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Everything posted by eddielasvegas

  1. eddielasvegas

    Last day buck

    Congrats and let's get that 2nd pic oriented correctly. Eddie
  2. eddielasvegas

    Private pad for camping near Humbug, AZ

    Maybe, but I almost always give a person the benefit of the doubt unless it's highly suspect from the get go. Time will tell.... Eddie
  3. eddielasvegas

    Private pad for camping near Humbug, AZ

    Link is redirecting to the site's join page. Maybe make your page public will solve the issue? Eddie
  4. Hello CWT, Two of us are sickly and cannot attend the game tomorrow so our four (4) tickets are for sale. Game time is 1PM on Feb. 2, 2025 Section 115, Row 18, Seats 1-2 Section 115, Row 19, Seats 1-2 The first "I'll get take them" in the thread gets them. Backup "I'll take them" is okay and I'll update the thread when sold. Tickets are transferred using your email. Price is $150 for four tickets and payment via Zelle or cash. Thanks, Eddie P.S. If these are not sold by 1900 MST today, then I'll list them elsewhere.
  5. eddielasvegas

    Tanners Junior Elk Hunt

    Now this puts a big smile on my face. Congrats to all. Eddie
  6. eddielasvegas

    Junior javelina 2025

    Well done on your stink pig. Eddie
  7. eddielasvegas

    Happy Biden Be Gone Day

    A true POS administration is now out. There is now hope for our great country. Eddie
  8. eddielasvegas

    Swaro NL Pures?

    In Scottsdale. Thanks for the offer @MMACFIVE Eddie
  9. eddielasvegas

    Swaro NL Pures?

    Good topic @Azoutdoors 👍 I've been considering 12x50 ELs and 12x42 NLs and the focus knob question does gives me pause so I need to get my hot little hands (like Dooneese 🤣 ) a pair of NLs to give the FK a try. My budget allows for either, but I'm also a value kinda guy so if I can get 95% of the NLs at 70% of the NL price, well, that is tempting so we'll see how it plays out. Eddie
  10. eddielasvegas

    Gun Cabinet

    Correctly oriented pix always ensure a quicker sale. 😁 GLWS, Eddie
  11. eddielasvegas


    Nice truck. NH state motto on the ceiling. You from NH? GLWS, Eddie
  12. eddielasvegas

    World record Elk

    https://www.outdoorlife.com/hunting/casey-brooks-pending-world-record-elk/#:~:text=Brooks' bull was given official,original post on Jan. 2. Eddie
  13. eddielasvegas

    BBD - 2024 hunt

    Great story, bucks and pix. Well done gents. Eddie
  14. eddielasvegas

    Pay it forward - I will start

    I recycled our cable modem (sadly, after I bought its replacement) and Best Buy gave me a 15% off coupon. I just got this on Monday and had no idea it expires on the 31st so you must act quickly. If you plan on buyig a cable mode, router, etc soon, this will save you a few bucks. It would have saved me $30+ on the cable modem I bought. This says in store only but you might be able to use the barcode numbers in the attached image. Post an update to this thread if you do. I'll be glad to meet you at the BB on Hayden in N. Scottsdale if it only works in store. PM me to arrange meeting, Eddie
  15. eddielasvegas

    My sheep hunt in the Picachos (37A east)

    Congrats, good story and good job. What a beautiful ram. Eddie
  16. eddielasvegas

    $300 Cabela's or BassPro Gift Card - $250 +++++ SOLD ++++++

    Sold. Thanks all. Eddie
  17. I'll never use it so up for sale it goes. This was a retirement gift. Price is $250. FTF only. PM me with questions or interest. Located in NE PHX/N. Scottsdale. Thanks, Eddie
  18. eddielasvegas

    Shoot Steel

    Interested, but need add'l info if possible. What is thickness of plates and which stand(s) is it? Thanks, Eddie
  19. eddielasvegas

    $300 Cabela's or BassPro Gift Card - $250 +++++ SOLD ++++++

    SPF. Thanks CWT. Eddie
  20. eddielasvegas

    Windham Weaponry R20GVTA4S-7

    Where are you located? Thanks, Eddie
  21. eddielasvegas

    First bear. BIG boar. Spot and stalk

    Beautiful bear and well done. That just might be Bigfoot's pet bear based on the size of its paw. 🤣 Eddie
  22. eddielasvegas

    Sheep Army, Who Wants In ?

    Fantastic job by the hunters and the sheep army. Bravo Zulu. Eddie
  23. eddielasvegas

    Rough tag great hunt

    Good story and congrats on the elk. Eddie