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Everything posted by GameHauler

  1. GameHauler

    Leica LRF 1200 Scan Demos for $349.99

    Doug, If you meant to say CRF 1200 for 349.99 I'll take two Mike
  2. You can't use the cross bow Tom
  3. rule #1: the .270 is the best round ever and 7mm/08's stink. rule #2: in all other cases, refer to rule #1. Lark. I hear by challange you to out shoot my daughter with your fine round
  4. 7MM-08 is a great round Lark is just trying to light a match under me
  5. Haven't heard much from Scotty Boy I heard the new baby and work have him tied up but he may have a little time to put his hunting suit on and post a little on here
  6. GameHauler

    F.S. Porta Boat and Motor

    BTT for my Bud He needs to sell the boat for the new Swaros
  7. GameHauler

    F.S. Porta Boat and Motor

    Here you go Tom $1750 .......2001 Porta-boat , 2003 4hp yamaha motor along with 3 1/2gal gas tank, 4 lifejackets, throw cushion, 2 fold down seats installed, and oars. This has only made our annual 2 week vacation to the White Mt. 5 times for trout fishing. Boat has been trained to catch fish. Pm tjhunt2 if interested
  8. GameHauler

    400 fps

    Bah HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!!! Now that is funny! I don't care who you are!!! BUT, I think meant to type hand Huntn coues a blow gun!! NO I DIDN'T
  9. GameHauler

    A Heart Warming Story

    OMG Now you owe me a key board. My soda is still draining Good thing I bought a pallet of them Thanks
  10. GameHauler

    400 fps

    400fps is not a problem with an arrow V V Just hand CnS a blow gun Talk about a HOT load
  11. I may at home. I'll check this afternoon. Did you check with GF? They may be able to email it to you
  12. GameHauler

    Berger Bullets

    Sorry I did not read it before I was really not interested in that type of topic Like I am now My gun allways did everything I asked it to do. (If it aint broke dont fix it) Now that the GF has forced me to upgrade, I am starving for info.
  13. GameHauler

    Berger Bullets

    Great read Tim. Thanks for the link
  14. GameHauler

    Trigger Diagram

    Can't help you on your need. But, I love your signature but I can not afford a new key board every time I look at one of your posts Change you Avitar
  15. GameHauler

    Scotty Boy

    I aint saying its so but! If Mamma aint happy, Aint nobody happy! Isn't she from Texas? And I know my mamma would not be happy. She moved here from Minnesota and has never asked me if we could move back there so she could be closer to Family. Welcome back to the most deverse state in the union
  16. GameHauler

    Berger Bullets

    So I am guessing the moly would reduce copper fouling but what about moly fouling in the rifleing Would you need to clean after fewer shots? Of course this would only be an issue at the range Not hunting
  17. GameHauler

    Hey Gino

    Thanks Gino I had to make a choice and I did. Now I am living with it She sure is looking good
  18. GameHauler

    Hey Gino

    You did get it didn't you
  19. GameHauler

    Scotty Boy

    Scotty I am sorry, I was typing faster than I was thinking last night. I ment to say shortpants on this thread. Hey but a least we got to see some beautiful pictures of Sydney. Sorry to hear you have to move back. Hope everything works out Mike Do you remember when?
  20. Anyone played around with adding turrets to their scope? I am in a upgrade to my rifle and am just looking at options. Thanks, Mike
  21. GameHauler

    Berger Bullets

    Bla Bla Bla...... What box have you been living in..... .... Oh I for got.... You don't read well... my bad... You could buy the BTW video, Casey... I have one I'll sell or Rent to you so you can make an educated judgement.... There are PLENTY of Dead critters to prove that the VLD's are not just for punching paper..... There are also pleny of animals that were not recovered because they were shot with a target bullet. But of course, none of that comes to mind does it? I am Sorry Casey But are you having a REALLY bad day
  22. I have figured out how C-n-S keeps taking all the Toads he does Old Gino being the thinking man that he is used his main brain to figure out Deer biology and brought in the main attractant to harvest all those BIG bucks. The rut is an amazing thing The tag along girlfriend does not look happy
  23. GameHauler

    Berger Bullets

    FYI.... Mike..... The guys at Best of the West and John Barnes both use 168 Gr. VLD's in their 7 mags. They Swear by them. Buy them Or by them Didn't take you long to steel the avatar
  24. GameHauler

    W.T.B little kitty

    Well I guess I should have added the real picture of Dr. Dirk D. Most of you guys have only seen him in as Mr. CnS pictures. Beware It aint pretty
  25. GameHauler

    Berger Bullets

    Tim. Not to step on your thread But while we are on this subject. I have been thinking about using Bergers also. Anyone have some input on what weight for my 7Mag project? Mike