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Everything posted by KidBowHunter

  1. KidBowHunter

    Big bull down

    wow, nice bull !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. KidBowHunter

    Wise ole Yote

    wow, nice dog!
  3. KidBowHunter

    Opening day success

    great looking buck! Troy
  4. KidBowHunter

    It's about time!

    it's about time is right!
  5. KidBowHunter

    New to Forum

    welcome to the forum Stalker! Maybe you should try hunting in places with a lot of oak. Coues love oak. Also, spot and stalking coues is very hard. Treestands are easier but you still have to be quiet and not move much Any coues with a bow is a trophy!
  6. KidBowHunter


    what we have done with my blinds is set them up one week before or the day before. we usually put some brush around it just so it blends in a little more. Troy
  7. KidBowHunter

    My boy holding a biggin

    nice shed!
  8. KidBowHunter

    Shortest deer hunt ever

    nice buck! I would have to say I think he is 90 or low 90s
  9. KidBowHunter

    World Record Cow Elk

    WOW...................... awesome elk!
  10. KidBowHunter

    Unique looking buck

    wow nice buck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! have you scored him yet? Troy
  11. KidBowHunter

    My girls filled their bull tags

  12. KidBowHunter

    first pickup

  13. KidBowHunter

    Buck on the Wall

    wow awesome mount!
  14. KidBowHunter

    First posting

    nice buck, welcome to CWT
  15. how many days do you think you spend in the field a year? (hunting, scouting, etc.)
  16. KidBowHunter

    My Nov Elk in unit 9

    sweet elk man!
  17. KidBowHunter

    36A Jr Buck

    great job on a nice mulie!
  18. KidBowHunter

    Help me name my new dog!

    I think Sophie or Rosie or Abbey(after Edward Abbey) would be a good name Also, the dog may be upset about a new family (probably why she is so silent) and will probably get over it soon
  19. KidBowHunter

    First Post, First Coues Deer with a bow.

    wow nice buck! welcome!
  20. KidBowHunter

    Trashy Wash

    wow that would be freaky having that so close to your house!
  21. KidBowHunter

    Two First Time Deer Hunters....

    wow great job guys!
  22. KidBowHunter

    Whats In A Name

    my name means that i`m a kid , and I like to bowhunt
  23. KidBowHunter

    A set we found while hunting

    nice,they look pretty symetrical
  24. KidBowHunter

    Last day 36B

    great job! I think he would score 80 or low 80`s