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Everything posted by GameHauler

  1. GameHauler

    Ground Blinds

    I have 2 Ameristep Brickhouse blinds They are not the quality of the bull blinds but work well and at a fraction of the price. Because of the lower cost I'm not afraid to leave it up. I put my blinds out a week or so before the hunt so the animals have time to get used to it plus I'm not making noise when I'm trying to hunt. try going in weeks before the hunt with your blind and set it up in some trees or what ever and brush it up real good, that way you have a spot all ready to set up in for the hunt. One of my buddies does have a bull blind but we have done just as well with the ameristep. Hope this helps. Mike here is a picI took from my blind while elk hunting
  2. GameHauler

    Whats In A Name

    I would like to take a second to thank everyone who took the time to post. I was not sure how this would do, so the reason I started it the way I did. Hope to meet some of you out in the field. If you ever see the GameHauler Truck flag me down (wear your hat so I don't think your the nut that you probably are).If you see my truck parked somewere and I'm not around leave a beer, I'll probable be ready for it by the time I get back. \Good Hunting and take a kid Mike
  3. GameHauler

    Whats In A Name

    Sorry about the bad luck but a cool story Mike
  4. GameHauler

    Whats In A Name

    More than just CWT name
  5. GameHauler

    Whats In A Name

    I was blessed with 2 daughters who love to hunt. As they came of hunting age they started drawing tags. My youngest at 10 drew a pig tag (Filled it) and a antelope tag (Filled It) 76 7/8" The next year A pig tag (filled it) and a coues tag (Filled It) Spike. The next year both girs drew cow tags (filled them). Oh Ya several turkey tags also for both of them (filled them). so your starting to see that I was doing a lot of GameHauling so sitting around camp I just became the GameHauler and it stuck. They have since then gotten a couple more turkeys, my oldest got a coues and my youngest got a bull this year. Take a kid hunting. It's the most fun you can have in the field Mike AKA the GameHauler
  6. GameHauler

    Whats In A Name

    This is great. It gives you a differnt flavor to a post knowing something about the person writing it. thanks, mike
  7. GameHauler

    Whats In A Name

    I love coues deer and coues hunting.....thus the Coues. My favorite number is 7.....God's perfect number.....thus the 7 Coues7 Thanks coues7 for getting it started, that cool
  8. GameHauler

    high country pig

    Great job, I drew a 22 ham tag and plan on chasing some high country pigs myself. hoping for a little snow. Mike
  9. GameHauler

    Another awesome hunting picture

    Havn't been able to locate a score sheet yet
  10. GameHauler

    First pig for son of bowsniper

    Nothing wrong with ground blinds Troy. they are a lot warmer, dryer, less wind and you can move around a little more. A buddy of mine shot a lion out of one a couple years back during the archery turkey hunt. GOOD luck in the draw Mike
  11. GameHauler

    First pig for son of bowsniper

    Way to go Troy and bowsniper. Hope this is the start of a life long passion for you young man. Nothing like your kids first hunt Aye Bowsniper
  12. GameHauler

    Smack Down!

    Congrates to you and your dad. Good job with pics and story. Mike
  13. GameHauler

    First time trail-cam pic

    great job, I love close ups. Here is another one
  14. GameHauler

    AZ Online process

    Don't take that the wrong way, I would think that most members are serious or they would not be taking the time to be here. I'm refering to the guy who has a friend, who has a friend, who went hunting one time who says "hey lets try putting in, It will only cost use $7.50 unless we get drawn". I by no means have money to blow and it hurt last week to put my 2 daughters and myself in for this draw. there have been many years I had to borrow the money from my dad mike
  15. GameHauler

    AZ Online process

    Good, may increase our chances to draw a tag since the (kindda sorta might want to be hunters) won't want to put the money up front. I wish they would do away with it completely.
  16. GameHauler

    need a winch bumper

    Ya, been thinking about that, then I could use it front or rear
  17. GameHauler

    need a winch bumper

    Thanks I spent about 20 years in steel fabrication and could build one but like there aren't enough hours in the day, but I do thank you mike
  18. GameHauler

    swarovski DCB-A

    I really thank you for your input. Mike
  19. Can anyone give me some feedback on the Swarovski DCB-A camera adapter? It really looks like the way to go to me. thanks, mike
  20. GameHauler

    swarovski DCB-A

    Here is the EBay picture from when I bought it. As you can see I have to take the eye piece off every time anyway
  21. GameHauler

    swarovski DCB-A

    I have a swarovski fitted case for my scope so I would not be able to leave it on. my camera is a 6.1 MP with about 20 sec timer, dont see any way to adjust the timer, does that seem to long of a delay? thanks for your time, Mike
  22. GameHauler

    swarovski DCB-A

    How quick is the set up when you get into the field? Mike
  23. Thanks coues7 I copied, pasted, and mailed. hope everyone takes the time. Mike
  24. GameHauler

    need a winch bumper

    I am a distributer for them and other truck accessories companies. No one I have found still makes stuff for that old of a truck and I really don't want to spend that much money. looking for a used one that maybe needs a can of new part sprayed on it. mike