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Everything posted by Sparks

  1. Sparks


    " Should we tell mom the horse came back without dad?" " Nah, I'm sure he's fine."
  2. Sparks


    Me when the wife takes me to a new restaurant and I find out they don't serve beer.
  3. Sparks

    Unit 22 south cow?

    I've seen elk on the hilltops where the forest service thinned the trees on either side of the 87 below payson. You could also hit dollbaby road and the roads that peel off to the south of it. Just don't shoot one on the north side of the road😉
  4. This all started when I decided to switch from pellets to blackhorn powder. I shot myself out of hornadys working up a load and then discovered all the stores were sold out! So I bought some t/c shockwaves in 250 grain with the mag express sabot, they were very accurate and grouped well out to 300 yards, so I was happy with them. Fast forward to the third day of my 2019 m/l elk hunt and I find a shooter bull bedded across a canyon, l creep to 290 yards and lay my crosshairs on his, take a breath and squeeze the trigger. The bull barley flinched! He and his cows looked around for a bit then went back to chewing their cud. A minute later he stood up, walked a little deeper into his tree an laid back down. We'll shoot I missed. Work my way down the hillside a little farther so I have a good line of sight on his shoulder again. 256 yards and this shot hammers him! He died in less than 10 minutes without leaving his bed. When I got to him I noticed a lump on his side, so I pulled out my knife and dug out the bullet from my first shot, completely intact, and didn't even knock the ballistic tip off. The shot was too far back, missing the vital organs. I never found the second bullet, but it took out both lungs. So my question is: has anyone else had this happen to them? Was it just a fluke or was I asking too much of it to perform at that range?
  5. Sparks

    New .277 Sig Fury

    "That's an experiment"
  6. Sparks

    Opinions on t/c Encores

    Very good point about the hammers yotebuster. I grew up with lever actions and single shot shotguns and never gave it a second thought. But now that you mention it, it is nerve racking watching someone try to lower a hammer when they're not used to one. So definitely not getting one for the kids. So it kind of sounds like they are like most guns around this price range, in that they have the potential to be very accurate but usually need some tinkering.
  7. Kicking around the idea of getting one. Mostly because I think it would grow up well with the kids since you basically have unlimited barrel options, plus maybe a couple custom rifle/muzzleloader barrels for me.I've already read some other forums and basically everybody either loves them or hates them. I putting it up here since I feel like we make our guns work a little harder than most. Accuracy, safety, and reliability are what I'm most curious about.
  8. Sparks

    Youth cow unit 22 help

    Go to That Brewery and have a pint or two and right after the sun drops down the elk will come to you.
  9. That's a lot of good information thank you. That's the thing that gets me about ML hunting is the lack of information on the internet, if you want to shoot past 200 yards you have to figure it out on your own or get help from people at places like this.
  10. Sparks

    Cow Elk hunt 22 south

    Honestly anywhere close to payson, star valley, or round valley. Lots of town elk that come in at night and raid everybody's gardens then move off and bed down.
  11. I guess these bullet are either one extreme or the other. Tell your son excellent job not getting rattled and making a good follow up shot on a good bull.👍
  12. That seems to be the favorite after reading a few threads on here. Will definitely give them a try.
  13. Sparks

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    With a $4000 bounty on their head they won't stay free for long.
  14. A picture of the rest of him for you guys