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Everything posted by coues7

  1. Mason, I know of two individual who bought the Rem 700 SPS in 7WSM and did nothing more than bed them. Both rifles with handloads will shoot .25 MOA at all ranges. The tupperware stock isn't the best but I know both of them bedded them anyway.....the results were impressive to say the least. Both rifles were purchased at separate times from separate stores. Anything that Mike (308Nut) says I'd listen. Scott
  2. coues7

    Say a prayer for Treestandman

    Happy Birthday Mike! I'm sure our Heavenly Father will place you over the "Coues Management" program Scott
  3. coues7

    Mike Udall aka Treestandman

    For anyone who didn't know Mike he had a passion for coues deer that very few people have. I personally only know of 2 other hunters that put in the amount of time and dedication. I didn't know Mike in all aspects of his life, but the time that we spent building trail cameras and the few times that we had in the field will forever be remembered. In recent years Mike and I hadn't talked much simply do to busy schedules and families. I know that he and Tim were the closest from what I knew. We'll miss you Mike. Scott
  4. coues7

    Mike Udall aka Treestandman

    The family has asked that the details surrounding his death remain private. I simply hope he knows how much he will be missed.
  5. coues7

    Mike Udall aka Treestandman

    Thanks for posting this Tim. Mike will definitely be missed. I spoke with his mom and her biggest concern is for his kids. I mentioned to his mom that he had a "big" extended family over here and asked that if anyone had stories or fond memories of Mike that we track those.....Mike this is your thread. We'll miss you Mike! Scott
  6. coues7

    Night Hunting Varmits in AZ

    I doubt states with night time hunting have any higher rates of poaching than states like ours that do not allow (at this time) night hunting.
  7. coues7

    Night Hunting Varmits in AZ

    That would be sweet if they passed that through. Lots of states have it and I think it's a win-win situation.
  8. coues7

    Caging Bobcats

    A friend of mine shot a bobcat over on Mt. Graham that was weighted by a taxidermist at 42 lbs. This guys 6'3" and when he held it straight at shoulder height it touched the ground.....the taxidermist couldn't believe it.
  9. coues7

    Caging Bobcats

    I've had my cages out for a since last Friday......nothin' yet. In all honestly I'm getting discouraged. I was super duper hopeful in the beginning......I'm wishing I had a good mentor. If I can simply catch a couple of cats and re-coupe some of my money I'll buy traps from either Bob or Mercer. I'm currently using borrowed traps with the drop doors (non-guillotine). I put cotton balls with coyote/bobcat urine on them hanging at the back of the cage. Because I'm volcanic areas it's hard to find dirt to put in the bottom of the cage. Right now I just pulled some grass off and scattered that inside the cage. I then squirted a little urine on the outside of the cage. I did kind of put some sticks around the outside of the cage similar to you and Scotty's setups. I wonder what I'm doing wrong but at the same time it just may take some time I'm on all private right now. I'm thinking about moving to an area closer to town. It currently takes me 2 hours to check 4 traps. The other discouraging thing is I've found cat scat on the roads leading in (out in the flats) but not where I put my traps (in the rock bluffs). I have some lure ordered and it should be hear by Monday. I also expected to see more Jacks on the way in/out but I haven't seen any. Since those aren't "game animals" I would like to put a dead one in the cage or at least the ears hanging. I'm currently trying to find some chicken wings for "flagging". right now I just put up Christmas tinsel on a swivel. Scott
  10. coues7

    Caging Bobcats

    Josh are you covering the bottom of your traps with dirt? Those are some gorgeous spots on that cat! What were you using for your flagging? It looks like faux fur or the skin off some animal.
  11. coues7

    Ryan's Piggy Down!!

    Congrats Ryan and John. What a great experience.
  12. I'm assuming you are talking about the class that will be held during the fur sale at the Gila County Fair Grounds. We have an AZGFD officer up here that is teaching the class for $10 so I wouldn't spend $50 (if that's what it happens to be). You've already had to buy a hunt/fish license at $54, then a trapping license for $30.....if you get 3-5 people together to take the course the AZGFD will teach it for the $10's. That has been my experience anyway. Keep us posted. I'd guess that Bob Small with briarpatchcages.com will be in Globe. I haven't personally seen his cages but from all the research I've done they are top notch.
  13. 99% sure that buck was harvested.......
  14. coues7

    Caging Bobcats

    azgutpile that is correct. Josh what bait sets are you using? Are you using Bob's lures? If so which one?
  15. coues7

    Caging Bobcats

    That's the guy. Have you guys had anyone screw with your stuff? I still get pissed every time we go out thinking about the stupid tree huggers shutting down the "leg hold" traps. With all the stuff people have to do to trap, you'd think the AZGFD would like to keep all of us out of it and just pay the salary for a couple government trappers and some helicopters......sad in my opinion.
  16. coues7

    Caging Bobcats

    Josh/Hyperwrx who builds your cages. I heard there was a really good builder here in Az some time ago but can't remember his name. I know pelt prices are up this year. I got access to a bunch of private property up in Northern AZ and we just put some traps out today.....specifically for bobcats. Stinkin' coyotes are too dang smart for me....save those for predator callin'. Great job you guys. Thanks for sharin'
  17. The problem with "the system" including the Pima County Sheriff's office is that NO one is willing to be accountability for decisions made or the lack there of. If the Pima County Sheriff's office did an investigation and deemed Loughner a "non-threat" then they should accept responsibility for the actions that he did. Mr. Loughner played by the rules regarding gun laws. "The system" simply didn't act on what his actions showed would/could come! If we give our rights away to bear arms there will be the similar to WWII (regarding the Jews) happen again, because the "government" will do as they please!
  18. The thing that pisses me off is that the media is treating Giffords as some center part of this whole thing. The whole legislative system was brought to a halt to morn her being shot. There was 6 people that died and 14 that were injured.....NOT Giffords was shot and "others" were killed injured! What about our soldiers scattered all over this planet that are giving their lives and dying DAILY. Is anyone stopping congress and giving them the credit they are due! I'd love for the media to answer that question!!!! This whole thing pisses me off. Our government officials ARE NOT any more special than US citizens. I personally filed a complaint against Sheriff Dupnik. I can't believe that the general populous of Pima County would elect this douche bag for the last 25 years. He spews absolute hypocritical language regarding people promoting violence and states that the parties come together and yet he took the time to promote his Democratic views. I hope and pray he is force out.
  19. No law will ever prevent what happened. There is no way in heck to screen every law abiding American (other than through Obamacare). It is/would be ludicrous anyway. The was a single incident (not necessarily isolated) but there is no simple answer and creating new laws that restrict law abiding citizens isn't fare nor correct, but I doubt our "good" government reps don't give a flyin' shoot about what we think. As far as they are concerned no one should have guns and "they" the government will protect us. They need a few lessons from WWI and WWII. Citizens that are unarmed can be done with whatever those with guns want!
  20. I could not agree more. Dupnick is a jackass!!!! Instead of simply getting up and stating the facts, he went on spewing rhetoric out of his mouth about his political views and what a "saint" Giffords was/is. I'm convinced he would sell out Arizona in a second! A tool he is!
  21. I'm sure it was some guns fault that she and the others got shot......probably a "hi-capacity assault weapon".
  22. coues7

    Some pics from my cam

    What camera are you using? Based on what you've shared I'd say that camera setup is safe from thieves. Thanks for sharin'
  23. Congrats 308! That's the best experience in the world. We hope the baby and mommy are doing well. Scott