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About jknister

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  1. jknister


    I have 5 boxes of 1000 Winchester W209 Shotshell Primers and 1 box of 1000 CCI Trap & Skeet Shotshell Primers for sale. Winchester $70 each box CCI $60 Located in Cottonwood
  2. jknister

    Best place to buy a new GMC

    I dont have a go to dealer but go to Youtube university before you set foot on a dealership. Search Kevin Hunter on youtube, he has tons of videos about how to get the best deal, watching out for add ons, upsells in the finance office, etc. You and me are novices at buying vehicles, meaning we do it once every few years. The dealer is a pro and they are good at extracting every last cent out of you. So by learning on youtube from Kevin or other channels like his you can maximize your chances of getting the best deal.
  3. jknister


    Vortex Viper HD 20-60x85 Angled Spotting Scope in excellent condition. I used this spotter to scout for one deer season. If I wasnt looking through it, the lens covers were on. Located in Cottonwood $700 a1.jfif a2.jfif a3.jfif a4.jfif
  4. jknister

    2020 gmc sierra 2500 take offs SOLD

    Where are you located?
  5. jknister


    Sent you a message
  6. jknister


    Still have the NL Pures?
  7. jknister

    AZGF Overlapping hunts

    You may want to check your math. Last I checked Oct. 25 through Nov. 3 is 10 days.
  8. jknister


    Did you use this in conjunction with the rangefinder?
  9. jknister


    Go figure. Im in Cottonwood. If I decide on these we'll have to figure out how to meet.
  10. jknister


    Where are you located?
  11. jknister

    SOLD/SWAROVSKI SLC 15x56 WB binos for sale

    I just checked the sold listings on ebay and there are a few of these that have sold recently for $1800 without the doubler. Although Im confused about the outdoorsman stud. I thought it was permanently attached to these and Im not seeing that in the pics.
  12. jknister

    22 youth help

    I agree but I know the Cottonwood side pretty well and always seem to do well. Except my crew got zero tags this year.
  13. jknister

    22 youth help

    My first thought is if your son is not into it then you should not go. But that is your business and not mine. As far as being bad at glassing get a good tripod and the best binoculars you can afford. That will help a ton. Also a good spotter has saved me miles of walking just to find out they were does. Good luck to you. If it were 19A Id take you and him out myself.
  14. jknister


    I dont need this until November so if I make it that way I'll let you know.
  15. jknister


    Im in Cottonwood