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Everything posted by KidBowHunter

  1. KidBowHunter

    first bobcat

  2. KidBowHunter

    Happy Bday KidBowHunter!!

    thanks guys!!!!!!!
  3. KidBowHunter

    Pray for Marvin Robbins' family

    As many of you may know, Marvin Robbins is one of the best turkey hunters in the country. He has been inducted into the Arizona Outdoor Hall Of Fame. While on a deer hunt yesterday, Marvin had just taken a buck. He was taking care of it, when his heart gave out, and he went to Christ. This has affected me, he was a great mentor to me, and my family, but it has affected Marvin's family a lot more. I ask that you would please pray for Marvin's family. -Troy
  4. KidBowHunter

    Co high country archery Muley

    thats awesome
  5. KidBowHunter

    Youth Pheasant Hunt

    First, I would like to thank Matthew & Ernesto for making this hunt possible. Ernesto for sharing his great house with us, and Matthew for scouting and guiding, and both of them for driving us all around Yuma. We got down to Yuma about 5:00 on Friday. Ernesto and Matthew took us out right away. After scanning the fields for a while, I got a shot at a rooster. He flew up and of course I for got to lead him so I shot just behind him. After that, we met up with Matthew's buddy with another kid named Tyler and his dad. Tyler and I walked a cotton field where the cotton was taller than I was. We kicked up a pheasant and Tyler shot twice and missed. Then one flew up and we both shot at the same time and it went down. We never could find it. The next morning, I missed some shots and hit a couple pheasants but it just stunned them. Tyler had gotten two roosters, so we headed over to a field where he got his. We were driving around, and saw a hen. I got a shot and missed. (good thing!) We started driving around again and saw a couple roosters. We were going to do what Matthew called Indian style. I jumped out and missed again. Then one started running down the field, and I jumped in the truck and we went after it. Once we got closer I jumped out of the still moving truck and made an offhand 65 yard shot on the pheasant. I was using Matthew's semi-auto 12 gauge with 3 inch, #6 shot loads. We got him and took some pictures. Just after then Matt had to leave to go to work, so it was Ernesto, his son, my Dad and me. Ernesto’s son is a real trooper, trucking around all those hot, thick cotton fields. We went to a place I had a couple shots earlier. We walked up and down the cotton rows, and I missed a couple shots and missed. Finally, one jumped up and I blasted him. Feathers everywhere! It took about five minutes to find him. I would like to thank Ernesto and Matthew again for a great hunt!! Thanks for reading! Here are some pictures of the crew. Troy
  6. KidBowHunter

    09 coues

  7. KidBowHunter

    No buck, but a lion instead

    awesome job Dad!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
  8. KidBowHunter

    Bear human fight over salmon

    haha, funny lol
  9. KidBowHunter

    Archery Buck

    I woke up groaning. It was 3:45 in the morning, and I was feeling dead. Once we got all our gear together, we hiked about twenty five minutes down to our blind at a water hole. Once we got there we got all set up; 4:50 a.m. At about six thirty, a nice looking buck came in for drink but stopped short, and then left (he was obviously nervous). Over the next six hours, he came close four times, but stopped short of the water, too far for a shot. Then at about noon, he finally got brave enough to go in for drink. I drew back and released. Perfect shot - as far as I could tell. We saw where he ran, and snuck out to where he had been to see if there was any blood. No blood. Just some eerie green stuff. That can’t be good. I was so sure I had a good lung shot. We then spent the next two hours looking for him, and my Dad was hesitant to go very far because if he had been gut shot and we came up on him, it would send him on a death march. We finally extended our search, and were walking down a deer trail, when my Dad got a call from Hoghuntr. They talked for a minute while my Dad was still glassing, when my Dad shouted “I see him!” Finally, after about three hours, we found him. When we saw the green stuff, we thought it was a gut shot. But it turned out he was quartering to us, so it entered the lung and exited the gut. We never did find a drop of blood except where he fell. But it wasn’t over yet. We got him caped out, and then it started raining. We worked in the rain until it became a downpour. We ran up and waited about twenty minutes in the blind, and by then it had become just a light rain. I had to make a solo trip up to the truck with the cape, while my Dad started getting the meat off. Finally, we were done. It seemed like forever. My Dad and I were guessing about 85 gross, but he actually turned out to be 95 gross. Here are some pics.
  10. KidBowHunter

    first buck

    awesome buck!!!!
  11. KidBowHunter

    First bobcat with a bow!

    awesome, good thing you brought your bow!
  12. KidBowHunter

    Bear human fight over salmon

    I was at my friends house LOL
  13. KidBowHunter

    someone forgot?

  14. KidBowHunter

    some old sheds

    holy crap that G2 on the last one is huge!!!!!
  15. KidBowHunter

    Fobbed Antelope.

    thats awesome good job!
  16. KidBowHunter

    2009 archery success

    good job!!! thats awesome
  17. KidBowHunter

    Archery Antelope

    thats awesome!!
  18. KidBowHunter

    tagged out

    thats awesome dude great buck!
  19. KidBowHunter

    Great Coues Mount

    I just got my Coues mount back yesterday. He looks great. Here is a picture. Troy
  20. KidBowHunter


    AWESOME BUCK RAMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember that hunt it was so fun. We have to do it again!! AWESOME JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. KidBowHunter

    Archery Turkey!

    Well I got my second archery turkey yesterday after missing one two weeks ago. Here's the story: We got in the blind about 4:45. We were at a water hole. Once it got light, we started calling a bit. Nothing. Then about 8:00, my Dad did a couple clucks on the call, and then GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE. There was a gobbler about 15 yards behind the blind. After a minute, he left. After a while, we called a little. Nothing. Then about 12:00, we were packing up to leave, and my Dad kept saying pack up quietly in case something came in. So I was packing up and I had my backpack on my chair, and my Dad said don't move. There were two gobblers. I had to make a real weird shot like half-squatting because my backpack was on my chair, and there was a branch in my way. I made the shot, and he took off full speed. I saw the arrow in him, so i knew i hit him. We waited a while, then went to where we last saw him. We find a little blood trail. Then we lost it. We were praying hard. Then, a miracle happened. I found the blood trail some 60 yards away from were we lost it. Then, we lost it again. We couldn't find anymore blood. Then, my Dad walked off about 20 feet in the opposite direction we had been looking, and found him buried under a log! I was so excited. He had about a 9 inch beard. Here are some pics: