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Everything posted by coues7

  1. When a manufacturer gives a maximum load rating, what exactly are they referring to? Is it simply straight forward: "if you put more than this you'll break the tripod" or does it have to do with something else? I'm looking at a Slik Pro 614 CF tripod and it's rated at 6.6 lbs. I will be shooting of of the tripod. And my rig weights 12.5 lbs. Scott
  2. What are you guys packing for lunch? I normally take some summer sausage or some kipper snacks/sardines. The thing I've always struggled with is how to keep my cracker from getting crushed. I also pack some fruit and jerky.
  3. coues7

    Drew The Wrong Tag?

    I had the same exact thing happen.....I plan on calling the AZGFD on Monday to see what can be done. If they are unwilling to give me a tag based on what was on my application, I'll simply settle for a refund. The thing I worry about is that all of my choices (the ones I actually put) were all December tags. They put me in for a Unit 22 October tag. Please keep us posted on how it turns out and I'll do the same. Scott
  4. coues7

    They are out for Real!!!!!

    I got drawn for Unit 22 in October.....except I didn't even put in for that unit. I scanned my application and verified it before I sent it off.....I think whoever entered the number punched a 1 instead of a 7.....for me most of my hunts including my 1st choice were December WT hunts. What should I do? Will the AZGFD honor my photocopy? Do they keep the originals?
  5. coues7


    Jeff is a man of his word. Product is as described. Scott
  6. Let's quick pissin and moanin and just provide the info requested.
  7. Watch the You Tube video. I'd vote for the guy if he stood hard on issues like he does this one Keep your mouth shut Calderon! AWESOME!
  8. I have a Remington 700 (ADL Model) in 7mm Mag. It is brand new in the box. Never been fired. Has both front and rear sights. Perfect rifle for custom built or the guy who want to take it out of the box and go sling some lead. You can't even buy a new action for this price. The rifle is in Globe, AZ. If you want it shipped, it MUST go to an FFL and buyer pays shipping costs. Asking $400. If needed, I can deliver to Springerville, Showlow, or Tucson. No sense in posting pictures because its NEW. Just like in the store.
  9. coues7

    2 stocks for Rem, McMillan + laminate

    Sent you a PM on the McMillan
  10. coues7

    Long range rigs

    Can you post some specs on what loads you are using and specs on your 308 rifle? Scott
  11. coues7

    Long range rigs

    "best barrel" really? I hadn't heard of their being a best barrel.....you must have stumbled across something amazing that the rest of us have been missing. "one of the best gunsmiths there is and topped with an extremely expensive scope that is set up to shoot long ranges"....Boy Lark you are just full of it today aren't you. I guess we need to know who your smith is too. A good majority of shooters can't even shoot their "custom" rigs to the potential the rifle has.....I tend to doubt with you statements and the running off of your mouth that you can either. I find it funny the group of people on this website that get all bent out of shape when someone like 308Nut who has been shooting long range for much longer than most on this site have even heard of long range shooting brings up points on a specific question being asked. So Lark when you get over being an armchair warrior why don't you go ahead and post specs, groups and who/what all your "best" is so we can really see.
  12. coues7

    Rob Krentz

    Sounds like a fishy story to me......something needs to be done. The minute men have changed their approach and are working more on fighting with information and video reconnaissance. One thing that everyone needs to recognize is that the drugs cartels are the most brutal and barbaric group of people on the planet, thus the 22,000 already killed in mexico already this year. I'm interested in knowing why no one heard about man and his wife being beat. Scott
  13. coues7

    Swaro Package

    Is it the 65mm or the 80mm? How old is it? Are you the original owner? Why are you selling it? How's the glass?
  14. coues7

    My First Turkey!!!

    Congrats Daniel.....follow your dad's footsteps and you'll be gtg! Scott
  15. coues7


    Mark you're always a straight shooter and tell it how you see it kind of guy! I love it. Our reps and senators are idiots.....
  16. coues7

    breaking in new rifle

    more than anything I'd start packin that thing around everywhere you go so you will know how heavy that beast is gonna be come hunting season I carry a 12.5lb rifle and almost regret ever having it built.....sucker shoots like a laser but it's a heavy beast. I have the same "Remington Sendero" contour and my rig and it's a heavy barrel. Scott
  17. coues7

    2010 Census

    I simply filled out age, sex, relationship and since I have a young family the fact that they all lived at the residence to which the census was mialed. I did not fill out names, race and/or ethnicity. Again mine has already been mailed back. I did not site the 5th Amendment.....wish I had!
  18. coues7

    A lesson in Snow

    Unfortunately not.....I was so pissed that I forgot to bring a camera! Not sure when I would have taken pics though, we stopped for maybe 15 minutes to quickly eat lunch and the rest of the time we were bustin' hump. I got the memories in my head.....I do wish I had some pics though. Maybe if I get a chance I'll do a write up about how it all played out.
  19. coues7

    A lesson in Snow

    Well boys and girls, after 8.5 hours of digging, winching, getting unstuck again, bringing in more equipment and winching some more Mark's truck is back home for some not so cold, buried to the doors in some seriously wet and deep snow. On a side note for those of you that haven't ever had the chance to meet Mark, he is one of the most stand-up, humble individuals I know! Glad we got your truck back Mark. Scott
  20. For anyone who doesn't know about this here is the AZ Star Article This makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. If there is a way to prosecute the FS for doing this I think it should be done! For those of you that have hunted and/or enjoyed the beauty of Charleau Gap, the ol' rock are being destroyed. I'm sure more traffic in there won't help things.....you'll now be able to take your Geo Metro in there.
  21. coues7


    Congrats Mark and Andy!
  22. coues7


    PM sent on 22lr and the 30-40 krag
  23. coues7

    150" WMAT Coues

    That buck looks like he's been in a lot of fights.....his nose looks really broken up and scar'd.
  24. coues7

    Look what I got to hold tonight!!

    Harold, Congrats on a great buck. Had you ever seen this buck before? On your original post his face looks very "old" and toughened. Please do keep us posted when you get the results back from the G&F about his age.