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coues addict

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Everything posted by coues addict

  1. coues addict

    Grunt call for Eastern Whitetails

    Arizonabowhunter I have a couple of H.S. scents video`s and they all use the true talker grunt call! seems like those bucks just come right in! I really don`t know though! I think there all about the same and it just depends on the situation and the deer. I have also heard the primos calls are pretty good. Good luck back east and keep us posted please! Coues Addict
  2. Happy Birthday Gee wiz four of you guys in one day! No wonder some people read horoscopes! I just wanna wish Couesstalker, DDS, Matt M, and 111 a very happy birthday! I hope all of you guys tie into some big bucks this year. Good luck this fall. Coues Addict
  3. coues addict

    unit 27 12/4-12/6

    Jason I would definitely call Tommy at Gila Wilderness Outfitters. He is a real nice guy and he is a New Mexico local. His service is very reasonable and he can help you out. He advertises on the main CWT home page and he will provide you with info that you can use forever! good Luck Coues Addict
  4. coues addict

    Archery Hunters - Unit 3C West in AZ?

    Alyuaz Hunt hard, keep the wind in your face, don`t give up!, and remember there`s about ten thousand other people that probably tried for that same tag! Good Luck in November Coues Addict
  5. Hey Josh I watched the program and I thought it kinda jumped around to darn much. The part you were on I thought was pretty good and you looked real professional. I know what you mean though about feeling like a dork! I felt that very way the first time I heard myself on our phone answering machine! I thought '' who the heck is that guy" then it hit me "oh its my sorry a_ _ . No really though, I really enjoyed the show and I would think the exposure can only help your guiding business. Good Luck this year Coues Addict P.S. Show em more of your killer sheds!!!!!!!!!
  6. coues addict

    draw length and weight for kids

    Bowsniper Cool name! you may want to check out the " Mathews Genisis". The bow weight is irrelevant and the draw length is also! This bow is really cool! I know an adult that shoots one just because they are so easy to shoot accurately. They shoot no matter what your draw length is. Good luck Coues Addict P.S. these bows were designed for your exact senario
  7. coues addict

    Scent Vs. Noise

    Casey In my opinion this is not a hard question! Deer can spot you, they can hear you , and they may not be sure of what they saw or heard, but if they smell you it is game over!!!!!!!!!. They totally trust their sense of smell. The sooner a young hunter learns to always hunt into the wind the better off he or she will be. I have had deer see me or hear me and walk right by when I got caught in the open and not even bolt, but the moment they get down wind its, See Ya , and they are gone! So in my opinion it is definitely their sense of smell over their sense of anything else. I know that their are always exceptions to every rule, but if you play the odds 9 times out of 10 if the deer smells you your Busted Just my opinion Coues Addict
  8. coues addict

    Hey muskrat!!

    Muskrat Happy birthday, I hope you had a great birthday and I hope you were sucessful in this years draw. If so good luck, if not good luck anyway!!!!!!!!! Coues Addict
  9. coues addict

    36A Coues Hunt

    WHT_MTMAN My son killed his first Coues Buck when he was 11 years old.We were on top of a huge mountain in unit 32. Believe Me!!!!! A kid 16 can go anywhere that you can go! The biggest thing that I have found about hunting with kids is that they need to feel involved with the hunt. If you can set him up with a light backpack and some glasses and a tripod of his own it really makes a differance. My son always used 8 x30`s while I packed the big glasses. I always asked him to glass the area within about 400 yards and closer while I glass way the heck out there. Sometimes he would fall asleep after glassing a while and I thought that was just fine. What I really noticed though is that he became an extremely patient and really good spotter. One year I spotted 4 decent bucks on a hillside some 1000 yards out or so and about the time I was going to point them out He said ''Hey I got 2 Bucks" They were both really nice, over 100''. I asked him where and they were on the same hill as I was glassing but above the other bucks. So much for glassing close. It was a heck of a spot though and all with 8x30`s. The main thing is to go at their pace and have fun. Take lots of snacks, trailmix, jerkey etc. I think you will find it can work out just fine. You will probably have another devout CWT forum member after your hunt. Good Luck on your hunt Coues Addict P.S. That first Coues my son took was over ten years ago and he still loves hunting these little guys as much as his old man!
  10. coues addict


    Lark Me and my boy have never named one of our bucks that we have taken. I am kinda like you I guess because I always remember where I took a deer. But here`s the kicker! Ever since we heard Cabela`s paid some guy a million bucks for a world record elk rack we started sayin we were gonna go find the "Cabela Buck'' I figure maybe they will pay bigtime for a world record Coues deer rack! Anyway now we always say were going after the CABELA BUCK If I ever find him we`ll see! maybe this year ! who knows? Coues Addict P.S. Ya know, I bet they didn`t even notice that million bucks was even gone!
  11. coues addict

    elk bugling yet?

    Congratulations Bret Are you gonna post some pics and some details of the hunt? Sounds awesome man. Did you have to pack him out far? How far was your shot? I hope you fill us all in on the details! Thats really cool! Coues Addict
  12. coues addict

    CHD CW Survey

    Fellow Members I don`t know CHD. I wouldn`t want to pass judgement on someone that I have never met. I think some of the stuff he posts are a little out there!, but thats just my opinion. I really don`t like this pole thing and I did not vote. He may be a real nice guy I don`t know! I think everyone here needs to just remember why we have this forum! I thought it was mainly about COUES WHITETAIL DEER.I don`t think there is anything wrong with some friendly kidding but I feel this is a little to much. I would like to spend more time discussing the Deer we all love to hunt so much. Just my two cents. Thanks for reading Coues Addict
  13. coues addict

    Bow Brands

    CouesSlayer Do yourself a favor and take GMM`s advise! Shoot several bows they are all excellent. I bought a hoyt back in 1991 and killed a small forked horn with it in 1992 . I thought it was an awesome bow, but then last year I bought a Mathews and I will tell you what! Huge differance! I love my Mathews and I almost can`t stand shooting that old Hoyt. Bows are like Stereo`s, the technology changes them every year. You really need to shoot several bows and find the one that you like! Don`t get hung up about the brand name!, just make sure you like it! All of the above is just my personel opinion so good luck on your selection! Coues Addict
  14. coues addict

    New way of hunting discovered!!!!

    Ernesto I think shooting a deer from the road is not fair chase! I personally judge the quality of my own hunts by A: the amount of fun I have had in all aspects of the hunt. I mean the planning, trying to get certain gear that I might need on the hunt, daydreaming! etc. B: The amount of work that I put into the hunt, Getting in shape for the hunt,Getting as far back in the backcountry as possible for me anyway, Did I guess right about a certain Canyon or ridge? How I handle situations that come up during the hunt , Rain, snow, cold, heat etc. I have found that the actual harvest of the animal is not that important to me anyway! the time spent in the field is absolutely everything to me. I mean if you saw all my unfilled Nonresident tags you would be shocked! I am telling you you could have a heck of a bondfire! A trophy is all in the eyes of the beholder! I think the hunts that mean the most to me are the ones that I have worked hard at or just enjoyed my hunting buddies or my family`s company. If I got lucky and harvested an animal than thats great, if I didn`t but I still had a good time than thats great too! I know hunting is different to everyone and thats what makes it so special!!!! Good Luck this year Coues Addict
  15. coues addict

    Unit 32

    110orbust I almost forgot to ask! which hunt did you get drawn for this year? Did you put in for unit 32 again or what? Good luck Coues Addict
  16. coues addict

    Batchelor herds

    trufletch I am not sure that we aren`t both saying roughly the same thing. IMHO the older bucks are just so much more road weary'' if you will '' than the younger bucks are that we just don`t pickup on them as easily! They feed earlier in the morning and get bedded down sooner. They stay bedded longer and feed later in the evening and don`t move around as much so they are not quite as visible as the younger more careless bucks. The rut throws all that theory into the toilet though because at that point they are crazed! Like Allen stated I have also seen older bucks with younger bucks but they almost always seperate themselves when they bed down. I think they just don`t want to hang around with those young guys and they are just way to cautious. I often wonder if they use the little ones to there advantage also or if the little ones just keep gettin the big ones in trouble? I think thats what makes hunting so cool, is that about the time you think you got em figgured out, they do something that you have never seen before! I really like this thread because of all the different things that you pick up on by different people. And I thought I had it all figured out '' Go Figure'' . Good Luck this season Coues Addict
  17. coues addict

    Favorite Deer Gun

    younghunter I like my beat up old ruger .270 It isn`t much on looks but it shoots good and it doesn`t way a ton either. I finally put a 3 x 9 leupold on it after 23 years of a fixed 4x leupold. I think I will put the 4x on a .22 or something. Coues Addict
  18. coues addict

    Unit 32

    110orbust Backcountry has pretty much hit the nail on the head! I love unit 32, it is my favorite unit. Try to figure out where the people are and go somewhere else! You need to penetrate deeper then the rest of the other hunters. If you backpack in you will usually acomplish this. I missed a buck in unit 32 in 1999 that I think would have gone 120'' easy, but I will never know for sure. I hunted for 3 days last year in unit 32 and I never saw another hunter. If you are a college student than I bet you are physically capable of getting way in to some of those wilderness areas. I am getting kinda old, but I still don`t see many hunters,so if I can get way back in there so can you. Mag light in, and mag light out, you can sleep when its dark. If you pack in then you won`t have to go far to start glassing each day. I know there are trophy class bucks in unit 32. My brother in law and I found a lion kill last year that was around 110''. They are there just keep at it. Don`t be afraid to try some new areas, sometimes it works. My son and I found a good area 2 years ago just because we were willing to burn some shoe leather. He missed a nice buck, on the last day. Never did see another hunter! The trophy bucks aren`t stupid, thats why there big! They generally don`t hang around roads and quad trails! Good Luck Coues Addict
  19. coues addict

    Batchelor herds

    Treestandman I almost forgot, Congrats on the awesome bear kill! Sounds like you made a killer shot. Did you do any good yet on your deer? I went to utah a couple of weeks ago but I didn`t have any real great luck. Had a good time though, saw 5 tremendous Bull elk probably 350'' to 400'' range. I haven`t hunted there in 20 something years and I forgot how beautiful it was up there. Keep us posted on your deer hunts please. Thanks Coues Addict
  20. coues addict

    Batchelor herds

    Treestandman In my expieriences I have seen bucks of similiar age hanging together. Two years ago my son and I spotted 6 bucks that appeared to be together. After watching them we realized 2 were trophy class over 100''. When the bucks finally bedded down the 2 bucks completely seperated themselves from the youngsters. We screwed up the stalk on that deal but the next day we were right back in the same area. The 4 smaller bucks showed up but we never spotted the big guys. I came to the conclusion that deer are a lot like people and usually associate with deer or bucks in the same general age group. There are always exceptions to every rule, but for the most part I believe this to be true. I think this is also very true with mule deer. I think its kinda like Mom and Dad don`t wanna hang with there teenage kids, if you know what I mean! These are just my own conclusions though. I also have noticed that the truly big bucks are usually alone!, so I get real excited when I make a spot on a single buck! It doesn`t always work out, but sometimes it does. Good Luck Coues Addict
  21. coues addict

    Record Book Withdrawals

    CHD I am pretty sure you are refering to Don Lewis! He used to be the Browning Archery poster boy. I am not sure of all the allegations but I thought he did do jail time. Coues Addict
  22. coues addict

    Secrets to Josh's success?

    Shiras I agree with everybody aboves posts, the only thing they forgot to mention is to save your money for boots, because your gonna need lots of em! I like danners!, but they are kinda pricey! Josh probably has a quantity discount worked out with his boot supplier! Coues addict
  23. Ernesto Thats a good one, I will try to remember that! good luck this season Coues Addict P.S. I think your English is just fine!
  24. coues addict

    New way of hunting discovered!!!!

    donniedent I was not going to reply to this thread but here goes anyway! I don`t own a quad, don`t want a quad. I think quads screw it up for a lot of hunters. It is not fair to the hunter that hunts in wilderness areas to have some yahoo come along on a quad offroad! I personally try to hunt as far away from any horsetrails and or quadtrails as possible.Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn`t! I am not in that bad of shape yet, but as I get older I can see myself not able to cover ground as fast as when I was younger, but I sure as heck don`t wan`t to resort to quad hunting! I have worn out a lot of boot soles and thats just the way it is for me. If I have a heart attack and die while out hunting hard then ''Oh Well"', I can`t think of a way I would rather go!I think quads should only be allowed to go where normal vehicles can go! I have no problem with quads for work around the ranch or exploring new country on the roads, just not offroad! I think Game and fish should start cracking down on those guys that take there quads offroad or into wilderness areas. I know I am oldschool, but I am entitled to my opinion! If I have offended anyone than thats to bad. I like to hunt the old fashion way " earn it ''. I think if everyone hunted that way there would be a lot less problems. Good luck this season Coues Addict
  25. coues addict

    Happy B-Day TRiesgo

    Triesgo Happy birthday! a little late I think , but I have been out of town for the last few days. My daughter got married last Saturday in Mesa. I hope you had a great B-day and I hope you do well this hunting season. Did you get drawn for Coues? Well sorry about the timing , but better late than never! Good Luck and Happy Birthday! Coues Addict