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Everything posted by coues7

  1. Does anyone have a map or know where to get a map showing the area that was burned by the Melendrez fire? Apparently no one working for the government (aka the Forest Service) has one or knows of them being released. I've seen them before some I know the FS releases such maps. One guy actually told me I need to file a Freedom of Information Act paper work for.....dang I didn't know this was "top secret" info. head shaking
  2. coues7

    Thieves suck!!!

    I wouldn't say that at all.....Mike clearly stated that he hadn't gone up to check his cams in some time and I think he even stated he wouldn't be up for a number of MORE weeks.
  3. I couldn't agree more with Cade (The Claw). The claw extends the comfort level of shooters.....BUT having inaccurate equipment and calibers that don't have enough terminal energy to do their job at long distances shouldn't all the sudden be used just because a person can not take a steady shot in a variety of "in the field" situations. That was my point. I don't think the claw will all of the sudden make things so easy that everyone is just out waking animals.....it is an AWESOME compliment to anyones hunting gear. It is a piece of gear that can aid in ethically harvesting game. Like COUESAZ said using a tree/walking stick or other support all aid in steadying a rifle to make a good shot. I think the claw will greatly enhance that.
  4. I don't have "the claw" yet but am currently in the process of working with Cade/Jay to do some testing and get some reviews out onto some of the other forums I frequent....AND I already know by just judging comments and the "practicality" of "the claw" that this thing is going to be a gift to long range hunters and short range hunters alike. With that said EVERYONE needs to still let making ethical shots and ethical kills the guiding factor when using "the claw" for hunting....END OF STORY. NO ONE should be under the impression that "now that I have the claw that I can take hail mary shots that will actually connect". I can't speak for Cade or Jay but I'm sure they would agree. Anyone that is going to be taking any long range shots on animals should practice those shots on paper MANY MANY times before applying those same shots in the field on a game animal. We owe that animal at least that much. Scott
  5. coues7

    Latest Covert II pics.

    I have always done the homebrew route.....and I've never used a DLC Covert cam setup, BUT based on what their website says and the cost these little bad boys may rival the homebrews! Sweet pics and thanks for sharing!
  6. coues7

    I'd like to hear your perspective....

    hello- Sorry - i hope this wasn't how it was meant -- rightfully his area !? That alone would have my hackle up - ok it's only archery deer - but bottom line - nobody can lay claim to a specific spot just because they hunted the area in years past . - ok - you compromise and move on- how many times are you gonna be willing to move on ! Gary ok - being sacastic- figures but some people think that way ! Oh I'm being sarcastic alright......one side of me totally agrees with TAM.....the other side of me (if the guy leaving the note was serious) would show up just to set the guy straight. Scott
  7. coues7

    I'd like to hear your perspective....

    I'd find another place to hunt.....the guy sounds really serious. If he's taken the time to salt it for 6 years apparently he it's rightfully his area. Even if it is public land he's enhanced it for the wildlife thus "giving" himself rights to hunt it.
  8. coues7

    catfish bite is on at san carlos

    Those are some ugly suckers......literally!
  9. coues7

    Swarovski STS 80mm

    Tim, Your killin' me....what did you end up purchasing? scott
  10. coues7

    mormons and big love

    Very well put Jade.
  11. Some of you may have recieved the mail from GOA about contacting Senator Cornyn / Chairman Steele......I just contacted Senator Cornyn's office and they said that Tom Ridge just issued a statement stating that he was no longer going to run......THANK GOODNESS!!!!! Below is the email I recieved: Thursday, May 7, 2009 Some Republicans still don't understand why mainstream America is soupset with their Party. Now that Sen. Arlen Specter has defected to the Democrat Party, manyprominent Republicans are openly recruiting liberal Republicans to runagainst Specter. And at the top of their list is Tom Ridge. Ridge is the turncoat Republican whose vote was crucial in passing thesemi-auto ban in 1994. After having opposed a similar ban in 1991, then-Rep. Tom Ridgeflip-flopped and teamed up with Charles Schumer (D-NY) to pass thesemi-auto gun and magazine ban. The gun ban passed narrowly, 216 to214, thanks to Tom Ridge. Later, as Governor of Pennsylvania, Ridge signed one of the mostrestrictive gun control laws in the State's history -- the infamous Act17 which registered and taxed long gun buyers and placed otherrestrictions on Keystone State gun owners. As the head of the Department of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge opposedarming pilots. He asked, sarcastically, if pilots carry guns, thenshould we also arm railroad engineers and bus drivers? As DHS Director,Ridge should have led the charge to arm pilots and people in otherpositions that fell under the agency's purview. Instead, he just repeated the same tired old anti-gun line that we hearevery time a state passes a concealed carry handgun law. Guess who else opposed the armed pilots program? Pennsylvania's"Benedict" Arlen Specter, who was one of only two Republican Senators tovote against the bill. The last thing we need is another elitist in Congress who does not trustlaw-abiding citizens with firearms. And yet, wishy-washy RepublicanSenators like Utah's Orrin Hatch and South Carolina's Lindsey Graham aretouting Ridge over Specter. In other words, let's replace one turncoatwith another. There is a better option. His name is Pat Toomey, a Gun Owners ofAmerica "A" rated pro-gunner who served in the U.S. House ofRepresentatives for three terms, before honoring a self-imposed termlimit and retiring in 2004. Those who are pushing anti-gunner Tom Ridge claim that Pat Toomey isunelectable because he's "too conservative" for Pennsylvania. But that's what self-appointed experts said before Toomey got electedterm after term in a largely Democrat district in the eastern part ofPennsylvania. And that's what they said before he accrued a giganticlead in the polls over a sitting Senator this year, forcing Specter tojump parties. It was Pat Toomey who forced Specter to jump to the Democrat Party.Toomey -- who was backed by Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund-- was leading Specter in polls by an overwhelming margin. That's also what they said about Ronald Reagan -- who was supposedly tooconservative to win a national election. (By the way, Reagan also wonPennsylvania.) Bottom line: We need to put these squishy politicians on alert. Theirinternal party politics is their business. But when party leaders startpushing noted gun banners -- using the money contributed by millions ofgun owners around the country -- we're not going to remain silent. Texas Senator John Cornyn is the head of the National RepublicanSenatorial Committee. Michael Steele heads the Republican NationalCommittee. The decision to support an anti-gunner over a defender ofthe Second Amendment rests largely in their hands. ACTION: Please urge Senator John Cornyn and Chairman Michael Steele notto interfere in Pennsylvania's primary. There is already a pro-gun,electable conservative running in the primary who deserves theirsupport. You can contact NRSC's Sen. Cornyn at info@nrsc.org or by phone at (202)675-6000. You can contact RNC Chairman Michael Steele at chairman@gop.com or byphone at (202) 863-8700.
  12. Doug, Your pics are awesome! Thanks for sharing
  14. I don't think you guys carry enough fuel..... Looks fun though.
  15. coues7

    Swarovski STS 80mm

    I personally have the 80mm spotter (non-HD). I've never wanted for anymore clarity. I had the DCA adapter and used it for digiscoping....if your using it to take pictures for kicks/grins and judging purposes, I'd tell you to save the $500-600 bones. scott
  16. Remember CANDIDATE Barack Obama? The guy who "wasn't going to take away our guns"? Well, guess what? Less than 100 days into his administration, he's never met a gun he didn't hate. A week ago, Obama went to Mexico, whined about the United States, and bemoaned (before the whole world) the fact that he didn't have the political power to take away our semi-automatics. Nevertheless, that didn't keep him from pushing additional restrictions on American gun owners. It's called the Inter-American Convention Against Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials. To be sure, this imponderable title masks a really nasty piece of work. First of all, when the treaty purports to ban the "illicit" manufacture of firearms, what does that mean? 1. "Illicit manufacturing" of firearms is defined as "assembly of firearms [or] ammunition... without a license...." Hence, reloading ammunition -- or putting together a lawful firearm from a kit -- is clearly "illicit manufacturing." Modifying a firearm in any way would surely be "illicit manufacturing." And, while it would be a stretch, assembling a firearm after cleaning it could, in any plain reading of the words, come within the screwy definition of "illicit manufacturing." 2. "Firearm" has a similarly questionable definition. "[A]ny other weapon" is a "firearm," according to the treaty -- and the term "weapon" is nowhere defined. So, is a BB gun a "firearm"? Probably. A toy gun? Possibly. A pistol grip or firing pin? Probably. And who knows what else. If these provisions (and others) become the law of the land, the Obama administration could have a heyday in enforcing them. Consider some of the other provisions in the treaty: * Banning Reloading. In Article IV of the treaty, countries commit to adopting "necessary legislative or other measures" to criminalize illicit manufacturing and trafficking in firearms. Remember that "illicit manufacturing" includes reloading and modifying or assembling a firearm in any way. This would mean that the Obama administration could promulgate regulations banning reloading on the basis of this treaty -- just as it is currently circumventing Congress to write legislation taxing greenhouse gases. * Banning Gun Clubs. Article IV goes on to state that the criminalized acts should include "association or conspiracy" in connection with said offenses -- which is arguably a term broad enough to allow, by regulation, the criminalization of entire pro-gun organizations or gun clubs, based on the facilities which they provide their membership. * Extraditing US Gun Dealers. Article V requires each party to "adopt such measures as may be necessary to establish its jurisdiction over the offenses it has established in accordance with this Convention" under a variety of circumstances. We know that Mexico is blaming U.S. gun dealers for the fact that its streets are flowing with blood. And we know it is possible for Mexico to define offenses "committed in its territory" in a very broad way. And we know that we have an extradition obligation under Article XIX of the proposed treaty. So we know that Mexico could try to use the treaty to demand to extradition of American gun dealers. Under Article XXIX, if Mexico demands the extradition of a lawful American gun dealer, the U.S. would be required to resolve the dispute through "other means of peaceful settlement." Does anyone want to risk twenty years in a sweltering Mexican jail on the proposition that the Obama administration would apply this provision in a pro-gun manner? * Microstamping. Article VI requires "appropriate markings" on firearms. And, it is not inconceivable that this provision could be used to require microstamping of firearms and/or ammunition -- a requirement which is clearly intended to impose specifications which are not technologically possible or which are possible only at a prohibitively expensive cost. * Gun Registration. Article XI requires the maintenance of any records, for a "reasonable time," that the government determines to be necessary to trace firearms. This provision would almost certainly repeal portions of McClure-Volkmer and could arguably be used to require a national registry or database. ACTION: Write your Senators and urge them to oppose the Inter-American Convention Against Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials. Please use the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at http://www.gunowners.org/activism.htm to send your Senators the pre-written e-mail message below. ----- Pre-written letter ----- Dear Senator: I am urging you, in the strongest terms, to oppose the Inter-American Convention Against Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials. This anti-gun treaty was written by international bureaucrats who are either stupid or virulently anti-gun -- or both. This treaty could very well ban the ability to reload ammunition, to put new stocks on rifles lawfully owned by American citizens, and, possibly, even ban BB guns! There are too many problems with this treaty to mention them all in this letter. The rest can be read on the website of Gun Owners of America at: http://www.gunowners.org/fs0901.htm Please do not tell me the treaty has not yet been abused in this way by the bevy of Third World countries which have signed it. We do not expect the real ramifications of the treaty to become clear until the big prize -- the U.S. -- has stepped into the trap. For all of these reasons, I must insist that you oppose ratification of the treaty. Sincerely,
  17. coues7

    Bluffed Up Lion

    Thanks for sharing Andy! Hope all is well being a FF.
  18. coues7

    it begins

    This has already been reversed.
  19. She's a cutie. If anyone ever decides to be a parent and has some misconception that you are going to get sleep and it's gonna be a walk in the park.....well you need to go see a shrink. For people that have those thoughts and perceptions, get them out of your head and you'll love being a parent. It's tiring and tuff.....especially when they grow older, BUT it's the MOST REWARDING THING YOU'LL EVER DO. I LOVE BEING A DADDY! 300ultramag CONGRATS AGAIN! You got the right attitude!
  20. coues7

    spotting scope

    Couldn't agree more Antlerdog. I think the decision has to be made how big/small to go as well as brand. I used to have the STS 80.....that sucker is heavy! If you want to see something way out there you can get it done no problem.....but I think it is too big. I think a guy could get the same affect using the STS65. Scott
  21. coues7

    AZ Dry Ground Lion - 4-3-09

    Sweet! thanks for sharing!
  22. coues7

    FS: SPS Varmint Stock

  23. coues7

    FS: SPS Varmint Stock

    I have a brand new SPS Varmint stock for sale. Asking $65+shipping obo. This was just taken off my brand new unfired rifle. It has the dual studs up front.