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Everything posted by jknister

  1. jknister

    Vortex kiabab 18x56

    I'm confused...You first post says $750. Then this last post says: Price drop, $750 ???
  2. jknister

    15xs or 18xs

    I use a set of 15x50 Vipers and love them. I'm borrowing a set of 20x56 Kiababs and really really love them. Looking to get some of my own. The 20s almost eliminate the need for a spotting scope.
  3. I'm looking for a pair of Vortex Kaibab 20x56 Binos. Ive seen a few on this forum in the past for a good price, I just missed out. Let me know what you got. Thanks.
  4. jknister

    6B Arizona Mule Deer hunt

    Did anyone ever help you out with this? I can point you to some decent areas around Sedona