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Everything posted by GameHauler

  1. GameHauler

    How much longer.... THE POLL!

    When the grapes of wrath are worn, they become raisens
  2. GameHauler

    How much longer.... THE POLL!

    I just got the spring results Maybe it is uploading The first letter of my name is M & L
  3. GameHauler

    How much longer.... THE POLL!

    I sure hope it is March Madness Not April Mad as &*%#
  4. GameHauler

    How much longer.... THE POLL!

    The thought was almost enough to "Have The Big One" (Fred Sanford, Thought I better clear that up right now) Since Lark uses a 270 maybe thats how he has been able to harvest a critter or 2 COME ON, PUSH THE BUTTON ALLREADY
  5. GameHauler

    How much longer.... THE POLL!

    I am going to delete this in 5 minutes
  6. GameHauler

    Anybody pick up and elk brownies yet?

    Ya But they were the little oblong ones Not the long pointy ones
  7. GameHauler

    How much longer.... THE POLL!

    You did not list March 21, Today at 5:15 Hit the button, the last light switch and run like He!!
  8. GameHauler

    Monster Archery Buck *UPDATED*

    I really do not understand what you are trying to say or start, But Me Thinks it was a Bad post. Don't get me wrong, I have made some too. So lets just leave it at that.
  9. GameHauler

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    I received one from commissioner Mclean as well. Me three!! Chairman Mclean, I think you deserve a PUBLIC THANK YOU for taking the time to Email us back. THANK YOU
  10. GameHauler

    Lets See your Loading Bench

    So, There is no reason not to use metal if I wish? I already have an extra metal bench apx. 30"X60". Was thinking about putting a Sheet of Plywood on it and coating it with poly urethane.
  11. GameHauler

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    I received a: Thank you for the thank you from Bill Mclean, On a Saterday They do read our Emails Oh Ya! And a "Good Luck on the draw" WooHooo Here comes my first Antelope tag and first choice Elk tag :lol:
  12. GameHauler

    Lets See your Loading Bench

    Not when your AWS certified Pipe and plate since 1980
  13. GameHauler

    Just gotta say...

    Welcome Back
  14. GameHauler

    Lets See your Loading Bench

    Welcome Jeffcros and thanks for sharing. Yours is the only bench I have seen made out of metal. Is there a reason no one has used metal other than not being a weldor? Thanks everyone else also for some good ideas. keep them coming.
  15. GameHauler

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    Good advise Doug. I just Email a thanks to the Commission
  16. GameHauler

    Lets See your Loading Bench

    Right on Jeff I love it But where is the hammer for resizing:
  17. GameHauler

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    Just got the same form letter. And Yes I did respond back to it
  18. GameHauler

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    Post marks don't count. Cabela's is responsable to THEIR PAYING customers Cabela's does have the right to go after UPS for losses. My$.02
  19. GameHauler

    Lets See your Loading Bench

    Ever heard of CASE LUBE! Whats that?! not needed for 22Shorts
  20. GameHauler

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    Can you say Boycott (?spelling?)
  21. GameHauler

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    I was just thinking about that today. It sure does suck for those who got screwed by cabelas and for me personaly I would not be upset if the GF gives them all a bounus point. Just my thought. Its not like the bounus point system realy works anyway. I don't think they should give them a point But I could see not taking away the loyalty point.
  22. GameHauler

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    I emailed them