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Everything posted by coues7

  1. coues7

    Looking for a weapon

    First of all stop YELLING!!!!! Turn off the 17 font bold print.....we can hear you just fine without it! I highly doubt "all she can only handle is a semi-auto" but whatever. If she "just must have a semi -auto" get her a Remington R-25 in 243.
  2. Here is an actual field test. Pretty impressive and very telling.
  3. coues7

    Looking to buy a Rimfire

    CZ452.....hands down.
  4. coues7

    22 North, 22 yds.!

    What sort of contraption are you boiling that skull in? Looks like a truck rim. Great story and nice elk!
  5. coues7

    AR 15s

    Go to AR15.com and you will find more info than you could ever want to know. Personally I shoot RRA, Lauer and Anvil Arms.
  6. coues7

    pops n I score on our late hunt

    You know that girl has been on all your hunts as of late.....I don't see a ring on that finger but you really should get her one! That's one tough chick. Congrats to you and your pops. Hunting with your dad is a great blessing. I absolutely love huntin' with mine. Scott
  7. coues7

    2010 Coues deer hunt

    Awesome buck Jake. Thanks for sharin'
  8. So the forest service decides to do a "prescribed/controlled" west of Round Valley today, I'm assuming to burn slash and down brush, on a day the National Weather Services (another government entity) says it's going to be WINDY!!!!! Are these people completely and totally STUPID??? The thing is now burning out of control headed to Vernon. It appears to be only burning the rolling grass lands south of US60, but still it's an out of control fire! No common sense is EVER exhibited by our government or any of it's counter parts.
  9. coues7

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Josh, What are you doing with all your hides?
  10. coues7

    Ryan Got It Done!!

    Congrats John and Ryan. I can't wait till Dalynn can hunt.
  11. coues7

    Bought a Rock Chucker kit

    Not sure what you mean by serviceable.....but the 505 is a great scale. I picked up my 3rd from TAM a while ago. If you haven't read or had someone show you how to reload: READ READ READ. Learn how to set-up your dies. Don't bump your shoulders more than 0.002. Always load up to a load Max. Pay attention to detail and always weigh your charges to the best readout your scale has. Low extreme spreads equals tight groups (once a load has been developed).
  12. They knew those conditions were coming......if they had been concerned they would have invested the time in putting out what they had already started.
  13. I'm standing by my comments. I clearly recognize that anything that Uncle Sam (USFS included) gets their hands into is EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE. There was no "structure" damage, but they did burn up winter fields of a number of ranchers. Anyone with any common sense could have looked at the weather report for yesterday and know that it was scheduled to be windy. When things in the forest go up on flames, the USFS is there to put it out and I know it takes lots of our $$ to do so. I'm not so convinced that they properly manage the forest to begin with and end up have to spend lots of $$ because of it!!!!
  14. coues7

    Youth Age Question

    Thanks for the reply. She is so stoked to give it a try and I was excited to get out there and harvest something with her.
  15. coues7

    Youth Age Question

    My oldest daughter will turn 9 years old on February 14, 2011. I plan on getting her into one of the hunter ed courses up here on the mountain. Will she be able to hunt during the fall or does she actually have to wait until 2012 to begin hunting? Scott
  16. It appeared that they got it under control at about 10PM last night. Rogeti is correct, there were times when the flames were huge. This morning we have major wind gusting. I haven't gotten out the Kestrel but I'm guessing around 40 mph......maybe they'll light the slash up this morning
  17. coues7


    Happy Birthday Brian!!!!
  18. coues7

    FS: Gun Claw

    I'm selling my Gun Claw. Been used for maybe 10 shots. Need the money to buy some other stuff. Asking $85+shipping FIRM. Scott
  19. coues7

    FS: Gun Claw

    arizonaelitefreak is A++. He delivered the money in a timely manner and was a real pleasure to work with. Scott
  20. coues7

    Loc Jaw and Rifle Railz

    I absolutely love those long shots. That deer nor the ones around him had any idea where that shot came from. Awesome!!!!
  21. coues7

    Loc Jaw and Rifle Railz

    I'd say you've perfected your specialty of makin' things dead!!! By putting this information out I'm not saying I'm smart and you or anyone else it dumb. 6 years ago when I got into long range shooting I wish there was a better explanation of MOA......once I figured it out I made this because I felt like I was having to explain it over and over again. The most important thing in this thread is the fact that David has created and AWESOME product that is going to be a HUGE benefit to long range shooters and tremendously help with long range accuracy!!!!
  22. coues7

    Loc Jaw and Rifle Railz

    You guys are killin' me when you use the word click. If your going to take a 700 yard shot with a 6.5x284 and you drop is 100 inches and your using a 1/4 MOA scope are you really going to count 57 clicks? Good luck, especially when you got a 110" buck in the cross hairs. I'd just dial 14.5 MOA and send it, or do as you mention Jim and put 700 yards on a piece of tape. I put an explanation of MOA that I created below. Hope it helps someone out. Explanation_of_MOA.pdf
  23. coues7

    Loc Jaw and Rifle Railz

    I've used the gun claw and the one thing I DID NOT like about it was the fact that it squeezed the rifle. If you happen to have your action bedded or latched on at different locations you run the risk of breaking the bedding or changing the conditions by which the rifle shot good. Just my $0.02
  24. coues7

    Loc Jaw and Rifle Railz

    Awesome write-up Jim! I look forward to trying this out!!!! Scott