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Everything posted by coues7

  1. coues7

    Second day buck

    How'd the deer handle that 338 Edge besides likely DRT
  2. coues7

    az prop 120

    The enviro wackos can't sue the states like they can the feds......this prop would help put an end to the enviro's.
  3. coues7

    az prop 120

    What prop 120 will do is what is already written in the US constitution. The lands were to be given back to the states. Screw the FED!
  4. coues7

    az prop 120

    Vote yes on 120. The sate is where the power should be. Do you want your state or the idiots at the Fed controlling YOUR AZ land?
  5. coues7

    My unit 10 Archery Hunt- ADDED PICS

    Congrats Dave! Sweet bull to a very deserving hunter.
  6. coues7

    Another Border agent killed

    May our Heavenly Father comfort Christy athe girls and may his guidance be with those that seek justice for Nick's family......I hope whomever does this rots in heck!
  7. coues7

    Fox News Airs car jacker suicide - LIVE

    I'm with AZLance......
  8. Depending on what type of bullet you are shooting you may have the wrong stem. This is nothing that you have done wrong. Obviously, die manufacturers cannot send out a variety of stems with each die set, it would simply be too expensive. If you are shooting a VLD style bullet I'd recommend calling the die manufacturer and purchase a different stem. I've seen this happen with Bergers.
  9. coues7


    You Sir are a retard!
  10. coues7

    DIY drinker help

    Well don't worry everyone.....your "protect you from all things good" government will be involved soon.....just wait.
  11. coues7

    Coconino County Elk Hunters

    Thank goodness for government regulations......boy what would we ever do without them! More freedoms being stripped.
  12. You guys are fags......you didn't even call and invite me. Congrats guys!
  13. Sweet video Jack. thanks for sharin'
  14. coues7

    Assault Rifles in 36A

    Can you and the media identify which weapon they were carrying? Clearly it was a machine gun right?
  15. No amount of jail time or lifetime of payment can pay for or begin to compensate the people of Apache and Greenlee County for the loss of their forest lands. The best anyone (you, I and the cousins) can do is to have the forest service revoked of the privledge we have given them to manage our forests! Apache County is currently writing the book and how to deal with the federal government. I do agree, that a 48 hour sentence does not send any sort of message, but the last thing we need is another law on the books to prevent people for stupid! We need to rein in the federal government and the EPA. They (the federal government and EPA), along with the environmental groups hold sole responsibility for the size and extent of this fire! Vote em' out!
  16. coues7

    Another first archery goat

    Congrats Mark! Awesome buck!
  17. coues7

    Governors tag

    I have a feeling our friends at Wards Outfitters have a small bug they've located and want to know if the Govenor's Tag holder wants to shoot it......probably just a lil' spike. :)
  18. coues7

    Leupold turret review

    This is just my $0.02, there is no intent to attack anyone who uses custom turrets. This is not an attack on the original poster......with that being said I think you are wasting money ordering custom turrets marked with yardage. They are good for one cartridge, at one velocity at roughly one elevation. If you change any of those criteria all bets are off. I think you will be a better shooter and long range hunter if you learn what MOA is and develop an accurate drop chart. You may have to tap it on your rifle or put it in your wallet but you can develop them for a whole lot less than money spent on a single custom turret......
  19. I spoke with the AZGFD today to confirm that starting August 3rd suppressors and no mag limits will be officially legal......the answer ABSOLUTELY!!!! Protect your hear fellas......shoot suppressed firearms!
  20. All, I am in support of the legislation that State Representative David Gowan (R-30)is preparing to introduce that would allow hunters in Arizona to use lawfully-possessed suppressors (also referred to as silencers) on firearms for hunting. I hope all of you are as well. Below is a short email/letter I prepared and sent off to the Governor, Silva Allen, Chester Crandell and Brenda Barton. I hope each of you will do the same. To _________, As an avid outdoorsman, hunter and suppressor owner, I urge you to support legislation that would allow lawfully-possessed/owned suppressors (also referred to as silencers) to be used for hunting. Unfortunately, the media and movies give people the impression that suppressors or silencers are used to completely silence a weapon and that they are typically used for illegal activity. This could not be further from the truth. In order to acquire a suppressor/silencer, a purchaser must submit the appropriate paperwork to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives where long wait times are common (4-6 months), undergo a FBI background check, find a licensed dealer authorized to conduct the transaction and pay a one-time $200 tax for each device. Currently 40 US states allow civilian ownership of suppressors. The following states already allow legally owned suppressors to be used for hunting big game animals: AK, OR, WA, NM, UT, CO, NE, SD, ND, WI, PA, AR, MS, SC, WV, VA, KY, TN and SC. MT, TX, GA, and OH allow suppressors to be used for the harvesting of non-game animals. Suppressors make shooting more enjoyable by lessening felt recoil and reducing muzzle blast, protect shooters’ hearing and help reduce noise pollution. Noise complaints are causing closures of shooting ranges, informal shooting areas and hunting lands throughout the country. Increased use of suppressors/silencers on shooting ranges and hunting lands will decrease these detrimental complaints. It’s time that hunters in Arizona enjoy the same opportunities available to residents in more than half of the country. As a proud supporter, I encourage you to do all you can in assisting this legislation move forward. Best Regards, XXXXXXXXXX Below is a map showing the states that allow civilian ownership of suppressors. This map shows where suppressors are legal/illegal for hunting purposes, although the information about Washington State is incorrect.
  21. Suppressor will be legal for hunting in Arizona 91 days after the close of the Arizona session for our legislature. To my knowledge, that occured on May the 3rd. That means August 3rd you can start using your legally purchased suppressor to harvest any legal game animal in the state of Arizona!!! Protect your ears boys and girls! Start using those suppressor for hunting
  22. We had a great weekend at the Sipe White Mountain Wildlife Area getting my daughter and nephew their hunter education course. We had two great instructors, who worked tirelessly to pull this off. Aaron Hartsell with the Arizona Game and Fish came out to teach the kids about Arizona Laws and Regulations......those kids had the coolest questions and kept him on his toes. To both the Wood family and Aaron........THANKS A MILLION. Without people like you are sport wouldn't be where it is today! The Shellenbergers
  23. coues7

    2A / 2B Fire Damage

    What fire? I'm not aware of any fires in 2A/2B......
  24. coues7

    Crawdad trap

    Where you headed? If you are coming through Eagar I have a couple you can borrow......
  25. coues7

    Reloading Supplies

    I'll offer $18/lb on the 4831sc