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Everything posted by GameHauler

  1. GameHauler

    Swaro 10X50 FS

    Thought I would add a link here if anyone needs a Christmas present. http://www.longrangehunting.com/forums/f40...noculars-36916/
  2. GameHauler

    Swaro 10X50 FS

    Thanks Doug. I checked the link when I posted it and it worked fine, Just went to LRH.com and its gone there also. Must have been deleted. Delete your post and I will delete the thread.
  3. GameHauler

    I Love ATV's and OHV's

    Thank you Lance
  4. GameHauler

    34A Buck

    Great job on the Buck and Lion. You do what you feel is right but you have close to a year till you have to pay in full for the mounts. Save a little here and there,stop by the taxi when you can and give him what you can. Before you know it will be almost payed for in full when he calls to say they are ready. Very happy for you
  5. I will see your $25.00 and up it $5.00 I will also provide a $50.00 gift certificate towards parts or 10% off on labor for the Coues contest. For you that don't know. I own a small RV Parts and Service Center in Payson. I have not been to a movie in 30 years but I bet it would cost close to that much for a couple and a couple of kids. Pretty cheap entertainment if you ask me.
  6. GameHauler

    Happy Birthday Hunting Girl

    Happy Birthday Brooke The least your dad could do is post a Birthday picture
  7. GameHauler

    Win a Covert II Trail Camera!!

    Troy is wrong on that one also Troy, you have 3 more chances with your Daughters You still do not have a chance
  8. GameHauler

    Hunting and Fishing with Ed

    Doug you owe me a new box of tissues I need more, Please Thats Unit 22 to a tee for the last few years. Thanks
  9. GameHauler

    Word screening

    BAH Ha Ha Ha Ha! Ha! You got scolded Not really, VERY GOOD POINT Amanda. I have seen an increase also. I am pretty sure I have used a word to describe last nights dinner in a PM before without it being changed to (shoot) Now Gino, you Not so young B-log (symbol Amanda?) Shut your long johns buttons as you are talking out your Donkey
  10. GameHauler


    The secrets out.... he lures 'em in with the sweet smell of freshly pumped pooh and a Grong Orange shirt! Now we're going to see huntin rigs driving the forest roads with porta-jons strapped to the back leaking pooh juice riggin for coues! Dang it Tim Now GF will outlaw that too Grong and I had a good thing going, Him and his pump truck and me with an RV dump station. Dump a little out, smear some on your camo and no need for sentlock
  11. GameHauler

    Amber needs new Tennies

    Thanks Guys. Some good options.
  12. GameHauler

    3 bulls and over 1000 inches of bone……

    Congratulations to all. Sure enjoyed having the Golden Ticket on Linneas hunt last year also.
  13. GameHauler

    Win a Covert II Trail Camera!!

    Nice SECOND post newbie Welcome to the site and I hope you enjoy. Got any good pictures you would like to share? or maybe a story about one of your hunts We love new members but negative is not needed. I hear MM likes that sort of folks. Amanda's Site, Amanda's Rules Mike Its Amandas game, she can take a wild guess with em for all we care Thanks Terry! While I can appreciate that people might want the actual count, this is just a game and it's for fun!! the methods were clearly stated in the first post. And, heck there is no charge to guess and I am not convinced even if I did a complete count that I wouldn't have made a mistake somewhere while counting - it's a LOT of beans!! Last night, after starting to count out the beans I realized it would take forever and I just don't think it's a useful way to spend my time. So I decided to go with the weighing method. I counted out several groups of a 100 and weighed them on a very accurate scale I have and there was very little difference in weight between the groups. I used the avg weight of a group of 100 to calculate how many beans there are. So I now have come up with a number of beans that will be the number on which the contest is based. Next person who makes a $200 donation gets the number! JUST KIDDING!! Good luck to all in the contest!! There have been some close guesses! Amanda
  14. GameHauler


  15. GameHauler

    WTB Bullet Molds

    Looking for bullet molds, let me know what ya got. Thanks
  16. GameHauler

    Salt Feed....

  17. GameHauler

    Gabriels youth hunt buck

    Good job Gabe and Pops Better be careful that big bodied buck does not pull the back of the Superduty over into the car.
  18. I have already bought my Gun Owners of America Rosie T-Shirt http://www.gunowners.org/merchrosiet.htm Now GOA has a new one I will also be getting. Obama was recorded unaware at a San Francisco fundraiser saying "Bitter Clingers are voters who are bitter because of their economic frustrations and so cling to their Bibles and their guns" Dang Right http://www.gunowners.org/merch9066.htm
  19. GameHauler

    Hunkering Down

    Had it pretty rough myself. sitting in the garage reloading some shells serfing the net while the wood stove keeps everything toasty
  20. GameHauler

    A little Holiday Decorating

    Amanda, On another forum the Admin. got bored and started playing around. It caused allot of problems for some members. People were somehow copying a view of their screen and posting it. Do you know how to do that? I could send my screen view to you
  21. GameHauler

    A little Holiday Decorating

    Amanda, Two things I am seeing (or not) On the forum main page I can no longer see who posted last and on some of the threads I also have to side scroll also to see the text on the right. Looks like the column on the left may be a little wider than before. maybe you could shrink it a little to increase the main body size? P.S. I don't care for the countdown counter either. Maybe at the bottom of the page instead. But I DO like the new skin.
  22. GameHauler

    A little Holiday Decorating

    Me too. Ran out to pull my ground blind and POOOF. Gets my approval but please don't do Valentine's Day
  23. GameHauler

    do mulies RUT or what

    Mullies do not Rut. They Clone. That is why they are not near as smart as Coues. Take for example: Casey is a big, slow, floppy eared Buck with no does. I, being a slim-lined, stealthy type fellow with great looks have had to fight off does all my life till I could find one who could help produce the type of offspring we have. (PS takes a pretty good doe ) Here is a picture of me in my younger years.