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Everything posted by GameHauler

  1. GameHauler

    Late Bull

    Congratulations on your Bull. It looks like it was no fun getting him ready for the packs on that snow covered steep hillside. Been there, Done that. Mike
  2. GameHauler

    British Sports Car

    Anyone into Brit. sports cars? Very nice project car. All there and no rust. Does run. Mike
  3. GameHauler

    Anyone Heard From The Super 80

    If someone would photshop a smile on your face I think it is a great field picture
  4. GameHauler

    British Sports Car

    To Many
  5. GameHauler

    Anyone Heard From The Super 80

    Ok Casey. You know we all feel bad your hunt did not turn out the way you wanted it to but it is time to step up to the pump and have fun with this. You are one of the first to bust someones goose eggs for anything. You bragged about your gun. You bragged about you shooting. You bragged about your guiding. This should be the biggest lesson learned. Now get your head out of your butt and make fun of yourself. Sorry BUDDY but it is time. Lets see the pictures and hear the whole story. Your Friend Mike PS. start a new topic PSS. you are lucky Jim is not around. PSSS. and Coues-n-Sheep
  6. GameHauler


    Looks like an arcade shooting game to me
  7. GameHauler


  8. Thanks I could not find it. Mike
  9. GameHauler

    December tag gripe

    I have not done a deer drive since I left Pa. But I think if I was helping a Rifle tag holder by doing a drive I would make a slow drive with Bow in hand. Just a thought, they may have been helping someone. Leave things as they are. My$.02 Mike
  10. GameHauler

    Felicia's Buck

    A BIG congrates to all of you. Nice Buck. The women are doing well this year. Mike
  11. GameHauler

    rumor has it

    Right on Dude. Great Buck. Mike
  12. GameHauler

    Anyone Heard From The Super 80

    There went $30.00 in ammo and $50.00 in gas to drive home for more bullets. Must not of had his truck to use as a rest.
  13. GameHauler

    Swaro 15X56

    If anyone has the money they are at $1200.00 with only 8 hours to go. Mike http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...A:IT&ih=005
  14. GameHauler

    Swaro 15X56

    It was at $1200-$1400 I bought my Swaro spotter off Ebay. I agree you have to be real careful though Mike
  15. GameHauler

    WTB - ATV Ramps

    He was probably mad enough to pick the quad up and throw it into the truck. Here you go DB they have others to chose from. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/disp...temnumber=44649 Mike
  16. GameHauler

    December Buck

    Woo Hoo Now what about your sister Girl power bring it on. Josh, Great Buck and a Long hands out to you with a shake. NICE buck Congrats, Mike
  17. GameHauler

    Swaro 15X56

    Still not a bad buy but over my bank too Mike
  18. I can't beleive I missed this can you post a link? ?????????? Mike
  19. GameHauler

    December success!

    Congratulations Joe Way to get-r-done. Cool Buck. Mike
  20. I made a quick trip down south this weekend. I found a GPS with the name Casey engraved in it. I thought to myself! Self, Could this belong to the world famous 80" Coues killer After a quick look around for the looser (GPS looser that is) I tried to turn it on Wouldn't you know it the batteries were dead. Had them cheap WallyWorld Batts in it Being the prepared hunter I am I got some batteries out of my pack, took the old ones out, put them back into my pack as not to litter installed new batteries into GPS turned on GPS. Waited 10 minutes for POS GPS to find Sats. Pulled up waypoint list, one way point caught my attention, Labled (WSCWT) had a note area that said Will Show CouesWhiteTail.com Well the location was only about an 8th of a mile so off I go. As I get close I see what looks like a deer but it's not moving. With the aid of some real glass SWAROS I see that it is an inflatable Doe Deer NO details will be talked about Bedded about 10 yards away is a Buck with its tonque hanging out and smoking a cigarette. I knew at this point I could not leave this Buck here for Casey So Here he is. Mike
  21. GameHauler

    Tony's Spider ?

    Thats it Monkeys Uncle Tony
  22. GameHauler

    Tony's Spider ?

    You trying to make fun of me? I know which way I like it better Mike
  23. GameHauler

    Tony's Spider ?

    Guess we were posting at the same time Tony