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Everything posted by GameHauler

  1. GameHauler

    Caits first buck ...

    Congratulations Caitlin. Nice Buck. Troy those Girls sure make you look good
  2. GameHauler

    Hunting Trucks / Offroad Rigs

    OK here is the link to Amber. http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/in...86&hl=Amber
  3. GameHauler

    Hunting Trucks / Offroad Rigs

    I was waiting. I'll go get the link to the old thread and post it.
  4. GameHauler

    Once in a lifetime

    Very, Very nice Ram. A sincere congratulations to you. Mike
  5. GameHauler

    Hunting Trucks / Offroad Rigs

    I worked for Cliffs and there is no one better in the Valley. You are right about not being for anyone to tow. A quad trailer, small boat, ect. good to go. If you do not have a second brake control for the flat bed I would add one. .02
  6. GameHauler

    Kalyn's first elk.

    Thanks Jeff. 7mm-08 using a 140 grain Federal Premium ballistic tip! Best of luck to your daughter. 7MM-08 they could not kill a cat off your back porch What were you thinking letting a youth hunter shoot a gun like that: Would not kick the dog crap out of her. Have more than enough power to drop an Elk to 300 and shot flatter than a? say? 270 Great Job guys. You made the right choice to go back in. She will appreciate latter. Glad she was right there with ya. Nothing wrong with that Bull for a first, heck second (I wish I had the meat in the freezer, I'm out) Kaylin, GREAT job on making a good shot and clean kill.
  7. GameHauler

    Hunting Trucks / Offroad Rigs

    Nice rides Guys WINMAG, Who did you get to do the receiver work on the fifth wheel? I have fabed a BUNCH of them but I would not touch that job. You better have brakes on that flat bed On a professional note: I would also have a separate brake controll for the flat bed. My $.02 Mike
  8. GameHauler

    Hunting Trucks / Offroad Rigs

    I thought that what Rica and a leash are for
  9. GameHauler

    FREE wooden gun cabinet

    I may have been interested but The etching on the glass scares the crap out of me Never seen a gun cabinet with Sasquatch on it before
  10. GameHauler

    Taurus 24/7 40 cal

    Which model is it? There are 7 different 40 cal models listed on the Taurus web site. Where are you located?
  11. Sorry to hear that Bill
  12. GameHauler

    Hard Hunt Success

    GOOD JOB JIM Sorry you had to suffer with the help you had
  13. GameHauler


    Got to love encounters of the Bear kind. Thanks for sharing
  14. GameHauler

    Here Kitty!

    Good looking healthy cat. Hope you have the opportunity to stop it from killing any more Deer. Mike
  15. GameHauler

    Newbie with questions

    I am sorry to act this way but your first post should not be E-Scouting. Good luck on your hunt. Question #1 Underneath a specific ponderosa Question #2 Yes and Yes. May think about a tree stand. Question #3 I guess the only thing to say here is You Need to spend more time scouting. Once again. Best of luck on your hunt. and yes I did not have a Bad day.
  16. GameHauler

    22 north tag

    Yea this is one of GF great plans to create OPPORTUNITY. I live here and will not put in for them. With this many permits there will not be squat for Elk in this country. He!!, the Forest Circus removed half of the trees that produce food and left millons of DEAD bark beetle killed Ponderosas standing. Good Luck to everyone hunting now and next week.
  17. GameHauler

    Locking your Car

    I copied and pasted this from another site Mike Subject: Locking car with keys remotely Snopes approved. I locked my car --- as I walked away I heard my car door unlock I went back and locked my car again three times. I looked around and there were two guys sitting in a car in the fire lane next to the store. When I looked straight at them they did not unlock my car again. How to lock your car safely: While traveling my son stopped at a roadside park. He came out to his car less than 4-5 minutes later and found someone had gotten into his car, and stolen his cell phone, laptop computer, GPS navigator, briefcase and you name it. He called the police, the police told him that since there were no signs of his car being broken into, that there is a device that robbers are now using to clone your security code when you lock your doors on your car using your key-chain locking device.. They sit a distance away and watch for their next victim. They know you are going inside of the store, restaurant, or bathroom and have a few minutes to steal and run. The police officer said to be sure to manually lock your car door-by hitting the lock button inside the car, that way if there is someone sitting in a parking lot watching for their next victim it will not be you. When you hit the lock button on your car upon exiting it does not send the security code, but if you walk away and use the door lock on your key chain- it sends the code through the airwaves where it can be stolen, something totally unknown to us. Please, be aware of this and please pass this note on, look how many times we all lock our doors with our keys, just to be sure we remembered to lock them, and bingo someone have our code, and whatever was in the car can be gone. Keep safe everyone
  18. GameHauler

    Interesting Coues Rack

    John, Optical illusion That right drop is not connected to the skull.
  19. GameHauler

    Interesting Coues Rack

    He PASSED on a Buck as cool as that
  20. GameHauler

    free upright commercial freezer

    I REALLY don't think you want to see it Just a spike
  21. GameHauler

    Interesting Coues Rack

    That is one cool looking Buck Thanks for sharing
  22. GameHauler

    free upright commercial freezer

    Give ya a dollar for gas if you want to deliver it to Payson David
  23. GameHauler

    Obama made me do it

    Very nice David. I have never been much of a fan of black guns but I also have been wanting to pick up a few now.
  24. GameHauler

    Will be in 36B this weekend

    http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/in...mp;#entry122453 Best of luck to you and your Son Welcome Back Tony