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Everything posted by 970_lly

  1. 970_lly

    Big Eyes STS65 HD 25-50

    Big Eye setup using Adams Adapter. Two STS65’s with wide angle 25-50x eye pieces. Comes with hard case with laser cut foam. Brand new in October ‘23, only have been out a half dozen times. Love the setup, a BTX just works better for what I do and I’m only selling to fund another objective. On that note, only partial trades would be for a newer 65 or 85 X objective or SLC HD 15’s. Asking $5100 TYD F&F, USPS money order, or G&S but you cover the fees. Pm or text, (970)812-6297. Thanks for looking!
  2. 970_lly

    WTB Swaro ATS 80

    As the title says, looking to buy an angled Swarovski ATS 20-60x80, HD or non-HD. Looking to buy ASAP as I really need it by the end of next week. Pm or text 970812-6297, thanks!
  3. 970_lly

    WTB Swaro ATS 80

    Looking to buy a used one.