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Everything posted by GameHauler

  1. GameHauler

    Womens boots

    Now that my girls have pretty much stoped growing I would like to buy them some good hunting boots for their birthdays. Anyone have any input on good womens boot would be great Looking at spending about $150.00 a pair Thanks, Mike
  2. GameHauler


    Post # 18
  3. GameHauler


    QUOTE "On your topic of SPORTSMANSHIP, it is ILLEGAL to place a salt lick on Public Land. The ethics of this topic went out the door with the first hunter placing the salt lick (period). "
  4. GameHauler


    Yes I got fired up when you called me an unsportsman like, Illegal, poacher with no ethics. "(period)"
  5. GameHauler

    Womens boots

    Got That Right Plus you should have seen the blisters on Linnea's feet last year Good thing she is tougher than you "My shoulder Hurts"
  6. GameHauler


    GH, what's up with ending all your replies with "(period)" That's just to much information for us here on CWT to handle. Keep your monthly problems to yourself please. M77- On your topic of SPORTSMANSHIP, it is ILLEGAL to place a salt lick on Public Land. The ethics of this topic went out the door with the first hunter placing the salt lick (period). Answer your question
  7. GameHauler


    discourage it, due to the damage they cause to the trees. They told me that any type of wound that penetrates through the bark increases the chance for parasites & disease to enter & subsequently kill the tree Kill all the wood peckers
  8. GameHauler

    Womens boots

    Way do you think thars wierd I would let you buy me a new Quad
  9. GameHauler


    Thanks Tony for posting the exact law "(period)"
  10. GameHauler


    As far as salt I know that the Forrest service puts out salt for the animals "(period)"
  11. GameHauler


    The laws says you may not knowingly harvest a bear over bait As far as treestands the Forest service has a law that was put into affect years ago called Spiking Tree hugers of sort who did not like the logging going on would drive spikes into trees to damage the loggers equipment The use of a removable device in a tree is allowed Tree steps, Lantern hangers are legal "(period)" Mike
  12. GameHauler

    Smoked Elk!

    I prefer to prepare it with Bow and Arrow But have found that just as good when using a Rifle
  13. GameHauler

    Smoked Elk!

    Now thats not nice Sure hope TJ does not see this
  14. GameHauler

    Bushnell yardage pro 600 problems

    I think you should just pitch it and buy a Leica 1200! Ditto
  15. GameHauler

    Womens boots

    OK Casey (1stcoues) just offered to buy Linnea her hunting boots. Younghunter it is now up to you to buy Danielle's
  16. GameHauler

    IDIOT Sighting

    I did noy tell you to reply I just stated that I was really surprised you hadn't You must have sent me 30 PMs asking about her before Now the cards are on the table. Maybe I should copy and past your PMs for everyone to read
  17. GameHauler

    Some Critter Pic's

    Hey DB I know that GF had 2 water trucks up here last weekend, maybe over the 4th I was told that they got 6000 gals of water from the same place I've been getting water from. I really do not think the tank got filled by rain. I went out yesterday thinking the tanks would have some water in them from the rain but they were still empty. Mike
  18. GameHauler

    record book tail shot in dec.

    Good talking to you the other night Larry Look forward to meeting up with you in a couple weeks Mike
  19. GameHauler

    need to sell some stuff

    I shoot the carbon impacts not sure what size, I'll check when I get home May take them off your hands Mike
  20. GameHauler

    2007 Fall Draw Results....

    Good luck Tony, Hope you do draw your Sheep tag But do you think you can find anywhere in your house for that full mount What was your first choice? Mike
  21. GameHauler

    2007 Fall Draw Results....

    Thanks Jim, It's hard enough without you startin rumors
  22. GameHauler

    IDIOT Sighting

    Crap I should not have posted that pic., Now Casey is going to get all worked up again over little sis
  23. GameHauler

    IDIOT Sighting

    She will kill me but here she is at about 13 with her Cow And here she is at little sis's graduation about a month ago, Little teary eyed Thinking she may be a little more than you could handle Youngan
  24. GameHauler

    IDIOT Sighting

    Her coues is bigger than yours Her cow Elk tasted great And I have lost track of how many Turkey she has shoot She has not had the draw luck Her little sister has
  25. GameHauler

    IDIOT Sighting

    Oh sure, You get one more birthday under your belt and you think your all mature You got that right My 19 year old daughter thinks the same way. Hire a teenager while they know it ALL