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Everything posted by coues7

  1. I work with a guy who is brand new to our state and is dying to go quail hunting. We will be in Globe around Thanksgiving and considering he's not a resident yet I figure the cheapest way to get him would be to take him onto the San Carlos Indian Reservation. Any good ideas as to where we could go? Thanks, Scott
  2. coues7

    Quail Hunting: San Carlos Apache Rez

    We plan on having all the proper permits/licenses. I need to know where to hunt. Scott
  3. If no one recognizes him, it's Tuff Hedeman the world famous bull rider and founder of the PBR. Nice bucks!!!! That is absolutely phenomenal to produce that many great bucks in one hunt!
  4. coues7

    Loc Jaw / Rifle Railz

    I think one of the MAJOR advantages to this setup is that it does not squeeze your rifle. It won't crush or damage bedding and won't affect free floating. Another awesome feature is that fact that it only weights 5.2 ounces TOTAL SYSTEM!!!!
  5. coues7

    Loc Jaw / Rifle Railz

    The rifle Railz mounts to the bottom of your rifle. On Remington's it uses the front bottom metal action screw. I believe that pretty much puts a picatinny rail on the bottom of your rifle. That then mounts to the Loc Jaw. I believe David originally designed if for use with AR15's but then adapted it to the bolt action rifle. I'll let him chime in and correct me if I'm wrong. Scott
  6. coues7

    junior buck

    Congrats to the boy and thanks for sharing the experience with us!!! Can't wait to try the Rail/Loc Jaw!!!!
  7. coues7

    FS: Gun Claw

    SOLD PENDING FUNDS TO arizonaelitefreak
  8. Is the buck everyone is talking about "Gordy's Buck"?
  9. coues7

    New Long Range Rifle 1000yrds +

    Randy does great work. He build a rifle for me a few years ago. The one thing you'll regret is the weight.....gettin' tougher won't help (in my opinion). That's the one thing about long range shooting that people don't recognize at first or don't anticipate in their builds....WEIGHT. I hump around a 12.5 scoped/bipoded rifle and even that's too much. Nice rig though. Tell us how it shoots when you make it out.
  10. I'd like to do some hunting this year and had to forfeit my 22 tag due to prior work commitments. I saw that there were some leftover tags down south. I'd like to think I'm pretty tough and could handle myself in a situation, but when you have 3 kids and a wife at home you start to think about things differently. I'd be hunting in the south east corner of the unit if I do go down so is there anyone on CW.com that can offer some confidence or warning about hunting this unit to help me make my decision? Thanks, Scott
  11. coues7

    Leftover 30A Tag

    Simple Hunter, I'll have my dad with me and that was my plan was to stay near the ranches, with my Glock ready to go. Again my hope would be that I would never be in a situation where I would have to defend my life.
  12. coues7

    Leftover 30A Tag

    I wouldn't describe it as a bad attitude. I have zero desire to get into an altercation but if threatened I'd be more than willing to defend myself, even if it meant taking someone elses life, especially if they have no concern for human life. I'd simply like to go down and hunt in MY COUNTRY where no one should be a victim of the cartels. I appreciate your input though.
  13. coues7

    Successful Hunt with son

    Congrats Scott. That looks exactly like the buck I killed a few years back. Mine scored 89"
  14. coues7

    Great Elk Video

    Awesome video. Do you know what camera he's using?
  15. Mark, The bad news for today is that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals struck down Arizona’s law that requires all voters to provide evidence of U.S. citizenship prior to registering to vote. How in the heck can the courts reverse some thing that WE THE PEOPLE voted on? The same thing has happened with the vote for gay marriage. Our country is going to heck in a hand bag and we literally cannot stop it!!!!!
  16. coues7

    8 year old accidentally shot 4 year old

    I couldn't agree more. I HATE absolutely HATE the way the media does these stories. You'd be out of your mind to that the family is not absolutely devastated.....and then the media thinks their doing some justice by reporting that they may be charges....the media is a bunch of DUMB ASSES!!!!!
  17. coues7

    300 RUM brass

    Graf and Sons or Powder Valley if you haven't tried.
  18. I've used WGP for the last few years and he does a good job. He is located off of Ruthroff Rd. not too far from I-10 phone # is 520-292-2262
  19. coues7

    My archery bull

    Congrats Brian.....I know you put in lots of time and effort. Great bull!
  20. coues7

    Got My Lion Back!

  21. coues7

    Outdoorsmans Rear Rifle Rest

    Hopefully Whitemountainman will chime in.....I believe he uses one and says it's much more stable than the "gun claw". I know you didn't mention the "gun claw", but that's really the only other thing out there. If you use the outdoorsman setup you have to have one of their tripods.....all in all the price is pretty steep for the setup.
  22. My wife showed me this video and I couldn't resist sharing. Please pray for our troops and pray for the wicked to be destroyed. GOD BLESS OUR COUNTRY AND THOSE WHO FIGHT FOR A GOD INSPIRED CONSTITUTION!!!!
  23. coues7

    Boar shot on Friday

    Nice boar......and gotta ask, what unit?
  24. coues7

    Jeep JK in Springerville

    Brian, I still have my white 4runner. I'll send you a PM with all my updated info.
  25. coues7

    Jeep JK in Springerville

    Brian, Tell me you didn't come up here and not stop by and visit.....I'm guessing you heard about the JK via someone else