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Everything posted by WadeNAZ

  1. WadeNAZ

    North of Roosevelt Lake?

    It is worth scouting...
  2. WadeNAZ

    Monsoons!!! And look at the antlers Julie brought me!

    In Queen Creek I was outside about 1 am this morning and you could finally feel some moisture in the air. Won't be long...
  3. WadeNAZ

    My Sons First fish

    Awesome. I have to get up there soon.
  4. WadeNAZ

    Well the time has come, I will have my very own...

    Any luck finding a name for your business? Let us know your information. I am hoping to get drawn in Unit 3c or 23 this year and and hope to bring you some business.
  5. WadeNAZ

    Hunting season just opened

    Good Luck? Is what the Police told you? Unbelievable. Sounds like they want you to do their job. you may as well do the job thoroughly including the job for the Judge, jury, and punisher. How do you keep a thief from hanging 'roud your front porch??? Hang them in the back!!
  6. WadeNAZ

    What makes these?

    Pretty sure those are bear track. hard to tell for sure. could be a "bear" footed Kid...:-)
  7. WadeNAZ

    predator master

    I registered just today. DustDevilAZ is my handle on that and TAH...
  8. WadeNAZ

    Border issues?

    What is Truly Sad is that it would be some of the most scenic country if not for the Garbage!. If I dont get drawn for the units I normally put in for however. It will not stop me from going down there with a leftover tag.
  9. WadeNAZ


    Seems like you have already decided then? Personally speaking I know quite a few people that have the Honda 3000 and wont go any other way after having one. IMO the extra grand is not just for a quieter machine but overall quality. Good hunting... Wade
  10. WadeNAZ

    Yellowstone Elk

    That second Bull is a beut. Thanks for sharing. Here are a couple my wife and I saw back in 2005 while on vacation up there.
  11. WadeNAZ

    Well the time has come, I will have my very own...

    Browning's Butchery J Browning Quality Cuts and Processing.
  12. With the caption "We're makin' it in AZ!" Great picture.
  13. WadeNAZ

    Ashurst Lake Pike

    Catch them Trout Eatin SOBs. I remember going up to Ashurst as a boy and having some awesome trout fishing experiences. Those days at that lake are gone and don't see them coming back. I am going to be up at Lake Mary Memorial Day will the Pike still be catchable then?
  14. WadeNAZ

    SPRING TURKEY Took 7 outta 7 !!!!!!

    Well done. I like your Facebook page as well!
  15. Top 3 right now - Boondock Saints is a must see. Tombstone/Dances with Wolves Tied for second. Hurt Locker - Most Recently. Honorable mentions: Star Wars (all of them) Lord of the Rings (All of them)
  16. WadeNAZ

    wanted-CNC machinist

    Please PM me with your contact information. I will pass it on to my Father. Thanks.
  17. WadeNAZ


    Congrats on the Bass. Does look bigger than 8# but we'll take your word for it
  18. WadeNAZ

    My First Turkey!!!

    Congratulations young man! that is a Turkey to be proud of.
  19. WadeNAZ

    Need advice for GPS purchase

    My Garmin rino has bee great to me. I am not familiar with the 60csx so cant compare. I like that my other friends have it as well and you can poll each others location. Only problem with mine now is that after the years of abuse the antenna is starting to come loose from the body of the unit.
  20. WadeNAZ

    Tres Bellotas Gunfire

    Given the recent murder of the rancher and now this on top of all the other incidents, it wont belong before Illegals are injured by US citizens. I told friends and family recently that things are reaching a boiling point down there and the top is going to fly off soon.
  21. WadeNAZ

    2nd Place in Tourny

    Congrats. I always wanted to try tournement fishing and I know there are a lot of good people out there fishing tournements. But...maybe when I am not so scared of beating a competitor with a paddle becuase they have no respect for anyone but themselves I will give it a shot. Not that I am lumping all tourney fishers together but seems like everytime I am out and there is a tourney going on there are always a few that think the lake is owned by them alone. Yep. I almost picked up the Paddle twice last weekend at Rosey. Next trip I am taking a paintball gun...
  22. WadeNAZ


    I took my wife and sister up to Roosevelt early on Saturday hoping to get into some crappie, we fished the Tonto End of the lake and tried everything. Again, we could not get the cappie to bite. We fished from 8am to 3:30pm before we decied to head in. To our fortune there was a 4pm Weigh-in and the boat ramp was a Zoo and then some...so we tried a place I knew of closer to the launch and ended up getting into some Smallies and smaller LM Bass on minnows. The Largemouth appear to be starting to hit the beds in the shallows with the smallies out a little deeper we ended catching close to 30 with 6 or so of them being smallies. We camped overnight at Cholla and then we did some sight fishing Sunday morning before leaving around noon. It was fun getting the ladies on the lake and actually having them catch a few. Can anyone tell me where on the Lake "Chubb Bay" is? I am familiar with a lot of the places but not that one... Good luck out there and hopefully the crappie will start their business soon...
  23. WadeNAZ


    My brother and I along with a good friend were at Roosevelt Wed. Afternoon through Sat. noon. Wednesday and Thursday, even though it was windy we were able to land a lot of bass on topwater baits and shallow running cranks. Friday and Saturday were a bit slower and we never did seem to get the crappies to bite.
  24. WadeNAZ

    09 Coues

    While I had tag soup last year my buddy was able to get this great forky. This is the first skull I have done and learned a lot in the process. The final result did come out nice and will look great on his wall once his skullhooker arrives.
  25. WadeNAZ

    They are up!

    Not Drawn 3013 - 4b Bull Nov. 3023 - 7W Bull Nov. 3050 - Cow hunt Dec...