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Desert Dweller

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Everything posted by Desert Dweller

  1. Desert Dweller

    Garage clean up….

    Hi Dave, I'll take the ax/shovel and the camp/shower water pump. Thanks
  2. Desert Dweller

    Youth giveaway winners

    Congratulations to the winners 🏆. Thanks for doing this for the youth hunters.
  3. Desert Dweller

    HydraPak Water Storage

    I have 2 HydraPak HydraSleeve Seeker 3L Water Storage bags. Brand new. $55 each or both for $100. Has the insulated sleeve with the bladder inside. Can be used with the Katadyn BeFree water filters. Located far east valley.
  4. Desert Dweller


  5. Desert Dweller

    Desert Tortoise

    Very cool, it's breeding season so they are more active right now than usual. Also with the recent moisture it's got them moving more.
  6. Desert Dweller

    AZ; Ready to Rumble?

    Interesting site for rainfall amounts. Lots of options for checking dates, areas, averages etc. Precip Amounts from Weather.gov
  7. Desert Dweller


    Great guy and seller. Not a dealer or sponser. If thinking about purchasing from him don't hesitate. 👍
  8. Desert Dweller

    Good Guy Seller List

    Azsugarbear easy to deal with and great guy. Thanks!
  9. Desert Dweller

    Harris HBLS Bipod with Pod Lock

    I'll take it. Thanks.
  10. Desert Dweller

    Harris HBLM Bipod

    I'll take it please.
  11. Desert Dweller

    Sold Thanks

    Thanks for the heads up. I'll try and repost them.
  12. Desert Dweller

    Sold Thanks

    This Space for Rent...
  13. Desert Dweller


  14. Desert Dweller


    Updated Items TTT
  15. Desert Dweller

    Please delete

    I'll take them both.
  16. Desert Dweller


  17. Desert Dweller


  18. Desert Dweller


  19. Desert Dweller


    TTT- Updated price. Would like to get'em moved. Someone needs these 😉
  20. Desert Dweller


    Inbound pm
  21. Desert Dweller

    Best Tripod for the money???

    Manfrotto 290 has been good to me. No complaints- nice, tall, and stable. Used it for photography and glassing both over the years and holding up great. Made the trip to and from AK with me a couple times. Not a light weight travel tripod nor overly big imho.
  22. Desert Dweller

    WTB scope

    Pm inbound.
  23. Desert Dweller

    Good Guy Seller List

    swoods205 great seller, was able to meet and item was just as described. Quick response and a pleasure to deal with. Thank you sir!
  24. Desert Dweller

    Sig Sauer BDX Combo Kit

    Haven't run across anyone that has used the bdx system yet but a couple people I know have liked the bdx range finders. Considering one myself(range finder). Can't justify another scope right now to test the system. Interested in seeing how you like the 2200 bdx with pros and cons. Following 👀
  25. Desert Dweller

