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Everything posted by KidBowHunter

  1. The Lord blessed me with a great hunt last weekend. Here's what happend: Day 1, Friday, Opening Morning I woke up to bright light. It was four in the morning, opening day. I got out of my sleeping bag and got dressed and ready. We left camp at about 4:45 and drove a quarter mile down the road. We started hiking up the hill to my stand at about 4:55. We got to the blind near a water hole about 5:15 a.m. We then waited until it was just light enough to shoot at 6:40. I remember putting my sights on a Caoti for practice, when my dad whispered, “There’s some deer coming in.” The two that came in were a doe and a forkie with eye guards. I thought to myself, “Do I really want to shoot that forkie?” Just then, the big buck I had seen in the game camera pictures snuck around and came up in the bottom of my scope. I was waiting for him to turn broadside, when my dad was messing around with the video camera, trying to get it to work, when he gave up and picked up his binoculars. I thought he knew I was going to shoot, so I pulled the trigger of my .270 deer rifle. I remember keeping my eye in the scope and looking at a tree. After a second, I whispered. “Did I hit him?” My dad said yes, but he didn’t know where I shot him. He then made me wait TWO HOURS because if he was hurt we didn’t want to push him. Finally, we set out looking for him. There was no blood. We were on our hands and knees looking for blood, praying that The Lord would lead us to him. Then 30 yards from where I shot him, he lay dead, double lunged. We took some pictures and then found a place to gut him. Then we went back to camp and skinned him. I was as happy as can be. The coues measured 86 & 6/8. Day 2, Saturday, Just before dark I was working on the fort that my brother, my friend Ramon, my friend Jared, and I had built, when Ramon came running over and said, “There’s Caotis on the hill behind camp! I yelled “What!”, and then ran over to where my dad was holding my .270 rifle. We climbed up the little hill and looked over the rise where the gut pile from a deer was. My dad pointed at two Caotis walking around by the gut pile. By the time I got my bipod down and was ready to shoot, one had gone out of my sight. So I aimed at the other one, and pulled the trigger. He fell to the ground, flinched, then started to crawl away! My dad said “Hit him again!” All I saw was the back part of his body, so I shot that. Then he fell down the hill a little bit, and was almost dead when we went over to see him. His whole stomach was blown open, and in a couple seconds he was dead. When we got back to camp, we pulled out his guts and stuck him in the cooler. Thanks for reading my post! Troy
  2. Which one do you guys think is a better method of Coues hunting? Sitting in a ground blind by some very maintained deer trails or at a water hole, or, glassing for some deer in some very open areas. Let me know what you think
  3. KidBowHunter


    congrats with an awesome buck!
  4. KidBowHunter

    My 2007 AZ Coues Hunt

    great story and awesome buck
  5. KidBowHunter

    My Nov. buck

    Awesome buck!
  6. KidBowHunter

    Deer Attractants

    Hey, what do you guys use for deer attractants?
  7. KidBowHunter

    1st buck

    Great job guys!
  8. KidBowHunter

    Early Kaibab Buck

    wow, nice buck. what kind of rifle did he use?
  9. KidBowHunter

    Mule deer

    sweet bucks!
  10. KidBowHunter

    This is unbelievable!

    Anybody know what two groups are making the trouble? Mark
  11. KidBowHunter

    My sheds and Pickups

    hey man nice collection!
  12. Hello, my name is Troy and I am 10 years old and in the 5th grade. My dad is also on this forum as bowswniper. I took this pig on Sunday, Jan.7. It was pretty cool. lt turned out to be a Sow, and weighed about forty five pounds. This is my first bow kill and my first Arizona big game animal. We set up a blind about ten yards away from a heavily used trail (the javelina walk down this trail every day to get water) My dad was behind me 20 yards back video taping. A few pigs just walked right by me at five yards and didn`t care!!!!!!! That was pretty close and I did care!! The other couple were suspicious. Long story short, a javelina walked up and started feeding. I pulled my bow back. The javelina turned away so I had to let my bow down. The pig turned broadside, so I pulled my bow back again . He turned again, so I had to let my bow down again!!! The pig finally stayed broadside, and I shot. It was a good lung shot. Tell you what, that pig just about tore out my bicep!!!!! Troy
  13. KidBowHunter

    mulie spike and whitetail sheds

    Wow man! Did you find those all around the same place???
  14. KidBowHunter

    trail Cameras

    every week
  15. KidBowHunter

    Decent shed

    Hey everyone, My dad (bowsniper) and I were out exploring a couple weeks ago. We found an AWESOME coues shed, that we estimate it would scored about 101 inches (with a 13 inch spread). It has a forked G1 that is partially chewed, but other than that, it is in great shape. We were walking through the forest, and came up to a small gullie. I noticed something white, and my dad walked right past it, and was two feet away from it. I saw the points and immediately knew it was a shed. I yelled "Dad it`s a shed!" Then he whips around and notices he had almost stepped on it! --
  16. KidBowHunter

    Deer sheds

  17. KidBowHunter

    Not cool

    boy..........that is gross!
  18. man....how can you handle having 12 cams out at once?
  19. What do you guys think about Hillary Clinton? http://www.hillaryclinton.com/?splash=1
  20. KidBowHunter

    Hillary Clinton

    aswesome 111!
  21. KidBowHunter

    Walmart being sued

  22. KidBowHunter

    Got Deer Mounts Back

    nice......one in the middle looks like he has a nice spread
  23. KidBowHunter

    antler mount

    Looks good............. do you know what he scored? looks pretty good
  24. KidBowHunter

    Spring bear hunt

    Holy Crap! Nice find!
  25. KidBowHunter

    2007 spring turkey

    Good job man! Looks like a Gobbler too!