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Everything posted by Basser15

  1. Basser15


    That is awesome! Congrats to all three of you.
  2. So where's he update from this weekend? Did the other hunter make it back out? Didn't get a cellphone pic this weekend so I'm guessing no...
  3. Basser15

    Opening Morning bird

    Pretty windy this morning but was still able to get on some birds. This guy strayed from his lady friend to see what the "new girl" looked like. Unfortunately for him this hen was actually a dude in camo holding a 12 gauge
  4. Basser15

    Turkey video 6a

    Sweet video, congrats on the bird!
  5. That's an awesome trip! Congrats to you and the other successful hunters.
  6. Basser15

    Bull Video saved the BIGGEST for last.

    Dang, looks like i just missed it. I have your first video and really like it. Good collection of a bunch of different types of hunts.
  7. Basser15

    Jr. Turkey Participation

    Took my little brothers up Saturday afternoon and hunted that evening and Sunday morning. Didn't see any other hunters out there.
  8. Basser15

    Bluegill bite is on

    Those are yellow bass in Saguaro
  9. Basser15

    Random Elk season question

    It was a rifle hunt so that was what threw me off. The limited opportunity hunts would make sense though. Thanks.
  10. Basser15

    Random Elk season question

    I was looking through the latest Eastman's and in the back of the mag the couple pages of trophy pics with a brief description of the hunt. One of them showed a nice bull that a kid had shot and in the description in mentioned that he was hunting in AZ and that his younger brother had taken a cow earlier that morning. My question, are there any units that have simultaneous rifle cow and bull hunts or was there a mis-type somewhere in that little paragraph?
  11. Basser15

    Random Elk season question

    You're positive? Well the areas that I have hunted have their rifle cow hunts in October and bull hunts in November. Kind of assumed that this was the trend.
  12. I've stated before that I thought there was a conspiracy theory by letting first timers draw. I've experienced that myself with an antelope tag and every friend and family member that I've helped put in for their first hunt have drawn a tag. Makes sense though, get the first timers hooked with a tag that way they don't give up after not getting drawn for the first couple of years.
  13. Basser15

    Score this buck

    The cat got smart...sat on top of the feeder just like a guy sits in a tree stand.
  14. Basser15

    My first lion!

    Very cool! congrats
  15. Basser15

    How Many Times did you Call Today?

    Did get bored and checked to website twice today but I don't check as often anymore because I know as soon as they are up my cell phone and this forum will surely blow up with people trying to be the first one to let everybody else know
  16. Does anyone know if Beaver Creek has been reopened for camping? Couple years ago they closed it down for Riparian regrowth but I was wondering if they had opened it back up. Any help would be appreciated.
  17. Basser15

    Weekend Finds

    Look forward to your shed pics ever year! Keep em coming.
  18. Swung into SW to grab a pair of hiking boots tonight and it looked extremely bare in there. Everything seemed like it was clearance priced and not a lot of selection, especially at the gun counter. The clerk said that they were just selling a lot of stuff, but that didn't seem right to me for some reason.
  19. Basser15

    Brownies yet?

    Anybody willing to share if they've seen any fresh drops? Plan on being up north for several days in a week and a half to do some hiking with the dog in search of some sheds.
  20. Basser15

    Brownies yet?

    Thanks for the update
  21. Basser15

    Brownies yet?

    So that means they should be dropping them at any second....Thanks!
  22. Basser15


    Simply Awesome!!!
  23. Actually, now i have a question for anyone that might know. In the description it says that if I have interest in a particular unit that I have to attend the meeting in the location of the jurisdiction? So if I'm concerned about the areas I like in the northern half of the state I would have to drive to Flagstaff or choose to go to Tucson for information regarding the units down south? I would like to take back my comments stated in my last post.
  24. Glad to see that they are having meetings during a time that encourages folks to show up this time. Recently it has seemed that they were scheduling them at a time that discouraged the general working public from being able to attend. I'll more than likely be at the Mesa meeting tomorrow night.
  25. Congrats on the baby girl. Now is a perfect time to start stock piling the arsenal for those teenage boys who are gonna come calling sooner than later