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Everything posted by coues7

  1. coues7

    A Few Valleys

    Doug, what camera are you using? Editing software?
  2. coues7

    Loc Jaw Rifle Railz

    It will fit almost any rifle. Long or short action. Get one you'll love it.
  3. coues7

    Wallow Fire

    Action folks.....we need your action. We need you to email, write, call and demand action. This should include at a minimum the following: Jon Kyle John McCain Apache County Sheriff Deadman Apache County Supervisor Lee Congressman Paul Gosar Apache County Attorney Michael Whiting Do some research on Catron County New Mexico, better yet, folks from New Mexico chime in. The Sheriff of any given County in the United States of America has more authority than anyone, including the Forest Service. People have the government pyramid backwards. The power does NOT come from Washington down. The authority as vested THROUGH the United States Constitution, starts with the Counties, then to the States and LAST AND LEAST, Washington. Anyone lucky enough to have Steve Pierce as your Congressman, consider yourself lucky. That is a man with a plan and he understands the system. We need to remove the Forest Service from Apache County, and the State of Arizona for that matter. We don't need them. They do nothing but harm. We can keep the local employees who have vested interests in OUR communities and Forests. We can use the revenue from logging, not just in the short term but long term logging to pay their salaries and benefits. Take Action. Talking about it on this forum and any other will not do anything unless the people mentioned above are contacted. If you love THIS MOUNTAIN and Arizona as much as I do, it is your public and civic duty to take action. The two guys will get what they get, it's a moot point. WE NEED TO CHANGE THE SYSTEM!!!!!
  4. coues7

    Wallow Fire

    I hope that no one allows these charges to distract themselves, the media and point of true blame. The United States Forest Circus is solely responsible for all things associated with Wallow Fire. As citizens of Arizona and particularly of Apache County, we need to unite to REMOVE the USFC from managing OUR forests. They will not do what needs to be done. The two gentlemen who started the campfire that led to the Wallow Fire should not distract. Don't let it distract you. Keep your eye on the ball. Call the Apache County Attorney, call the Apache County Supervisors and encourage them to Allow Sheriff Deadman to use his United States Consitutional Authority to remove the USFC from Apache County! That is the action that we need. As state previously nothing, absolutely nothing, can be brought back. The only thing we can do is to change the future.
  5. coues7

    2 week hunt -

    great thread
  6. coues7


    Don't you normally put seed down and then put the cover on top? I've heard that the USFC was unable to get the seed in the time frame they needed so they just proceeded with the straw.....seems like another waste of money to me.
  7. coues7

    Giant 410+ Velvet Bull killed!

    Well put Brian. I'd like to thank Mr. Hamberlin for his contribution to Arizona Wildlife. Thank you.
  8. coues7

    Unit 27 smoked elk

    The series of pictures is quite amazing. Thanks for sharing. Much was reported by the US Forest Circus that the animals "know" a fire is coming and "run away". Although, that may be somewhat true, the pictures on your camera show quite a different story. Without divulging the location of your camera and likely having seen some of the burn maps, was the camera in an area that was red or yellow? Thanks for sharing! PS Jeff, I would be willing to bet money that Moultrie would replace the camera and probably throw in something extra to have that camera. The fact that "their" camera survived the Wallow fire is pretty impressive. What's the worst they could say.....sorry it's yours?
  9. coues7

    Coon Canyon Unit 1

    If I read the regulations correctly, you have a tag for any antlerless elk.....that should be semi easy. Bad news is that much of Coon Canyon (South Fork Area) got hit pretty good by the Wallow Fire. Much of Coon Canyon is covered in straw at the moment. A special thanks goes out to the United State Forest Circus for their mismanagement and squandering of OUR forests. Not only have they wasted billions of board feet of lumber, but they have ruined habitat, and devastated waters for "native and endangered" fish species for everything south of the White Mountains. YES I have a chip on my shoulder, BUT I'm sure there is a great possibility of being successful on your hunt.
  10. coues7

    know a good gunsmith

    I know an excellent smith in Show Low. He built sniper rifles for 4 years in the Marines.
  11. coues7

    Wallow Fire

    If I get banned for this post......SO BE IT! I wanted to take the time to thank the US Forest Circus for the bang up job they have and are doing on managing our forests. I would like to give a special thanks to those who manage the Apache-Sitgreaves Forest. I feel especially blessed that the US Forest Circus learned so much from the Rodeo-Chedeski fire (June 18-July 7, 2002). It's good to see that the tree huggers got their way and we ran all the loggers (previously contributing to our local economy and helping keep the forests healthy) out of the woods so that there is so much undergrowth and densities to our current fire. That late snow we had dumped enough moisture onto the forest to clearly warrant such a situation. For the single individual or group of individuals (committee) that made the decision to lift the fire restrictions (on OUR forest) this past weekend, you deserve a pay raise, a pat on the back, applause from your tree hugging colleagues and a boot in your ASSES! I'm sure you'll move right on up the political ladder and you deserve to sit down with the rest of the scum that sits in those same "elite group" of political chairs. A special thanks also goes out to the visitors from Benson who saw fit to have start a fire and then take a nice "skip" down to the river, while leaving their fire unattended. Needless to say, you likely started what will turn into the second (2nd) Rodeo-Chedeski fire. Thanks for coming to the White Mountains.....your visit and it's effects will be seen for many years to come. You left a great heritage in your place. Since there will likely be little to no repercussions and/or consequences to you personally for your visit, I wish you the best. In reality the $100 that they could deduct from your paycheck for the rest of your lives won't amount to anything. Putting you into our prison system wouldn't do anything either, I mean we put people into prison at $60k/year to help rehabilitate bad behavior. You didn't behave badly you simply forgot to use common sense. Prison nor anything else can reform stupid. Again a big pat on the back to all those involved, especially our stand up US Forest Circus. You guys are a bunch of DUMB ASSES!!!!
  12. coues7

    Wallow Fire

    Nelson Reservoir is currently being drained (2001-07-01). Tickets were being issued to ANYONE who attempted to fish the lake over the past few days. Ironically enough, though it sets next to the road to Alpine and you don't even have to walk anywhere except across the street, it is closed. Thanks US Forest Circus. Great job, burn up the forest, ruin our local economy, close all the forest.....the list is endless. Considering the state of the economy, this is really going to boost our economic recovery!
  13. coues7

    Unit 1, 27, 29, 35a, 36b Hunt closure

    Nelson Reservoir is currently being drained (2001-07-01). Tickets were being issued to ANYONE who attempted to fish the lake over the past few days. Ironically enough, though it sets next to the road to Alpine and you don't even have to walk anywhere except across the street, it is closed. Thanks US Forest Circus. Great job, burn up the forest, ruin our local economy, close all the forest.....the list is endless. Considering the state of the economy, this is really going to boost our economic recovery!
  14. Exactly. The US Forest Circus is filled with a bunch of clowns and they do lots of crazy things just like the circus.
  15. Well about 10 years ago I decided to go to college and get a degree and it just so happens that degree doesn't have anything to do with the Forest Circus. I'm sure the boys from the reservation can handle themselves just fine without the US Forest Circus' version of "forest management", including their forest fire fighting tactics.
  16. The last thing I'd do, especially with the fire being on the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation, is letting the a$$-hats at the US Forest Circus get involved.....
  17. coues7

    Wallow Fire Poem

    Carson read his poem in Show Low today. It is my understanding that he was invited to read it to a few senators and republicans at some sort of meeting. Scott
  18. coues7

    Unit 1 Fire?

    I'd be fine with that, if you stay the heck out of my desert. Also, since it's YOUR forest none of my tax dollars should go to managing it. Let you, and those that live there, be responsible for how those forest are managed but don't come crying to me for money when you screw up. If you want to charge an "access fee" for when I come up there, fine. I'd gladly pay that, but I'll bet you can't get enough money to manage a turnip truck by that method. However, since it's YOUR forest, it's not my problem. Now before anyone reads this and thinks I'm some tree hugging bunny loving granola eating ferret, I actually support logging and ranching on public lands, and want to see it increased. The problem is, too many people think the forest is their personal property, when it fact it belongs to all of us. I'm willing to give it all to you, but with stipulations, as I noted above. Biker I've been without internet for a few days, but I'll respond.....and do it without personal attacks (not implying anyone has personally attacked me either). When I say OUR forests. I'm not referring to White Mountain folks versus desert dwellers. I'm referring our natural God given United States Forests. This is not the "king's forest". It saddens me that there are not people, particularly in government, who have enough intestinal fortitude to resist the tree huggers and environmentalists who for whatever reason believe that with societies located in areas like the White Mountains that we can manage the forest's naturally without major consequence. My hope, prayer and fast this weekend will be that our Heavenly Father see's fit to have the stars and weather align so that the fire can be gotten under control. I meant no offense to BikerRN.....I simply disagreed.
  19. coues7

    Unit 1 Fire?

    I completely disagree. You are correct that we have had over sixty years of aggressive fire suppresion. The US Forest Circus has not allowed the forest to be "managed". An this is what we get. We don't live in "unsettled" territory. We cannot allow things to burn as they did when the dinosaurs roamed. The forest has to be groomed. That can happen naturally or through good management techniques (read logging). If it happens naturally you get a Rodeo-Chedeski Fire.....an then who have you helped? What resources have you managed? You haven't. The US Forest Circus won't allow any of the timber to be harvested....so those precious natural resources will again be mismanaged and abused. Anyone that thinks we need to let "mother nature" manage things naturally needs to go get their head examined....better yet go live in the city with all the rest of the retards and stay the heck out of OUR forest. You don't belong. You are un-natural!
  20. coues7

    Unit 1 Fire?

    If I get banned for this post......SO BE IT! I wanted to take the time to thank the US Forest Circus for the bang up job they have and are doing on managing our forests. I would like to give a special thanks to those who manage the Apache-Sitgreaves Forest. I feel especially blessed that the US Forest Circus learned so much from the Rodeo-Chedeski fire (June 18-July 7, 2002). It's good to see that the tree huggers got their way and we ran all the loggers (previously contributing to our local economy and helping keep the forests healthy) out of the woods so that there is so much undergrowth and densities to our current fire. That late snow we had dumped enough moisture onto the forest to clearly warrant such a situation. For the single individual or group of individuals (committee) that made the decision to lift the fire restrictions (on OUR forest) this past weekend, you deserve a pay raise, a pat on the back, applause from your tree hugging colleagues and a boot in your ASSES! I'm sure you'll move right on up the political ladder and you deserve to sit down with the rest of the scum that sits in those same "elite group" of political chairs. A special thanks also goes out to the visitors from Benson who saw fit to have start a fire and then take a nice "skip" down to the river, while leaving their fire unattended. Needless to say, you likely started what will turn into the second (2nd) Rodeo-Chedeski fire. Thanks for coming to the White Mountains.....your visit and it's effects will be seen for many years to come. You left a great heritage in your place. Since there will likely be little to no repercussions and/or consequences to you personally for your visit, I wish you the best. In reality the $100 that they could deduct from your paycheck for the rest of your lives won't amount to anything. Putting you into our prison system wouldn't do anything either, I mean we put people into prison at $60k/year to help rehabilitate bad behavior. You didn't behave badly you simply forgot to use common sense. Prison nor anything else can reform stupid. Again a big pat on the back to all those involved, especially our stand up US Forest Circus. You guys are a bunch of DUMB ASSES!!!!
  21. coues7

    Lifesize mountain lion

    Now that is what a lion is supposed to look like. That is some beautiful work.
  22. coues7

    My First Archery Turkey!!

    Congrats Mark and Daniel. I love seein' you guys out and being successful.
  23. coues7

    This is AMAZING

    Holy Crap. I wish that guy would slow down so we could learn something. That would be nice to have some skills like that in the field so I didn't have to pack the whole deer out
  24. Glad to hear things turned out ok. The ladder test is one of the best things ever theorized and applied.
  25. coues7

    Huge AZ Elk Highlights!

    Shane, What mount were you guys using on your wife's pistol javelina to hold the pistol? Great videos!