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About Setcams4u

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  1. Yes I got off topic with the illegal immigrant stuff. Just trying to give a new hunter to the southern border a heads up. It was a rude awakening to me.
  2. Setcams4u

    Unit 1 Semi live late archery hunt

    You bet. I work cheap!!
  3. Setcams4u

    Unit 1 Semi live late archery hunt

    Good luck. I set cameras for a nonresident in unit 8 for late archery. I'll let you know it goes.
  4. Setcams4u

    First time using trail cam pics

    Awesome pictures. If that's your first time you have talent. Congrats!
  5. The southern units are easier to draw due to illegal immigrants crossing the border. They will steal water from your campsite at night and generally freak people out. Hunters with experience camp at the northern end of their units and hunt south to avoid uninvited guests. There has been a huge border patrol presence the past couple years down there though so hopefully this will become less of an issue in the future.