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Everything posted by GameHauler

  1. GameHauler

    What It's all about!!!

    Thanks Jason, Not only are you a GREAT artist but you have a Great since for a GOOD topic right now. Your pictures brought back a bunch of flashback. My babies are growing up and the days you have in front of you are gone for me. Enjoy what you have ahead of you to the fullest you can. Thanks for the pics and I might post up some pics from my girls younger days
  2. GameHauler

    Three-bar deer capture

    Thanks Amanda, Really enjoyed this post. I went to a Sheep transplant in 03 when I had my tag. Very interesting stuff going on in a hurry. Lots of loving care goes into the animals welfare. I would love to come in August with Amber to get back into some of the back country with some equipment if needed. Let me know if I can help.
  3. GameHauler

    Good Storm Coming

    I have to disagree Lark
  4. GameHauler

    22S Question.

    I am pretty sure the answer is yes
  5. GameHauler

    Hunter Safety

    Only required for Junior Hunters
  6. GameHauler


    Here you go... http://www.gunowners.org/merchrosiet.htm I think I'm gonna get one myself Thanks Sniper Has anyone bought off of this site? I want to buy a couple
  7. GameHauler

    The Judge

    What if it was a Male intruder
  8. GameHauler

    Windy day gone bad

    Crap Now I won't be able to use drought and Bark Beetles any more May as well just give up hunting.
  9. GameHauler

    The Judge

    Doug, My Contender with a 10" barrel in 45/ 410Ga. does not kick bad at all. It is actually fun to shoot.
  10. I thought Monica Liewinski wrote a book on tasty old meat ! Your as sick as DB
  11. GameHauler


    Well Bill, Originally it was titled Casey gets banned Then I decided to pick someone else because Casey is the Butt of most jokes. I picked someone who does a lot of posting on here and other sites. My choice may have not been the best and had nothing to do with a comparison to Hitler but to the fact that he had lost access to his beloved site. I know how I feel when the site goes down and it was a mockery of the DDT's. The video used some words that really should not have been on this site so I deleted it. I found it on another forum and I found it funny, Debated and posted I would be glad to PM the link to anyone who wants to see it. Time for a new computer Bill
  12. GameHauler


    It Is
  13. GameHauler


    I believe Amanda has asked 3 people to not come back that I can think of. Maybe only 2. 1 may have just left on his own
  14. GameHauler


    Thats why I deleted it
  15. DB you are a sick person. Please tell me you did not have that picture stored in your computer, Or is it your wall paper
  16. GameHauler

    swimming at Cabelas anyone??

    Well Dude Seams as if you got your Pampers smacked You better grow up "Punk","Loser", "Mommies Boy"
  17. GameHauler

    arrow fobs

    And Members get a 75% discount Well, maybe a weekly raffle for half a dozen. Just a thought
  18. GameHauler

    Azryan's Gobbler

    Right on Ryan. Congrates on your first bird. Thanks for the pictures
  19. GameHauler

    Cleaning Out The Closet

    Brandon, Pretty sure I want the Mossberg. Need to do just a little research on Barrels. PM sent
  20. GameHauler


    A good friend of mine is looking for some Good High End spotting scopes for a Guide he helps out up in B.C. If anyone has something they are thinking about letting go let me know and I will pass it on. Thanks
  21. GameHauler

    Swarovski ATS 80

    $1581.56 Just over an hour to go Its at the sportsman in Phx http://cgi.ebay.com/Swarovski-ATS-80-Spott...1QQcmdZViewItem