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Everything posted by Basser15

  1. Basser15


    I would prefer to see the quota system more then I would a draw process for the archery units.
  2. Basser15


    Made it to the Mesa meeting tonight(in a blue collared shirt, came in late) and thought that many of their ideals are contradicted by their actions. Leonard said my ideas were in the minority according to the survey and I'm starting to believe it after seeing so few people really seem to care and take our hunting seriously.
  3. Basser15

    bow fishing

    Think you missed it by a couple of months. I usually see them up really shallow in April/May.
  4. Basser15

    Anyone hunt Hawaii?

    DB, those links work for me now that i have access to the site, thanks. Here is the thread from a different site that got me fired up. Never even thought about it until I saw this yesterday morning: http://www.hunttalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31143 Leave Thursday and it looks like if I can get this done then I would only be able to hunt Saturday and Sunday since those are the only days you can legally hunt in Hawaii if I read the regs right.
  5. Basser15

    Anyone hunt Hawaii?

    Those links aren't working for me. I'll register for the site and see if it helps.
  6. Basser15

    Unit 37B, Any Deer left?

    Unless the unit is a 100% draw of 1st and 2nd choice applicants then it won't really matter what you put for choices 3-5. Choices 1 and 2 are what they consider first if you are drawn, then if they're not available they throw your app back in the pile until all first and second choices have bee sifted through.
  7. Basser15

    The Boyz Are Back in Town

    That herd has caused many folks to apply for that 11M tag just to have them think, "Where the #$%^ did they go?" once the season starts Great looking bulls!
  8. Basser15

    Lion Bow Kill

    Great footage!
  9. That's awesome! Looks like they are already diehard fisherman.
  10. Basser15

    bass pro shops

    Here's a link that shows the full thing: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...S_05_23_07-_-na Found this too: http://www.azcentral.com/commphotos/azcentral/1562/19/19/
  11. Basser15

    Clints Well Shoot

    Is that a picture of a couple of brothers standing next to that bull?
  12. Basser15

    Clints Well Shoot

    Might have to make a trip to Archery HQ for some more arrows this week. And I'm finally starting to feel better this afternoon, but I guess I know how to make an impression....
  13. Basser15

    Arrow Weight

    My Muzzy 3-blades grouped well and shot well out of my bow. I am not happy with their penetration....just ask Mr. Elk who is still running around with a sore shoulder from last year
  14. Basser15

    Arrow Weight

    Think I'm switching to the 100 grain Wac 'ems this year. Haven't been too impressed with the Muzzys so figured it's a good time for a change.
  15. Basser15

    Arrow Weight

    Where are you shooting? If you want to meet out at Usery one day before or after work let me know.
  16. Basser15

    Decent shed

    Sweet find!
  17. Basser15

    Sneak peak video of Dead On 2

    Some prefer to watch with a cup of coffee...others might get some popcorn...others just sit back and relax... It should start playing right way after you click on the link.
  18. Basser15

    Sneak peak video of Dead On 2

    Looks like some great footage. Really enjoy your first video so I'll probably have to get the next one too.
  19. So what is it, far or not far from the main road? I don't think that this proposal is the answer to helping preserve the forests. As stated before it will only punish those who follow the rules and those who don't will continue to abuse the landscape. In my experience it also seems that people have a tendency to expect everyone else to follow the rules but find it acceptable to "bend" them when it becomes benificial to their circumstance. It would definitely be nice to get a truck to a downed animal but to be honest, I have yet to be on an elk hunt where that was possible so I don't know what I would do.
  20. Basser15

    bear spray video clip

    That's some great footage. How come bears won't come that close when you have a tag in your pocket?
  21. Basser15

    The early hunter gets the bird!

    Haven't seen YH on the boards today....maybe he's back up there trying to not get shown up
  22. Maybe it's that mentality that would do us some good to have some roads closed and motorized game retrieval disallowed
  23. Basser15

    The early hunter gets the bird!

    That's sweet! Congrats on the bird.
  24. Basser15

    southern arizona

    Were they at least nice enough to leave a note like Santa does?
  25. Basser15

    Badlands warenty work

    Their warranty is the best that I've dealt with so far. Had a shoulder strap break on mine while scouting last year and they had it back to me just in time for the hunt. Even told them that my dog had chewed on the bow strap and they replaced that for me too. Don't remember, but I think all I had to pay for was shipping.