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About Basser15

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 11/20/1980

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  1. Basser15

    Info Desire: AZ G&F Cannot Charge CC Upfront For Tags

    I would prefer that they charge upfront for the entire cost of the tags like they used to. But if I remember correctly there was a big lawsuit back in the USO days that now prevents them from doing that. If they can find a way to start charging up front again then it would prevent issues like we see now but more importantly it would help with true hunting opportunities by preventing a lot of folks from abusing the bonus point and Point Guard system. As it stands, there are a lot of people that put everyone in their family in for tags or points (even if they don't hunt) because they're only out the cost of the application. If you had to front the total cost of each tag for each person you would see that go down quite a bit.
  2. Basser15

    Some eastern whitetail pics while we wait.....

    Awesome Fall for sure!
  3. Basser15

    Tick Tock

    They are cutting it really close to have the cards charged and the results posted in time for those who will apply for the leftover tags on March 22
  4. Basser15

    Smuggling hides

    It can be frustrating for sure! We had probably one of the easier crossing experiences coming home this year but in years past we've had hides and heads taken due to a certain border agent who seemed to take pride in it. Thankfully we found out that he has been moved to Texas.....which might be why guys are trying to smuggle them home over there now
  5. Basser15

    Who hear is a leader/boss?

    Much easier to run a tight ship and loosen up to where you need to be then to start loose and then tighten up. Not always going to be able to be their friend.....but that's OK as long as you are respected.
  6. Basser15

    Unicorn has returned home

    Looks good and I like your display set up
  7. Basser15

    Road Hunting discussion

    Over the years I've had to chuckle at the guys who get fired up over "road hunters". If they themselves were not on or near a road how would they know other folks were road hunting? If you like hunting from your truck, stay on the road and not driving cross country, then I say go for it. This has no effect on the 10% of the hunters that are doing 90% of the killing.
  8. Basser15

    Archery Goat Down

    Great job. All the time you put in scouting made for a quick hunt!
  9. Basser15

    Kodiak Sitka Trip

    Man that trip looks awesome! You're making me think that I should be taking my bow with me next year
  10. Basser15

    Girls Trip

    My wife and I took our two oldest girls out this weekend for their deer hunt. My oldest is 13 now and in the past has had some very unfortunate luck when it comes to deer hunts. Thankfully this year it all came together for her and she was able to take this awesome buck at 348 yards. The weekend before I set up our steel target at 350 yards for them because to me that's about the distance most coues hunts come together, and wouldn't you know that would be the distance that this buck stood up and was feeding in front of us. Mama and I were pretty stoked for her and she was about as excited as a 13 year old gets over things these days! Those smiles say it all.
  11. Basser15

    My son's first deer

    Awesome deer....congrats!
  12. Basser15

    Dream Buck

    I got to play the spot and stalk game on some other fantastic deer the first 3 days of the hunt and had some missed opportunities for one reason or another. I'd zig and they would zag. On Day 4 I was sitting water as we had this buck patterned to come in every third day either at 6:30am or 6:30 pm. On this day he came in at 6:30 pm and gave me a 35yard shot on the drinker. If you notice the stripped velvet on his antlers, that is due to him running full steam in to the barbed wire fence that surrounded the catchment following the shot. It ended up being a little further back than I was planning on but we were able to recover him the next morning.
  13. Basser15

    Dream Buck

    Well after 20 years of applying I was able to hunt the famed Strip this year. It turned out to be everything that I would have hoped for and came home with a buck of a lifetime. Can't thank my buddies at Shadow Valley Outfitters for helping put in the leg work prior to the season starting when I couldn't be up there. Now that I got this out of the way I can get back to hunting Coues 😀
  14. Basser15

    First Time Mexico Coues Hunt DIY

    Awesome hunt right there
  15. Awesome bucks! Mexico is a special place