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Everything posted by KidBowHunter

  1. KidBowHunter

    opening day 19A archery

  2. KidBowHunter

    My VERY COOL buck from Mexico

    Atta boy Enresto!!! You da man!!!!
  3. KidBowHunter

    albino mule deer

    That is sick!!!
  4. KidBowHunter

    Hunting Coyotes near Prescott Valley

    Ok, thanks PRDATR!
  5. My dad got an Antelope tag for around Prescott Valley, and I'm gonna tag along and try hunting some yotes. What would be the best call for around there? Rabbit distress? Field mouse distress? Pup distress? Fox distress? Are there many foxes up there? Thanks, Troy
  6. KidBowHunter

    My Ram

    First off, I would like to thank everyone who was down there helping me. There was no way I could have done it without you. Matthew, Ernesto, Hector, Lonnie, Phil, Mark, Derrick, Eric, Tommy, my Dad, MOM, Jake, Robert, Dee Dee, Debbie, Brian, everyone! Thank you so much, there's no way I could have done it without you. So, opening weekend. Long story short, we were on sheep everyday except opening day, but just couldn't connect. I missed a shot at a ram because the range finder wasn't working, and I shot just above him. The next day I got on a stalk but by the time we got close enough, he was gone. Now this weekend. Friday afternoon, nothing. Saturday morning, nothing (at first.) My dad, Ernesto, Phil, and I were up a canyon when Matthew called us saying he had his eyes on a big ram. By the time we got there, Matthew had an idea where he was, so we glassed until dark, and nothing. So we went out the next morning. It was COLD. We glassed on some ridges, and then went to walk a canyon / valley while Ernesto and Derrick drove the ranger around to pick us up. We walked through the valley glassing, and nothing. Then we dropped down into a wash. Right then Ernesto and Derrick, about 2 miles away, called us on the radio saying that Derrick found a ram. They were behind us, and we were right in front of the ridge they were talking about! Perfect set-up. We walked down the wash a little to where it turned and pointed right at the ridge with the ram and ewe on it. Matthew got him in his binoculars, and I got set up. Around 415 yards. We dialed in the scope, and waited for a broadside shot. Finally, after what seemed like hours, he turned quartering towards me mostly broadside. Matthew was going: shoot! shoot! shoot! BAM! He lunged over to the right side, and went tumbling down a cliff, and completely ate it in a Palo Verde tree. Derrick saw the whole thing 2 miles away in his spotting scope. It took a while to find him. Matthew was looking to the right of where the ram was and down the backside of the ridge, while Ernesto and I were looking where the ram was. Then my dad (who had gone back to where we shot from to make sure we were looking in the right place) called me on the radio and told me to go look down a chute to the right of where the ram was. I got down to a Palo Verde tree, and saw a leg. I started yelling holy crap! I found him!!!! We finally had him after about 2 and 1/2 hours. We gutted him there and packed him out. Then we went to Matthew's shop and caped him out, and ate dinner. Thanks for dinner Dee Dee! Everyone was saying the unique thing about him is how wide he is. I still can't believe I got him! Thanks again everyone who was out there helping! Oh yeah, try not to be pissed at me because I'm only 15
  7. KidBowHunter

    My Second Coues Buck

    Nice buck!
  8. KidBowHunter

    My Ram

    Matthew, you're getting the tag next year! Thanks everyone for replying and Chef for finishing the story!
  9. KidBowHunter

    Favorite Coues Taxidermist?

    I have to go with Jim Hartstock at Southwest Wildlife Taxidermy. He did one of my coues bucks and another of my Dad's. They are awesome!
  10. KidBowHunter

    Archery Bear

    Awesome bear! Congrats!!!
  11. KidBowHunter

    brothers antelope - 1st family goat

    Sweet! congrats!
  12. KidBowHunter

    Coues Shed

  13. KidBowHunter

    My Sweeties first Buck!

  14. KidBowHunter

    Hunting coyotes

    ok thanks guys!
  15. I've been thinking about hunting coyotes with my bow in the mountain metro units around my house. I don't know much about calling, and only have a couple mouth calls. Any tips? Thanks, Troy
  16. KidBowHunter

    young hunters first couse

    nice coues! nice shot too! Troy
  17. KidBowHunter

    Ram Down!

    dang, he is a stud! congrats!
  18. KidBowHunter

    My Ram

    Thanks so much Matthew!!! We couldn't have done it without you!
  19. KidBowHunter

    My Ram

    Yeah I will try too! I gotta repay everyone that was helping me when they get the tag!
  20. Nice sheep! Congrats!!!
  21. KidBowHunter

    Kade's first antelope!

    Awesome job Kade! When I grow up I wanna be like you! -Ernesto C
  22. KidBowHunter

    Finally, my first pheasant!!!

    Awesome job Daniel! I think Ernesto and I were more excited yelling from the truck than you were! Thanks again Matt and Ernesto!
  23. KidBowHunter

    My First Turkey!!!

    great job Daniel!! I didn't get my first turkey until I was 11, so you're a year ahead of me!!!
  24. KidBowHunter

    Charleau Gap Destruction

    Dad, i couldn't agree more.