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Everything posted by Basser15

  1. Basser15

    Lost my best friend

    All dogs go to heaven.
  2. Basser15

    Draw Results

    Check out this post http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=24063&st=0&p=246274entry246274
  3. Basser15

    GIANT 184 inch coues plus two more 100 inchers

    Are they replicas or did Wellers buy the Dan King antlers from G&F? Great looking display.
  4. That's really cool. Thanks for sharing
  5. Basser15

    awesome javelina clip

    Nice shot and great camera work.
  6. Basser15

    how fast is a deer? archery 2011 video

    Unfortunate about losing the buck but you have some great video footage of it. Awesome getting that close by yourself, let alone with an extra person carrying the camera.
  7. Basser15

    Lion and Muley

    Very cool indeed.
  8. Basser15

    To all the single men

    Congrats on finding the one! I'm still waiting and have been through a few who like my hunting habit because they think it's cute and/or manly...at least through the first season. The second season is usually the breaking point. They might say there isn't a "season" and that it's a year long thing. I feel there is definitely a down time Hope you two enjoy a lifetime of adventures together.
  9. Basser15

    5 San Carlos Bucks 105 to 119

    Those are all fantastic bucks! Nice work
  10. Basser15

    390+ Bull at 55-60 yards too far...

    "Hind sight 20/20, I should have been set-up on the other side of the water! HIND SIGHT!!!" But we all know that if you set up on the other side of the pond then he would have come in right to where your blind was while you were filming. That's just how those things work Great video
  11. Basser15

    Video footage finally posted

    Very nice. Congrats on the bucks.
  12. Basser15

    Brothers seconed chances buck

    That's a heck of a buck!
  13. Basser15

    NM Oryx!!!!

    You're killing me Ben! Congrats on the draw. It seems your luck continues.
  14. Basser15

    Sunflower seeds

    I'm going to have to put my vote in for the Spitz Dill followed by the Spitz Cracked Pepper. I tried chewing the Davids Original again recently and it didn't taste as good and was much rougher on the inside of my mouth.
  15. Basser15

    White F150

    That was mine. Went out with some friends in the area on Friday so my truck ended up spending the night in the garage
  16. Basser15


    You're probably more to CWT than just a Newbie
  17. Basser15


    Josh, glad to see you're still around.
  18. Basser15

    Angie does it again!

    Congrats you two! And good job sticking out the bad weather. It seems as if the general pig season always attracts the rain clouds.
  19. Basser15

    Feral hogs in Arizona

    Not many folks will post pics of the feral hogs they kill in AZ. Sultan, how big was that pig?
  20. Basser15

    180" Archery Buck

    That's a fantastic buck. Why don't you guys have any field photos with the hunter in it?
  21. Basser15

    Archery buck

    Wow, great buck! Congrats
  22. Basser15

    San Carlos Bulls

    Those are some great bulls. Archery or rifle hunts?
  23. Basser15

    Great Trip To Mexico

    Nice work bud.
  24. Basser15

    San Carlos Jan Hunt

    Outstanding buck, congrats!
  25. Basser15

    3rd desert mulie in a row

    Very nice buck, congrats!