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náshdóítsoh naalzheehí

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Everything posted by náshdóítsoh naalzheehí

  1. náshdóítsoh naalzheehí

    NIB Springfield Armory M1A M21 Long Range Match Sniper Rifle

    6k... I'd keep everyone guessing.
  2. náshdóítsoh naalzheehí

    2002 Tacoma or 4runner for sale

    $?.... $13500. Be honest!
  3. náshdóítsoh naalzheehí


    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Kate put him up to it. Good luck. You missed the used car bubble by about 3 weeks. I'll keep an eye on your post. If it sells I've got a 2002 Z71 with 307000 miles ill sell for $20k. I've done all the hard work and put 20 plus years behind the wheel. Just having fun. Good luck with your sale. I hope you get every penny.
  4. náshdóítsoh naalzheehí

    2002 Tacoma or 4runner for sale

    Used car bubble popped a few weeks ago. Good luck! You'll find one or two still in the dark. Here's another free bump also.
  5. náshdóítsoh naalzheehí

    Bergara 7rem mag with Ammo and Projectiles

    Is the gun sold? I might be interested.
  6. náshdóítsoh naalzheehí

    Mathews 28" VXR Green Ambush $700 (PRICE DROP)

  7. náshdóítsoh naalzheehí


    RH, LH?
  8. náshdóítsoh naalzheehí


    Will you take five for it?
  9. náshdóítsoh naalzheehí


    How well did the PRC's group at 100yrds?
  10. náshdóítsoh naalzheehí

    Bushmaster AR-15 (XM15-E2S)

    Has it sold yet?
  11. náshdóítsoh naalzheehí

    Montana lion

    Nice cat. Congrats
  12. náshdóítsoh naalzheehí

    2019 Coues hunt

    Job well done
  13. náshdóítsoh naalzheehí

    Unit 27 packing help?

    I agree. He hauled a deer out for me a few years back. He's got a good setup. Nice pack mules and horse.
  14. náshdóítsoh naalzheehí

    Unit 27 packing help?

    Bones 928-242-4688.