AZ (Kyle/McCain). You can also go HERE and contact them with your own written response. I typically do both but I'm kind of anal about my 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!! Please vote FOR the Ensign amendment
  11. coues7

    Baby boy names

    Thanks for all the input. I really like the name BEAR. I've had a few people suggest Barrett and then call him Bear. I'm sure there are some other spelling options as well. Keep the names coming
  12. coues7

    Angie's 1st Big Game Success

    Is that a manlicker Sako 243? Sweet rifle!
  13. coues7

    Brass for sale

    Couesnut.....YOU SHOULD HAVE PM'S. You can email me directly at skshellenberger@hotmail.com
  14. coues7

    Brass for sale

    Couesnut.....YOU SHOULD HAVE PM'S. You can email me directly at skshellenberger@hotmail.com
  15. coues7

    Brass for sale

    I'll take all the 308Win Brass. Sent you a PM scott
  16. coues7

    Brass for sale

    I'll take the 308 brass. PM sent
  17. coues7

    New Brass and Used Brass for Sale & Dies

    Who makes the dies?
  18. coues7

    sunday hunt

  19. coues7

    OPPOSE HR 45

    I personally sent an email to Jon Kyle, John McCain and Gabrielle Giffords. These are the people that represent ME in southern AZ. I noted all 5 issues to Gabrielle Giffords.
  20. Here’s the bill: H.R. 45 (Rush): This bill would require a license for handguns and semiautomatics, including those currently possessed. The applicant must be thumbprinted and sign a certification that, effectively, the firearm will not be kept in a place where it would be available for the defense of the gun owner’s family. The applicant must also make available ALL of his psychiatric records, pass an exam, and pay a fee of up to $25. The license may be renewed after five years and may be revoked. Private sales would be outlawed, and reports to the attorney general of all transactions would be required, even when, as the bill allows, the AG determines that a state licensing system is sufficiently draconian to substitute for the federal license. With virtually no exceptions, ALL firearms transactions (involving semiautos, handguns, long guns, etc.) would be subject to a Brady check. In addition, the bill would make it unlawful in nearly all cases to keep any loaded firearm for self-defense. A variety of “crimes by omission” (such as failure to report certain things) would be created. Criminal penalties of up to ten years and almost unlimited regulatory and inspection authority would be established. Please send an email to the following State Senators/Reps letting them know you oppose this bill. They will be voting on this bill on Friday February 13th. Gabrielle Giffords- Giffords Contact Form(for those of you in district 8) John McCain- McCain Contact Form John Kyle- Jon Kyle Contact Form There are also 4 others bills that should be of concern as well. READ THEM OVER THOROUGHLY BEFORE YOU VOTE!!!! Gun Owners of America 111th Congress info
  21. coues7

    OPPOSE HR 45

    The links came from my own efforts to contact the reps/senators. Here are the others: Kirkpatrick, Ann, Arizona, 1st - contact Franks, Trent, Arizona, 2nd - contact Shadegg, John, Arizona, 3rd - contact Pastor, Ed, Arizona, 4th - contact Mitchell, Harry E., Arizona, 5th - contact Flake, Jeff, Arizona, 6th -contact Grijalva, Raul, Arizona, 7th - contact Giffords, Gabrielle, Arizona, 8th - contact Some of these you'll have to enter your address and 10 digit zip code in order to contact. PLEASE MAKE THE EFFORT!!! WE MUST STAND TOGETHER ON THIS!!!! If you don't know what district you're in click here
  22. coues7

    trigger work

    I'd teach yourself.....700 triggers are CAKE to adjust!