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Everything posted by GameHauler

  1. GameHauler

    Tony's Spider ?

    I was just teasing you Amanda. I was able to upload the Smileys in just about 2 seconds before so I knew they did not take up much space on the server And then one day they uploaded with a box around them Here is what happens. Mike
  2. This is SOOOO cool Hey Jason or Amanda, Maybe you could link the posts or just have the first one continued so other people besides us junkies know the steps. Just a thought, Mike
  3. GameHauler

    Tony's Spider ?

    WooHoo I figured out how to use smileys Amanda' If you made it so we/I could not use Smileys I found a back door. T.Ruble B.T.W. its a pain in the butt. = less Smileys
  4. GameHauler

    Bass Pro Shop

    Better not comw between now and Monday... Ill be hunting Im hard to mis... 6'3 270 lbs, red beard Hunting? Do you have a tag Casey? Why didn't you tell anyone Ummm... Have you not seen my signature line?! heck, I evern asked you if you wanted to go... Remember... Your response was " Thanks for the invite stud, but this old man can't keep up with such a young, handsome, WELL MANNERED stud such as yourself. I think I'll stay at home and have nightmares about the giant buck your going to shoot!" Don't you remember? You need to get back on your medication
  5. GameHauler

    Bass Pro Shop

    Better not comw between now and Monday... Ill be hunting Im hard to mis... 6'3 270 lbs, red beard Hunting? Do you have a tag Casey? Why didn't you tell anyone
  6. GameHauler

    My girls filled their bull tags

    I love it Girls You got me all gitty and Smiley just picturing your excitment. I remember when my girls were your age and how excited they were. Things havn't changed much, They still turn into bowls of jello. Come to think of it, I think most of of still do I know I do Glad you joined the forum and hope you keep in touch with us. Your right about OLD UNCLE Gino He is kind of fun to have around at times. Like when its time to pack-m-out Your Dad and Colton do a pretty good job too. Mike
  7. GameHauler

    Bass Pro Shop

    OK, I'll Be there Friday Morning See ya then
  8. GameHauler

    Is every one ready

    Casey How do you get payed to post on CWT for 8 hours a day Good luck on your Hunt Really, I wish you the best. Sorry I shot your Deer. 100" or Bust Bud P.S. don't forget the mountain money
  9. GameHauler


    Just happen to have one for you. Had to buy a new desk top for my shop OUCH
  10. GameHauler

    My girls filled their bull tags

    I'm sure glad someone in your family can put some meat in the freezer Way to go girls, you got a couple of nice critters there in spite of that Tasco toten handicap you had with you You know I'm just messin with ya Troy Good job getting the young ones out into the field and carry on the hunting tradition. Nothing better than hunting with kids. Yes I am partial to girls. Mike
  11. http://www.timesuniononline.com/main.asp?S...ArticleID=24661
  12. GameHauler

    World Record Cow Elk

    She is Now Congrates to you and your son Jim. Mike As defined by Webster Trophy Cow Elk: "One you can back the truck up to"
  13. GameHauler


    OLDHUNTER That has a lot to do with why I did not Harvest a bull this year. Hope he is feeling better Been there, Done that Every day (almost) Only you would remember the sock in that picture. But no he threw his back out when we were stalking a good bull and we had to call the hunt on the opener.
  14. GameHauler

    How are the crowds?

    Look at the post I made about Caseys Buck I shot the smaller of the three so I think everyone should go to 36B.
  15. GameHauler


    6B LATE RIFLE BULL Nov.23-29 (dad's) ~ Dad got injured Did he trip over your sock in the hallway T. Ruble
  16. GameHauler

    Best Companion Pics

    Think I may have allready posted this pic. This is Rockie after a trail cam run. She sure likes to run with the quad but I really think she likes it when I have to walk in the rest of the way. Mike
  17. GameHauler

    Best Companion Pics

    WOODSAZ That last pic is GREAT Thanks, Mike
  18. GameHauler

    22 North Late Bull

    Great 22 late bull. Congrates. Mike Have you dried out yet
  19. GameHauler

    Rain Gear

    Do have any Idea how many bread bags I wore as a kid. Well so far it is looking like the MT050 is the leader. Any more inputers. Maybe some of you have put on some extra weight and can not fit into yours any more I am not a big guy at 5'10 and 150# I would be glad to give you something towards a new set that will zip up Mike
  20. GameHauler

    Rain Gear

    Think I will go with the Hefty bag. Low cost and packs down real small Mike
  21. GameHauler

    BRD BIG Ram Down!!, Dad got er done...

    WoooHooo Great footage Mike
  22. GameHauler

    coues pick ups

    You might get lashed for that picutre... blood.. toungue hangin out just kiddin
  23. GameHauler

    Word to the Wise

    Well Tony Sounds like you and Sasha need to go do a little hiking Maybe Squaw Peek twice a week And a new trail outside the valley once a month. I have a real nice one that I hiked yesterday with a full daypack and rifle. This is your year, good luck. You may NOT have my Rockie tag though Mike
  24. GameHauler

    Ameristep Doghouse Blind

    I have 2 brickhouses and they are Diff. but they do kick my butt every once and a while. Have fun with it, maybe call a friend and watch them do it in 2 seconds. I still have a smile on my face picturing you Mike