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Everything posted by GameHauler

  1. GameHauler

    Sticker Shock

    Maybe I need a new wholesaler It's a local parts store and we all know things cost more at retailers VS internet. I have done some shopping and they treat me pretty good but we can not compete with the buying powers of the internet guys who are happy to just put $10.00 in the pocket and let the manufactures ship it direct. I paid about the same so I don't feel bad and I think think everyone off the street gets a better price than what is listed as retail so they feel they got a deal also BTW it is a 34/78 which would cost me $211.34 TMD so I still won and it is here ready to install.
  2. GameHauler

    when did you shoot your first big game animal

    And I believe that was 2008
  3. GameHauler

    when did you shoot your first big game animal

    10 or 11, PA. corn feed WT That would have been about 1972
  4. GameHauler


    I really need some small rifle MAGNUM primers I will send you the money if you could pick me up a thousand and we can worry latter about getting them to Payson Thanks
  5. GameHauler

    Gun Cabinet FS

    We have some new stuff coming in and do not need this. It is in very nice shape with lots of dust to protect the finish I thought we had the key but have not located it yet $50.00 dollars and take it home or to the cabin.
  6. GameHauler

    Trouble with Illegals???

    No, you have to avoid the northern units because that is where they have their pot farms
  7. And the big boy suppliers like Midway, Natchez that buy way more stuff than than our local shops have buying power. I get Email notification when stuff comes to them and it is gone REAL fast. My reading shows the manufactures are running at 110% and just can not keep up. They know it will slow soon and don't want to spend a ton of money for more equipment and put on a third shift just to have it sit around latter and lay off a bunch of folks
  8. GameHauler

    ** SOLD**

    I'm still waiting for you to call me on the 4th of July to meet you in town
  9. GameHauler

    license numbers

    AG, You better give them a call so you can do the left overs 602-942-3000 No I did not have to look it up
  10. GameHauler

    They are UP online!!!

    Right on Stanley Nobody deserves the youth tags more than your kids. You do so much for the youth hunters
  11. GameHauler

    cactus bucks

    Not disagreeing with either of you and that is why I hope Jim will jump in. Maybe the pictures I posted are not a cactus but he still has velvet on him and that may be the reference to not shedding that we have all heard. I just have a hard time beleaving a Deer can go about normal everyday life and not rub off 5,6,7 year old velvet Where are you Jim
  12. GameHauler

    Any golfers on here

    Put a little ball on top of a little stick Hit it as hard and as far as you can Lands in pond start over Chase down the stupid ball and hit it again only to chase down the stupid ball again repeat Now stupid ball lands in a sand box try chipping it up and out sand flies in your face and eyes now you try to put it into a gopher hole repeat finally get it into stupid hole and play out the whole scenario 17 more times
  13. GameHauler

    cactus bucks

    You may be right Casey but I can not see how he could not rub off velvet year after year with feeding, fleeing ect. Maybe or experts will chime in.
  14. GameHauler

    cactus bucks

    Here is an example. These pictures were either posted on this site (pretty sure) or another site so they are fair game to be shared.
  15. GameHauler


    I would shoot that goofy guy in a heart beat I have some really strange antler growth pictures But that one takes the cake for me Can you post some more pics of your non Typicals?
  16. GameHauler


    Pics Please
  17. GameHauler


    The one in the front. Looks like his left main beam is coming out of the center of his head
  18. GameHauler


    Whats up with the horns on the pic taken at 14:18.29
  19. GameHauler

    Marine Coolers?

    I don't have any big boy Colemans but my igloos have gone to crap I bought 4 at Costco at a great price but will step up to the pump next time.
  20. GameHauler

    Marine Coolers?

    Boy I am glad you are not selling Mine are just about gone Come to think of it they Are First Girl where the HE- double tooth pick are my coolers
  21. GameHauler

    Assorted DVD

  22. GameHauler

    Assorted DVD

    Boy am I glad to hear that sorta I just need to focus on what I need to buy And did a good job this time or they would have been gone in less than a minute of your post Again, Welcome back DB
  23. GameHauler

    Bighorn Sheep information?

    It may have been cheaper if I had
  24. GameHauler

    Bighorn Sheep information?

    You will find that when it comes to sheep hunting the Brotherhood is very strong and devoted to it. There is nothing else like it . Most that have harvested their sheep are more than willing to share as much info as they can. They are done and have the fever. All they can now do is help a new tag holder. NRS is right and you need to spend allot of time shooting and know your weapon as well as you know your gun you may need to make a longer shoots than you currently are comfortable with but that also means not taking a bad shot and having a wounded Ram travel into country you just can not follow it into. One shot, one kill on the spot. You can not have to many eyes behind GREAT glass in my honest opinion. (Some will disagree) But pick your crew with caution, You don't need to be angry or worried about the type of folks in camp. 100% focused on the hunt. A good crew will take care of everything for you except the paper work when you have to go behind a tree. In this case rock or cacti Plan on the hunt costing you lots of money. The crew you bring up means allot to your success and getting it out of that canyon and you have to treat them like kings. I had over a weeks supply of good food on hand to take care of my 8 man crew and the funds to restock as necessary. Plan on the whole hunt off if possible. I arranged with my employer for the month of Dec off but was fortunate to harvest on the second day. (because of a ton of scouting on my part) This hunt will change your life starting now
  25. GameHauler

    Bighorn Sheep information?

    First, if you are not a member of the sheep society join. Plan on going to the seminar. There is no substitute for the best glass. Get a good map program and use your GPS to mark everything and add the waypoints in the program. You can draw tracks you traveled and show them there also Really helps to learn the country that way. Call the WM's in the unit. They are very helpful to the sheep hunters. I'll post some more stuff later. Congratulations .