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Everything posted by KidBowHunter

  1. KidBowHunter

    First Turkey!!

    Hey everyone, You may remember me from my post on my Javelina, but this time I am posting something different. I am posting my story about my Spring Turkey Hunt, Unit 22 around Payson. It was about 3:30 a.m. opening day last Friday, when my dad told me to wake up. I had a hard time waking up, but I finally did. We finally took off, and hiked to spot a half-mile down the road. We finally got there and set up in the blind. I stayed awake for a while, then dozed off, occasionally waking up and looking around. At about 6:30 I woke up. The sun was shining through the blind netting, so I could see absolutely nothing. I told my dad "If a turkey comes in right now, I won’t be able to see him!" All of the sudden, my dad points right to a gobbler outside. Oh, crap I thought. The funny thing was, a coues doe came in at the same time as the turkey! A few minutes later, the doe winded us, and then a distant truck starting up sent the gobbler off. I went back to sleep. Then, at about 8:15, I felt a sharp banging on my knee. It was my dad, who pointed outside the blind. I knew it was a gobbler. I had a clear shot. I was breathing so hard, and I couldn’t get my legs to stop shaking. Finally I calmed down, and pulled the trigger of the 12 gauge shotgun. I hit him in the head clearly, and he fell right there. He twitched his wing once or twice, and then was dead. I HAVE to thank my dad, bowsniper, for helping me, putting in a lot of time and effort, and for dragging me out to the desert for shotgun practice. Thanks, dad, I couldn’t have done it without you! -- Troy
  2. KidBowHunter

    International Sportsmans Expo

    Amanda, (or anyone else) What time will the expert panel be on Saturday? Will it be near the ADA booth? Thanks, Mark
  3. KidBowHunter

    My First Pig Hunt

    I also got a pig in January,but with my bow!
  4. KidBowHunter

    My First Pig Hunt

  5. KidBowHunter

    Jr. Javelina Hunt 2007

    Ssssssssssssssssswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttttttttttttt ttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Sweet)
  6. KidBowHunter


    Thanks guys for all the birthday wishes!
  7. KidBowHunter

    Hunters on the border.

  8. KidBowHunter

    Here is to the 06/07 deer season

    Darn, I don`t have any deer pics! Troy
  9. KidBowHunter

    153" and change!!!!!!!

    Woops i didn`t look at the title!!!
  10. KidBowHunter

    153" and change!!!!!!!

    What did that AMAZING buck score??? Troy
  11. KidBowHunter

    Bowhunter4life's Snow Pig and Deer

    Good Job Mike!!!!!!! Was the pig a sow or a boar?
  12. KidBowHunter

    Six for Six

    That is some pretty darn deep snow-Congrats Troy
  13. KidBowHunter

    153" and change!!!!!!!

    That is INCREDIBLE!!!!!
  14. KidBowHunter

    coyote down

    Man, that is a big coyote!!! Congrats!!
  15. Hey everyone, As I said on my post about my Javelina, I am ten years old. I was wondering, are there any kids (younger than fifteen) on this forum besides me? Troy
  16. KidBowHunter

    Some Good Bone

    Those are good sheds. It may have a brother that might still be alive......
  17. KidBowHunter

    Beagle pup for sale!

    I can`t buy him, but could you please send some pics to tlwildcatfan@cox.net. Thanks. I love beagles.
  18. KidBowHunter

    Kodiak Alaska Sitka Blacktails

    Those deer don`t know what`s going to happen to them if they keep going on roads......
  19. KidBowHunter

    Whats In A Name

    My name is kind of easy to figure out..... I`m a kid,and I Bowhunt
  20. KidBowHunter

    100"........The hard way.

    Spot and stock?? Fifteen yards??? Good Job.
  21. KidBowHunter

    107 Harvested January 7 unit 33

    HOLY COW!!!!! That is one heck of a buck!!!! Congrats!!