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Everything posted by GameHauler

  1. GameHauler

    Enviro Wackos at it again

    Mike, do you have any opinion of liberals you would like to share? Now don't hold back
  2. GameHauler

    357 mag, 38spl ammo for sale-SOLD

    If you weren't in Tucson.
  3. GameHauler

    October elk action

    Good Bull for the unit.
  4. GameHauler

    Around Campfire

    Only if you had cerizo for breakfast Thanks, I would not have expected that Or is there another Mike L.
  5. GameHauler

    Around Campfire

    There are many but I would say the first would be. billrquimby, Amanda, Outdoor Writer, Red Rabbit and Lark.
  6. GameHauler

    My old mans laid up....

    Speedy recovery to your Dad. Hope it turns out like mine as I feel Great.
  7. GameHauler

    Application Anxiety

    Thank you Sam Someone else see's the light
  8. GameHauler

    Application Anxiety

    + 100 I have made that comment several time here and people still have not figured out why
  9. GameHauler

    Check this new sticker out!

    Let us know what you decide Amanda. I was thinking about a couple for my windshields and am going to repaint my quad box and will need one for it. I also need a Operation Game Theft and Off Road Vehicles Stay On the Trail stickers for the box if any one in Payson has some laying around.
  10. GameHauler

    Check this new sticker out!

    I was thinking the same thing with mirrored on both ends. I would like to update mine with the Deer.
  11. GameHauler

    Check this new sticker out!

    I like it. Could it be optional to have the deer top or bottom?
  12. GameHauler


    Happy Birthday Jimbo Have a great day and have fun. Do something special on your special Day.
  13. GameHauler

    Look what I got to hold tonight!!

    O***M***G*** I wish now I would have not woken back up. Going to be real hard to go back to sleep now. Congratulations just is not enough. I may as well start hunting carp as I will NEVER see a Coues worth shooting for the rest of my life. Congratulations Harold, as simple as that sounds.
  14. GameHauler

    the talkin' javelina

    Well I had no choice but to bring this back to the top. I had to do a search for it tonight for a friend and I LMAO as much as I did the first time I read it. Without a doubt this is a CWT classic and I do have it stored in my hard drive Newbies, hope you enjoy.
  15. GameHauler

    What is this?

    Not positive but I heard they are used by the National Weather Service for satellite imaging. I am sure someone knows for sure.
  16. GameHauler


    I just left a message on his phone to find out if he has it set up. PM coming when I know more.
  17. GameHauler


    Lark, I can not help you in PHX. but my smith here in Payson was working on getting his blueing equipment set up about a year ago and would be glad to provide you with contact info if interested. The man has preformed fabulous work for me and is VERY reasonable.
  18. GameHauler

    Happy Birthday GameHauler

    I am feeling the best I have in 10 years. I am touched and really happy with the belated replays guys Thank you all and you will NOT being seeing so much of me. I am going hunting which means a crap pot more than opening day. Headed out Saturday to try to video some rutting Bucks. The GameHauler is returning Watch out if God is on my side
  19. GameHauler

    Happy Birthday GameHauler

    Thanks Mike and Jim Post a 2010 wish now so you aren't late for this year
  20. GameHauler

    .284 140 gr Partitions

    Do not have what you want but may buy them. Shoot me a PM if a trade deal does not come threw.
  21. GameHauler

    TC Prohunter 7mm mag.

    Thank you and I will research it since I now have an Encore action. Would you sell the barrel alone? And if so how much?
  22. GameHauler


    Take it to Bear Mt just down the road from you. They have been very fare with me in the past.
  23. GameHauler

    TC Prohunter 7mm mag.

    Dang you No can do as much as I want to. Price? Maybe with out stock and for end. Will the barrel fit an Encore action?
  24. GameHauler


    He is something special and is blessed as he should be.
  25. GameHauler


    Awesome Lance. Looks like a great time.