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Everything posted by GameHauler

  1. GameHauler

    Being patient after the shot....

    Bet Red Rabbit is working on it Thanks Doug, we all appreciate you I do somewhere but by the time I found and posted them Doug will have already done it.
  2. GameHauler

    A bloody mess

    One of my favorite pictures
  3. GameHauler


    Thanks Amanda. Has anyone tried the Western Hunter Sleeping System? I like being comfy and warm and that looks pretty nice.
  4. GameHauler


    Have fun and the best of luck to all Wish I was out there with YA
  5. GameHauler


    Guys Opening day is the 28th You have a whole nother week to wait Better check the Regs before you head out and get in deep DOO DOO
  6. Don't need it till mid Sep. Plan on getting up this way before then? Let me know, if not and I will check to see who is headed down. Thanks
  7. Sold, add it to my pile
  8. GameHauler

    Springfield XD 9mm subcompact

    Looking for any trades or partial trades up or down?
  9. GameHauler

    I wonder

    Not me My Boss is a SUPER cool guy. M-F 7:00 to 3:00 and if I need a day off for a hunt I just take it
  10. GameHauler

    Nice To Get Out

    Had a nice morning doing some scouting with the girls. I spent a good part of yesterday getting things ready to go since I have not been out since I tore my shoulder last fall and things were scattered here and there. Had to go get a new tire for Ambers trailer cause one blew out while sitting this past fall. Firstgirl (Dani) was only 20 minutes late with our breakfast and planed departure time(big Improvement) and Linnea got up with only having to wake her up three time I got to leave the house not already upset Conditions were a bit worse than I thought they would be and everything we checked was bone dry. We got a camera set up where I hope to Deer hunt this year and was please to see no one had a set up for Archery but am not surprised since it is dry and did not look like much had been there in a while. Took the time to also set up a couple of theft catcher cams. Pray for rain before my hunt starts. We wanted to check out a few other spots but I was starting to hurt pretty bad and had forgotten to take my meds so we cam back early (knew I should not have climbed that tree) We did find a trail cam on a tank and I had my CWT hat on so if it is someone here post them up. The cam really blended in with the tree and even though I looked for a cam did not see it till after I knew we had our pics taken Sure was nice to get back out and spend a day with my best buddy's. Thanks Giirls
  11. GameHauler

    Any help appreciated

    Around the Camp Fire would be the place to post it but I have a hunch I went about it wrong Insider thing and I have run into the same problem with my Polaris Good luck
  12. GameHauler

    Just saying hi

    Brie, sounds like you have great spirit and drive Good luck in school and the Valley from He!! We will do our best to keep you from going crazy not being in the country. Hope you have a tag or two so you can escape for a bit. Welcome
  13. GameHauler

    Nice To Get Out

    It was my BP meds I forgot to take. They are not on the way with the white jacket
  14. GameHauler

    Some July Covert II pics.

    Oh My Give that boy five years if you can. Look how brown he is around the bases Very young Buck
  15. GameHauler

    Should I take my climber to Unit 23?

    If you have room in the truck through it in. That way you will not be kicking your own Butt
  16. Man you have my brain rolling and it hurts I was Bear hunting with a friend and he set up about 10yds in front of me (well protected) and was calling for Bear. After a while I see a fox working his way in to the call. My caller being intent on calling with eyes closed most of the time did not see it and kept calling. The fox got right up to his foot which was bobbing back and forth as he called and was nipping at the rocking foot It was all I could do not to bust out laughing After the set up I asked if he saw it and he had no clue Kodak moment for sure if I had a camera.
  17. I have posted this here before but thought it would fit. Many years ago I was up on Mt Ord Lion hunting. Crawled up against a rock outcropping and started blowing my varmint call to the valley below me. I had been calling for a while when a Lion let out a roar not 10' above my head Another need to do laundry on the spot I will never forget that sound and to this day the hair on the back of my neck stands up when I think about it
  18. I really can't post what I have seen but as far as jets we had a bomber fly below use while we were getting my Ram ready to haul it off the Mountain. At Alamo several times while fishing tournaments tucked into a cove we would have fighters blast over the coves just a few feet above the ground. You can not hear them coming then Blast, Bang, Boom Usually had to go for a swim after that and do some laundry
  19. GameHauler

    Juniors-only hunts

    For all you folks saying you would give up tags for your kids remember you can sign them over to them Mine are to old now so I get to keep any tags I get Oh yea, while I am at it don't forget about the Hunt of a Lifetime program if you can't make a hunt for some unforeseen reason.
  20. Brian, that Bull is an old skinny dieing Bull on his last year or maybe two in my opinion. Other than height he is no bigger than a year and a half old Bull. I may be wrong but that is way I guess him at less than 400" by more than 1"/OR MORE
  21. Stanley I really doubt they allotted extra tags to fill a 4 person application. They have rejected many people because there were 4 applicants and only 2 tags left for a particular hunt. Main reason I always put in alone. I can not explain it but doubt that is the reason
  22. GameHauler

    Alaskan Camper SOLD

    I had the exact same one I would buy it but can not make the trip with the back
  23. GameHauler

    How to stop (or decrease) trail camera theft.

    Thats the YWCA At least I don't set them up at the nursing homes like you
  24. GameHauler

    Turkey Rap

    Mike Emailed that to me yesterday and I was rolling Thanks for posting it Amanda
  25. GameHauler

    Free Printer/Scanner

    The Brother I have at work is real bad at eating ink also If you are coming up this way I could use it at home. I don't use one much here so the ink issue would not be a problem.