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Everything posted by Basser15

  1. Basser15

    Darkened another shed (Updated)

    I'm interested on how you do it too. Got a matched muley set that I'd like to try it on.
  2. Basser15

    How do you spend your Saturdays?

    Looks like a great Fall so far with the Family!
  3. Basser15

    Alaska Caribou

    That's awesome guys! Sounds like a great trip.
  4. Basser15

    My NM Elk Hunt

    Heck of a bull! Congrats
  5. Basser15

    7E September archery

  6. Basser15

    Redemption Bull

    Congrats again man, you've worked hard for that bull and it is well deserved. And thanks for letting me tag along to eat your food and drink your beer.
  7. Basser15

    Decided to Hunt the Velvet Season

    Well worth the tag....congrats!
  8. Basser15

    Another toad hits the dirt

    You guys have way too much time on your hands. But then again I just skimmed through all of the drivel so I guess that means I have too much time on my hands right now too...
  9. That is awesome guys! Congrats And to get it on video like that is very cool.
  10. Basser15

    Funny Sticker story

    I moved to NW Phoenix last month and the neighborhood does not have good cell service for Verizon customers. As you pull in to the neighborhood there is a little turn out that we can park and finish our conversation before the call drops. A couple of weeks ago I was sitting there finishing up a call with a buddy, ironically about coues hunting, when an MCSO truck pulls in behind me and the officer starts walking towards my truck. I told my buddy I had to go and would call him back, then rolled down my window... Me: "Hi, how are you?: Officer: "Good. Sorry to interrupt your call but I saw your CWT sticker on your truck and just wanted to say hi. It's nice to know that there are some other whitetail hunters in the neighborhood." I had to laugh a little bit because of course when you see an officer in uniform approaching you automatically start running everything in your head as to what you could have done wrong We ended up talking for a while about coues and hunting them down south since he hasn't hunted south of Tucson in a while now due to the traffic down there. Sad to see that folks have abandoned hunting areas that they grew up visiting because of the immigrant and drug issues we have down there. Anyway, thought it was a funny experience and nice to have a new friend in the area. The officer said he surfs CWT but hasn't ever signed up for the site. Maybe if he sees this it would convince him to join.
  11. Basser15

    Looking For Part Time Employment

    Also check out the City of Flagstaff Parks and Rec or the the Flagstaff Unified School District. I worked for both of those while at NAU with the after school programs and they were a lot of fun and paid better than most of the other part time jobs in town.
  12. Basser15


    Great pics Doug. Good looking bulls
  13. Basser15


    Anybody know if there were more hits on cards as of today?
  14. Basser15

    Ulmer Edge

    I shot my Utah buck with one last year and was really impressed. Shoots just like my practice field tips. The archery shops around town should carry them and it sounds like some of the others on here have seen them at the bigger chain stores as well.
  15. Basser15

    Future doctor

    Congratulations....that a very exciting phone call or letter to get! I hunted more in dental school and residency than I did in undergrad and a few years I worked in between. Good luck with those student loans...
  16. Basser15

    10x16 tent sold

    Where are you located? I've got an old scope sitting around that I've been trying to figure out what to do with. And I misplaced my tent last year....probably left in camp as I drove off.
  17. Basser15

    Big 9 Bull

    That's a tank! Nice work.
  18. Basser15

    white lab puppies for sale

  19. Wow...that was awesome! Besides the show they put on it was cool to see the color change in the head of the second bird during his approach and during the strut.
  20. Basser15

    What is the latest in spring has anybody called in a gobbler

    Several years ago I called in a group of Toms in the middle of May. Think it was week 3 of the turkey season.
  21. Basser15

    The Horseshoe Turkey

    Very nice! Congrats How much for that horseshoe??
  22. Basser15

    Leftover luck

    Call the Mesa office, I got thru every time. Will they have it on their computer already or can u just get it from the main office? You can call any of the satellite offices and just ask them to look up you elk information for you. If you were selected it will be in the system.
  23. Basser15

    Bird Down

    Right on! Congrats on the bird
  24. Basser15

    Why do people want to hunt Goulds so bad?

    Winds have been pretty brisk down here in Tucson lately but I can remember the majority of my turkey hunts around Flagstaff involving way too much wind as I was trying to listen for a gobble. Only good new is that when you do hear them you know they are within a 100 yards of you...